Address:Department of Haematology
Faculty of Medicine
KingAbdulazizUniversity (KAU) “MedicalCenter”
P.O. Box 80215
Jeddah 21589
Saudi Arabia
TEL:+ 966-2-640-1000 ext. 17047 (Hematology sec)
+ 966-2-640-1000 ext. 17046 (Office)
+ 966-5-566-8660 (Mobile)
FAX:+ 966-2-606-0200
2003 to Present:Associate Professor in Hematology/Medicine,
Consultant Hematologist, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
KingAbdulazizUniversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
July 2003 & July 2005:Acting Chairman of Hematology Department
KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1990 to 2003:Assistant Professor at KingAbdulazizUniversity, Consultant Haematologist / Consultant Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
1999 to March 2001
May 2002 to Jan.2008:Head of the Haematology Research Laboratory at the KingFahdMedicalResearchCenter, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2001 to Present:Head of Diagnostic Unit for Inherited Blood Disorders at the Haematology Laboratory in KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2000 to present:Head, Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
February 2002 to
March 2003:Coordinator of Post-Graduate for MRCPath (U.K.) at KingAbdulazizUniversity Hosp.
March 2003 to present:Director of Hematology/Oncology Task Force in Haematology Department. (KAUH)
July 2002:Acting chairman of Hematology Department at King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH).
July: Chairman of Haematology (clinical and laboratory) at the
1996 – 1998King Fahd Armed Forces Military Hospital (KFMH), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Acting Head, Director of the Laboratories /King Fahd Armed Forces Military Hospital (for 45 days each year)
Clinical Coordinator for Saudi Medical Personnel
Member of Quality Assurance and Clinical Audit
Initiate and in-charge of transfusion committee.
Initiate neonatal screening program of sickle cell haemoglobinopathies and thalassemia disorders at the King Fahd Armed Forces Military Hospital. 1996.
Maintenance of Certification of RoyalCollege of Physician of Canada MOC 2005
Fellow of RoyalCollege of Physician and Surgeon of Canada, 2006 - Renewal
Clinical Fellowship in Pediatrics Hematology / Oncology at SickChildrenHospital,
University of Toronto, Canada. Dec. 1990
Clinical Fellowship in Hematology at SunnybrookMedicalCenter
University of Toronto, Canada. July, 1989
Fellow of RoyalCollege of Physician of Canada
(F.R.C.P.C) in Division of Medicine. February 1990
Certificate of Canadian Sub Specialty in Hematology 1989
Canada. September 1984
M.B. Ch.B. (MD)
KingAbdulazizUniversity, College of Medicine & Allied Science, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
June 1981
July 1989 – Dec. 1990:Clinical Fellow in Hematology & Pediatrics
SunnybrookMedicalCenter and Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
July 1988 – June 1989:Resident in Pediatric Haematology / Oncology (R4)
Hospital for Sick Children
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
July 1985 – June 1988:Resident in Pediatrics Department (IWKHospital) (R1)
Resident in Internal Medicine / Hematology (VGH, Camp Hill)
DalhousieUniversity, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
July 1982 – May 1984:Resident in Pediatrics
KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
July 1981 – 1982:Rotating Internship
KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- The Canadian Paediatric Society (1988)
- The American Society of Pediatrics Hematology / Oncology (1989)
- Fellow of the RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons in Division of Medicine of Canada, 1990
- The American Association of Blood Bank (1990)
- European Hematology Association #4328 (2005)
- American Hematology Association #1009805 (2006)
- Member of Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Saudi Commission for Health Specialties #06-J-M-27130 (double qualified)
Founder and Executive Board Member of the Saudi Society of Hematology and
Founder and Executive Board Member in the Saudi Society of Thalassaemia
and Sickle Cell Anaemia.
Member in the Saudi Arabian Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Society (SAPHOS)
Member in the Saudi Society of Oncology.
Founding Member of the Saudi Medical Laboratories
Member in the Saudi Tumor National Registry
Member of the National Project to Prevent Hereditary Blood Disease
Director of Research in International of Scientific Signs in the Quran & Sunnah Women's Commission, Jeddah.
