651 Forest Street Orange, New Jersey 07050
Tel: (973) 677-4120 Fax: (973) 676-5387
Ms. Yancisca Cooke Mr. Ronald Lee
Principal Superintendent of Schools
Forest Street School 2014-2015 SMT
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 2013 3:00-4:30pm
1. Opening, Being present & Attendance
Ms. Cooke, Mrs. Mesidor, Ms. Grayson, Mrs. DeMartini, Ms. Romain, Ms. Donnerstag, Ms. Plasimond, Mr. Canares, Mrs. Fernandez
2. Old Business/Feedback
· 100th Day of School
*Went very well
*Timing worked out great
*Students loved it
*Recommendationànext year set up a planning meeting with grades PreK-2
· Celebrity Reads
*went well
*donated books to the library
*United Way, some did not show
· Micro Society Survey Responses
*Yes à 24
*No à 1
*Possibly à 1
*Did not receive à8
*Recommendations à Monthly staff meetings possibly on Fridays OR Mondays after Micro Society once a month remain; would like to have planning times for managers on Fridays as well (Request for additional funds for planning)
*going smoothly, minor issues that were able to be resolved
3. New Business
· Data Presentation
*Presentation on Monday, March 9th at 1:00pm
· Kindergarten Dismissal
*need for us to revisit and put in place a new procedure for the safety of the students which was forwarded to Mr. Lee
*Kindergartners are now being dismissed from their classrooms
*Parents must sign the students out
*List in each classroom as to which student goes home at 3, who stays for Project Achieve, along with a list of who is able to pick them up.
· Assistant Principal Posting & Interview Team
*Board opened it up to higher an interim assistant principal; has to be interim until the position is available
*Posting created already, however it’s only in-house, will be coming out most likely next week
*Ms. Cooke will be creating an interview team
· MicroSociety Dismissal
*a need to revisit this dismissal
*asked for students to return back to their homerooms at 3:55 and for them to dismiss from their homeroom
· Buddy Reads/Green Eggs & Ham
*Buddy Readsà already set up
*Green Eggs & Hamà JLOSH will be supplying food, skillets
-need parent volunteers
· Career Day
*notices will be sent out soon
*Friday, April 24th
· Board Meeting Presentation 3/10/15
· Districts Strategic Planning Meeting
*discuss with the staff and taking an initiative and become more involved
· Student Surveys
*wants to get their own feedback to the students and will send out to SMT to give feedback
*survey will allow
4. For the Good of the Order
· Parent Involvement
*Need to get the president from Park Ave. to come and speak to us regarding how to get more parents involved
*Parents need to get something out of it; needs to interest them as well