- Al Jaouni SK, Ross G, Bernard L. I.V. Gamma Immunoglobulin treatment, comparing pediatric and adult patients in chronic I.T.P. DalhousieUniversity Research, Halifax, Canada. May 1988.
- Al Jaouni SK, Pinkerton PH, Sheidan BL. Breakpoints involved in deletion of long arm of chromosome 5 in myelodysplasia and acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia do not correlate with the morphological diagnosis. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 1990; 3: 195-200.
- Gazzaz FS, Mosli H, Al Jaouni SK, et al. Cytomeglouirus infection among children with blood malignancies. Saudi Med J 1997; 18(5): 476-479.
- Al Jaouni SK. Prevalence of antibodies to human T-lymphotrophic virus types I and II amongst Saudi Arabian blood donors. Ann Saudi Med 2000; 20(2): 155-156.
- Al Jaouni SK. Primary thrombophilia in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J 2003; 24(6): 614-616.
- Al Jaouni SK, Gari M, Damanhouri G, Fadlalah M, Jarullah J. Chromatographic Phenotypes Distribution of Neonatal Thalassemia & Sickle Cell Anemia in Hospital Births in Jeddah area, Saudi Arabia. Egyptian J Pediat 2003; 20 (3/4): 595-605.
- Al Jaouni SK, Gari MH, Damanhouri GA, Fadlalah, M. Neonatal Screening for hemoglobinopathies Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. The Second Annual Meeting for Scientific Research. Scientific Publishing Centre, KingAbdulazizUniversity, Jeddah. 31/3/2003: 153-164. ISBN: 9960-06-365-8.
- Al-Muhayawi, Al-Jaouni SK. Adenotonsillectomy in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Without Pre-Operative Blood Transfusion. Saudi Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2005;7(2):68-71.
- Al Jaouni SK, Al Sayes F. Systemic Mastocytosis Recent Advances in Management and Treatment – Hematological View. Egyptian Journal of Pediatrics 2006 vol. 23 Pge (1 & 2),97-104.
- Al-Jaouni SK, Al-Muhayawi SM, Qari M, Abu Nawas M. Safety of Avoiding Peri-Operative Transfusion in Sickle Anemia. HAEMATOLOGICA 2006;91(supplement 1)
- Al Jaouni SK. Molecular Characterization and Clinical Significance of G6PD Deficiency in Western Saudi Arabia. HAEMATOLOGICA 2006;91(supplement 1).
- Al Jaouni SK. Studies on Survival and Disease Complication of Thalassemia Major, Experience of 14 years at KingAbdulAzizUniversityHospital. HAEMATOLOGICA 2006;91(supplement 1)
- Al Jaouni SK, Al Muhayawi, SM, Qari MH, Abu Nawas M, Mazroh A. Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety of Avoiding Pre-operative Transfusion in Sickle Cell Anemia. Bahrain Medical Bulletin vol. 28 #4 December 2006:164-167.
- Al JaouniSK, Qari M., Ashankyty, I.,Al-Mahayawi, S, Jarullah, J. Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Correlation between Genotype and Phenotype. Journal of KingAbdulazizUniversity, Medical Sciences JKAU: Med. Sci. Vol.14 No. 2, pp:3-13 (2007 A.D. / 1428 A.H.).
- Al Jaouni SK, Al Jedani H. Hematopoietic Colon Stimulating Factors Can Cause Cataract. Haematologica June 2007; vol. 92(suppl 1) pp 542.
- Al Jaouni SK. The Pattern of Bone Disease and It's Morbidity Among Thalassemia Treated at a Single Institute in Saudi Arabia. Haematologica June 2007; vol. 92(suppl 1) pp 428-429.
- Qari M, AlJaouniSK, AlSayes F, Fatani H, Mousa S. Reduction of Painful Vaso-Occlusive Crisis of SCA by Tinzaparin in Double Blind Randomized Trial. Thrombosis and Hemostasis Journal 2007; 98:392-396.
- Al Jaouni SK. Serum Ferritin is a Poor Indicator of Myocardial Iron Content in Early Stage of Iron Overload in Thalassemia Major. The Egyptian Journal of Haematology, Volume (32), Number (3) June 2007; page 171-176.
- Al Jaouni SK, Frda N Prevalence of bone disease in children & adolescents with SCA single institute experience in KSA, Haematological June 2008; 93 (S1) page 519.
- Al Jaouni SK, Successful management of refractory severe thrombocytopenia associated with antiphospholipid syndrome using rituximals, Blood Journal of American Society of Hematology; November 16, Volume 113 No. 11,2008 #4570.
- Al Jaouni SK, Using Noval experimental PM 701 in refractory Hodgkin Disease control with conventional therapy. Blood November 16, Volume 113 No. 11 2008 #4677.
- El bostany Eman, Al Jaouni SK. Spectrum of inherited bleeding disorders in pediatrics..
Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis. 19(8):771-775, December 2008.
- Al Jaouni SK, Smith G. Guide to Transfusion Medicine. 1997. (In Arabic and English).
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni & Dr. Nadia Gannem, Blood Diseases & Osteoporosis(Arabic)
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni, Role of Prevention of Hereditary Blood Disease. (Arabic)
- Dr.Soad Al Jaouni, Anemia & Malnutrition. (Arabic)
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni, Premarital Screening
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni, Information About Inherited Blood Diseases
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni, Inherited Blood Diseases (Arabic)
- Dr. Soad Al Jaouni Prevention of Thalassemia Major and Sickle Cell Anemia (Arabic)
Pamphlets (Arabic) written by Dr. AlJaouni
- Hereditary Blood Diseases
- Prevention from Cancer
- Prevention from Thalassemia Major and Sickle Cell Anemia
Papers accepted (presented as proceeding)
- Al Jaouni SK, Adam S, Ayoub D, et al. Immunoglobulin levels as an indicator of relapse in acute lymphoblastin leukemia in children. Accepted as (poster presentation at Montreal, Canada, September, 1995) Annual Meeting of Royal College of Physician and Surgeon.
- Al Jaouni SK, Al Muhayawi S, Gari MH. Safety of avoiding perioperative transfusion in sickle haemoglobinopatheis. (Controlled study).
3rd International Saudi Symposium of Hematology & Blood Transfusion in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Oral Presentation, 2001.
Poster Presentation at KingAbdulazizUniversity, Jeddah. The International
Conference on Advanced Medicine with collaboration AmericanCollege of Physician Society of Internal Medicine. 24 April 2001.
ASH Meeting abstract # 3535 December 2002
Presented at Ninth International Thalassaemia Symposium. Palermo, Italy.
17 October 2003.
- Al Jaouni SK.
The prevalence of the most common cause of thrombotic disease among Saudi patients attending anticoagulant clinic.
Oral Presentation.
2nd International Saudi. Symposium of Hematology & Blood Transfusion in Riyadh 12-15 Feb 2000.
Poster Presentation.
The international conference on Advanced Medicine, KingAbdulazizUniversity with collaboration with American Collage of Physician society of Internal Medicine. 25-26 April 2001
- Al-Jaouni, SK., Al-Muhayawi, S., Gari, M. Safety of avoiding perioperative transfusion in sickle haemoglobinopatheis (Controlled study).
3rd International Saudi Symposium of Hematology & Blood Transfusion in
Riyadh. Oral Presentation, 2001.
Poster Presentation at KingAbdulazizUniversity, Jeddah. The international
conference on Advanced Medicine with collaboration American collage of physician society of internal medicine. 24 April 2001.
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Meeting 44 Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, USA abstract # 3535 Dec. 2002
Presented at Ninth International Thalassaemia Symposium on 17 – 10 – 2003.
Italy, Palermo.
- Sejeny, SA, Quaife, R., Damanhouri, G., Hassounah, F., AlJaouni, S., Omer, A. Frequency and spectrum of -Thalassaemia mutations in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. Presented at the International Thalassaemia Conference "Malta" 4-9 April 1997.
Research and Papers has been done and sent for Publication
- Al Jaouni SK, Smith G. Blood group distribution in the Saudi population.
- Al Jaouni SK. Distribution of β-thalassemia and hemoglobinopatheis in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Al Jaouni SK. Serum Ferritin is a Poor Indicator of Myocardial Iron Content in Early Stage of Iron Overload in Thalassemia Major. (In press).
- Al Jaouni SK. Studies on Survival and Disease Complication of Thalassemia Major, Experience of 14 years at KingAbdulAzizUniversityHospital. (In press).
- Al Jaouni SK,Al Muhayawi S, Gari M. “Controlled Study” Safety of avoiding perioperative transfusion in sickle haemoglobinopathies. (Abstract presentation at the
3rd International Saudi Symposium of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in
Riyadh). Poster presentation at The International Conference on Advanced Medicine on the 23-26 April 2001, Jeddah, KSA.
- Co-Author. Determination of the most frequent -thalassemia mutations in population. Basis for prenatal diagnosis.
- Co-Author. Haplotypes of sickle cell anemia in the western province of Saudi Arabia.
- Al-JaouniSK, et al. Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. Neonatal Survival: Frequency and Clinical Significance.
- G.A. Raouf, W. A. Ekhateeb, S. Jaouni, H. Toma, M. Qari, K. Elkebba, T. A. Kumosani. Infrared Spectroscopy of Human Bone Marrow: Evidence of Structural Changes During Acute Leukemia.
- Comprehensive newborn screening program for detecting the most common inherited blood disorders and initiating a comprehensive care program. (Principal investigator). Completed.
Granted #002/420
- "Frequency and spectrum of -Thalassaemia mutations in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia". (Co-author). Completed.
- DNA damage and repair in leukemia / lymphoma patients determined by Single cell gel electrophoresis and treatment outcome (Co-investigator). Completed.
Granted #009/421
- Neonatal Screening for G6PD deficiency (Principle Investigator). Completed.
- G6PD Genotype among Saudi Patients (Principal Investigator). Completed.
- Pre-martial screenings for detecting the most common inherited blood disorders and
initiate a primary prevention program. (Principal Investigator). Completed.
- A National Program as Community Base to Control the Hereditary and Congenital
Disorders by Applying Comprehensive Newborn Screening. (Principal
- Initiate a primary prevention program for hemoglobinopatheis (Principal
Investigator) Grant #013/423
- Lipid profiles in sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia patients. (Co-investigator).
- Prospective study among Saudi donors for detection and prevalence of hereditary
hemochromatosis in the Western region. (Co-investigator).
- Molecular Characterization of G6PD Deficiency amongSaudi Arabia Patients. Grant
# 426/026. (Principle Investigator). Gene sequencing.
Research for Haematology Department
at KingFahd Research Center/KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital
Research for Haematology Department
at KingFahdResearchCenter
Granted/Ungranted Research
Researches 2008/2009
1. Detection of Residual Disease of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia among Children by
Using Infrared Spectroscopy (Co-Investigator)
2. Experimental Use of PM 100 in Ulcers Due to Severe Neutropenia in ALL Children
(Principal Investigator).
3. Applications of Diagnostic Procedures in the Diagnosis of G6PD Deficiency
including the Molecular Sequencing in Neonatal Screening (Principal Investigator).
4. The Association between Thrombocytopenia and Helopactor Infection (Principal
5. Application of Cupping in a Control Study for Management of Sickle Cell Vaso-
Occlusive Crisis (Principal Investigator).
6.The Prevalence of Bone Disease among Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children
(Principal Investigator).
1.G6PD Genotypeby Gene Sequencing (Granted)
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Principal Investigator)
2.Uses & Application of Fouria Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy in Analysis, Early Diagnosis and Follow-up of Patients with Blood Disease.
3.Study of von Willebrand Disease Phenotype among Saudi Patient Multicenter Trial.
4.The Prevalence and Incidence of Hemoglobinopathies and G6PD in Western Region
of Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Principal Investigator)
5.Normal and ReferenceRanges of the CBC Result among Saudi Population.
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Principal Investigator)
6.Laboratory Investigations for the Ideal Screening Tests for G6PD Deficiency.
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Principal Investigator)
7.Bone Disease Among Thalassemia Major Patient
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni, Dr. Abdulmoien Agha
8.The Prevalence of Bone Disease IN Sickle Cell Anemia and Hematological Diseases
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Principal Investigator)
9.To Study the Social Support and Complication Among Thalassemia Major Patient
Multicentral Study in Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni. (Co-Investigator)
1.Comparison of Standard Treatment of Hepatitis C and Alternative Therapy from Alternative Medicine: a Randomized Controlled Trial. (Principal Investigator).
2.A control study group of treatment of Helicobacter pylori and Role of prevention of Malt lymphoma. (Principle Investigator).
Al Jaouni SK, Dr. Nasrat AM, Akbar H, Dr. Falata H.
3.Infection and Sickle Cell Anemia
Dr. Fatin Al-Sayes, Dr. Soad Al-Jaouni, Dr. Asif Fatani
1.New Alternative Medicine Can Cause Selectively Cell Death for Cancer Cell. (Co-Investigator).
Sent for Patent.
Research for Haematology Department
at KingFahdResearchCenter
Granted Research
1.Initiate A Primary Prevention Program for Hemoglobinopathies
S. Jaouni, M. Qari, A. Abozneda, S. Matboli, B. Beirouti.
Research for Haematology Department
at KingFahdResearchCenter
Ungranted Research
1.HypercoagulableState in Sickle Cell Anemia during Vasoocclusive Crisis
G. Zaher, S. Jaouni.
2.Sickle Cell Anemia and Pattern of Infection
F. Al-Sayes, S. Jaouni, F. Gazzaz, A. Fatani.
3.Correlation between Serum Ferritin and MRI Results in Iron Overload Secondary to Chronic Transfusion Programs
S. Adam, S. Jaouni.
Research for Haematology Department
at KingFahdResearchCenter
1.G6PD Genotype Among Saudi Patient
S. Jaouni, M. Qari, I. Ashankyty. Completed.
2.Prevalence of -thalassemia Among Saudi Population at Jeddah
S. Jaouni. Completed.
3.Neonatal Screening of G6PD
S. Jaouni, G. Damanhouri, M. Qari, M. Farouq. Completed.
Educational Activities
International Conferences, Presentations and Publications
1-50th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Congress 2008 USA participated with *2papers accepted will be published in Abstract Blood November, 2008. #4570,#4677
2-International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges (ICON 008). KingAbdulazizUniversity. Center of Nanotechnology. June 17-19, 2008. Poster Presentation.CME Accredited
3-13th Congress of European Hematology Association EHA. June 19-22, 2008, Copenhagen. Will participate with two abstract accepted. #1355 & #1068
4-9th International Thalassemia Conference Cairo University, Egypt from May 7_9, 2008. (Poster Presentation& Oral Presentation)
5-7th Saudi Hematology Society Congress, in KingFahadMedicalCity in the cooperation of American Association for Blood Bank (AABB) participated with paper and poster presentation.CME:22+5May 19-22, 2008
6-6th ESPHO, Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, March 27-28, 2008, CairoEgypt, participate with 2 papers accepted 1 oral and 1 Poster Presentation. April 2008
7-Beating Blood Clots in Bahrain, Leo Pharma mini-symposium, January 25, 2008.
8-International Saudi Conference of Advanced Laboratory Medicine. October 30-31, 2007. Organizer of the Hematology Session and Coordinator of Diagnostic Workshop.
CME: 30.
9-12th Conference of European Hematology Association (EHA). Vienna, Austria. June 7-10, 2007.* 2 paper accepted. 1. Pattern of Bone Disease Among Thalassemia Patient. Haematologica. The Hematology Journal vol. 92(S1) pp 428-429 June 2007. 2. Growth Factor (GCF) Can Cause Cataract. Hematologica. The Hematology Journal vol. 92(S1) pp 542 June 2007.2 abstract accepted.
10-8th International Thalassemia Conference. Cairo University, Egypt. May 8-10, 2007. Participating withoral presentations.
11-5th International Congress of Egyptian Society of Pediatric hematology/Oncology (ESPHO) 28-30 March 2007, Cairo. *Pediatric Thrombophilia. (Poster Presentation).
12-Genetic Conference. EuropeanHospital. Paris, France. Jan. 2007. (Novel Gene Mutations of G6PD Among Saudi Patients).
13-International Symposium Oncology Update – 2007. 27-28 February 2007. KingFaisalSpecialistHospital & Research Centre, Jeddah, KSA. CME:12.
14-International Conference of Venous Thromboembolism, Current Trends & Future Directions. 4-5 February 2007 in KingFaisalSpecialistHospital and Research Centre, Jeddah, KSA. CME: 8. Accredited by CME: 5 by McMaster University, Canada.
15-47th ASH Annual Meeting participated with an article #111. (Tinzaparin in the Management of Painful Vaso-Occlusive Crisis of Sickle Cell Anaemia). USA
16-International Saudi Symposium on Hemostasis and Thrombosis (INSSH), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 25-27, 2006. Speaker, Workshop Organizing / Member of Scientific and Organizing Committee. CME: 17.
17-11th Conference of European Hematology Association (EHA). Amsterdam. June 15, 2006.* 2 accepted presentations – (1) Molecular Clinical Characterizations in G6PD in Western Saudi Arabia Abstract #0061 (2) Survival and Disease Complications of TM – 14 Years Experience Abstract #0378(3) The Safety of avoiding pre-operative transfusion in patients with sickle cell anemia Abstract #1136. HAEMATOLOGICA 2006;91(supplement 1) CME: 15.75. Participated with 2 posters.
18-Advanced Presentation Skills Workshop. KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital. May 14, 2006. CME accredited.
19-7th International Thalassemia Conference. Cairo University, Egypt. May 7-10, 2006.* (Presentation – 15 Years Experience of KingAbdulazizUniversityHospital in Disease Complication and Control of TM).
20-Conference of AbdulazizUniversityHospital to Build up Better Family. April 2-4, 2006. Participated in preparing a course for pre-marital medical awareness.*
21-4th International Congress of Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (ESPHO). Cairo, Egypt. March 30-31, 2006.* (3 papers accepted and presented). (1) Neonatal Screening of G6PD (2) Systemic Mastocytosis and Hematological Review (3) Thalassemia Update. (Poster Presentation).
22-10th International Conference of Thalassaemia and Hemoglobinopathies (TIF). January 7-10, 2006.* (3 papers accepted). (1) Safety of Avoiding Transfusion in Pre-operative Preparations in SCA (2) Disease Complications of TM (3) Serum Ferritin is a Poor Indicator for Early Myocardial Iron Overload. Dubai, UAE. Abstract # A241, A165.
23-47th ASH Annual Meeting, USA. December 2005. Abstract # 554495 (Tinzaparin in the Management of Painful Vaso-Occlusive Crisis of SCA). Blood Journal of the American Society of Hematology vol. 106 #11 November 2005.
24-3rd International Conference on Advanced Medicine. November 2005. CME: 18.
25-President of ISSPHO & Speaker. International Saudi Symposium of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (ISSPHO). November 21-23, 2005. [CME: Whole symposium = 17 hrs; Nursing satellite = 5 hrs; Hemophilia satellite = 6 hrs; and Alternative medicine = 5 hrs.]. Total CME: 33.
26-XXXth World Congress of International Society of Hematology (ISH) Istanbul Meeting, September 28 to October 02, 2005. EHA CME: 60.
27-The Fourth Middle East Thalassemia Investigators And Thought Leaders MeetingExjade ESCALATOR Study Investigator Meeting IV, September 01-03, 2005, Amsterdam, Holland
28-Annual Conference of RoyalCollege of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Vancouver, September 22-24, 2005. *2 papers submitted.
29-Exjade Escalator Study Investigator Meeting IV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 01-03, 2005.