What is a Curriculum Vitae(CV)?

The curriculum vitae or CV is an expanded resume. It is a detailed and structured listing of education, publications, projects, awards, work history, and other information.

It has commonly been used among professionals and students in higher education, scientific fields, research, and medicine; however, it is also becoming more common for undergraduatesapplying for admission to graduate and professional schools, submitting proposals for grants and fellowships, or selected areas of employment.

The CV is a comprehensive biographical statement emphasizing your educational, work, and life experience achievements and accomplishments.

CVs generally are 2-8 pages in length.

The curriculum vitae does not include personal information such as, age, gender, marital status, race, ethnicity or religion.


Clear: Vitae should be well organized, logical, readable, and easily understandable.

Concise: Don’t duplicate your information. Nothing should appear on your CV more than once. Summarize and highlight your information. Don’t pad your CV with extraneous information.

Complete: Include all important and relevant information that the reader needs to make an informed decision about your application.

Consistent: Use the same fonts/style throughout; don’t mix categories and dates.

Honest: Pay attention to detail and make sure the information on your CV is accurate.

Tailored to the position: Consider the purpose of the CV and who will be reading it when selecting the sections, format, and content of the CV.

Open Space: Use a detailed outline approach when formatting your CV. Initially, the CV should attract the interest of the reader by how it is presented.

Relevant information first: Consider the purpose of the CV and its readership when selecting section titles and order.

Publication Style: Use the publication style guide recommended by the graduate school or used in your field. (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)

Current: Continually update the CV; revise at least once a semester; ideally monthly.

Detailed concise action-verb sentences: Action-verb sentences include specific examples and contain quantitative information and show results, when available.

Free of spelling and grammatical errors:Visit the Career Center, LSN-1013, to have someone proof the CV, as well as the University Writing Center in CLV-128.

Reflects your uniqueness: Your CV should represent your uniqueness in its presentation, style, formatting, and content.

Isabel A. Student

2222 West Johnson Street • Sacramento, CA 99999

(916) 555 - 2222 •


Master of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude

California State University, Sacramento, CAExpected: December 2016

Major GPA: 3.86

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Emphasis: RoboticsMinor: Sociology

University of Nevada, Reno, NVMay 2014

Related Coursework:Algorithms and Paradigms, Machine Learning, Computer Networks,

Microprocessor Systems Architecture, Artificial Intelligence,

Achievements:National Award for Excellence in Computing, 2014

Scholarship, American Computing Society, 2013

Language Skills:Bilingual and biliterate in Spanish


Languages: Java, C++, C, Perl, SQL, PHP

Technologies: Java AWT/Swing, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI

Software: CodeWarrior, Visual C++

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (SunOS, AIX, IRIS), Mac OS, Solaris


HCI Research Project:Researched human-robot interaction using sociological research methods to study what people think about robots. Fall 2006

Sensing Computing: A Sensing Approach to Software Design: Focused on sensory applications to computer interface, rather than electronic mediums. Fall 2006


Software Design Intern2014– 2015

Environmental Counsel of California, San Francisco, CA

•Developed a Toxicology Tracking Program (TTP) in Perl and C++ for Engineers.

•Responded to TTP inquiries from consultants throughout California.


Isabel Student and Brian Jones, Projective Software Analysis, Robotics Transactions on Pattern

Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 233(5): 5190-5227, 2004.

Isabel Student and David Jacob, 3-D to 2-D Robotic Projections, International Journal

of Robotics, 342(2/3): 12-145, 2004.

Isabel Student, Adam J. Lake, and David Jones, Efficient Software Analysis of Robotics, Journal of

Recognition, 31(11): 1691-1703, 2004.

Isabel A. Student

Page Two


Poster Presentation Participant, National Society of Robotics, 30th Annual National Convention,

Dallas, TX, March 13 –16, 2014.

Oral Presentation Facilitator, National Society of Hispanic Robotic Engineers, Region One,

University at Buffalo, N.Y., September 18-22, 2014.

Oral Presentation Participant, Healdsburg University, Ronald E. McNair Annual Research

Conference, Bell, N.Y., July 13-15, 2013.


California State University, Sacramento

•Student Member, University Health and Planning Committee

•Student Member, Student Activities Recreation Committee


Fundraiser, American Heart Association, Sacramento, CA, 2014

Board Member, Capitol Aquarium Society, 2014

Community Relations Volunteer, Big Brothers Association, Oxford Chapter, New York, NY, 2014

Event Volunteer, National Bicycle Safety Week, San Francisco, CA, 2013 – 2014

Homeless Shelter of Oxford, Oxford Chapter, Sacramento, CA, 2013

Volunteer, Oxford City Council 10K Run, Folsom, CA, 2012

Former Volleyball Coach, Gridley, CO, 2012


C++ Advance Training, National Computer and Robotics Society, San Francisco, CA, 2015

Software Applications/Robotic Hardware, Northern California Robotics Association, Winters, CA, 2015

Computer Interfaces, Technical Software Working Group, Sacramento, CA, 2014

Robotics in Industry, Industry Technical Working Group, Los Angeles, CA 2014

Advances in Medical Robotics, Northern California Robotics Association, Sacramento, CA 2013

Seminar on Advanced Robotic Software, National Computer and Robotics Society, Bend, OR, 2012


Northern California Robotics Association

Secretary, Technical Software Working Group

National Computer and Robotics Society

California Robotics Society


Secretary, Alumni Group, Northern California Robotics Association

Membership Chair, California Robotics Society

Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae Sample Categories

Include categories that emphasize your strengths, accomplishments, and achievements, and those that are most appropriate to the particular graduate program or research endeavor to which you are applying. Do not include personal data, such as race, disability, date or place of birth, ethnicity, marital status, photographs, or information concerning your family. The following are examples of categories that may be appropriate:

Academic AppointmentsAcademic Accomplishments

Academic Background

Academic Preparation

Academic Service

Academic Training



Areas of Concentration in Graduate Study

Areas of Knowledge

Areas of Expertise






Career Achievements

Career Highlights

Committee Leadership

Community Service

Conference Participation


Convention Addresses

Creative Work


Dissertation Topic


Editorial Appointments

Editorial Responsibilities



Faculty Leadership


Graduate School Field Work

Grants and Contracts

Honorary Societies



Institutional Service

International Travel

International Studies


Language Competencies

Lectures and Colloquia


Master's Project




Professional Achievements

Professional Association Advisory Boards

Professional Certification

Professional Competencies

Professional Contributions

Professional Development

Professional Memberships

Professional Service

Professional Studies

Professional/Technical Papers



Refereed Journal Articles


Research Awards

Research Experience

Research Interests

Scholarly Publications

Study Abroad

Special Training


Teaching/Research Internships


Travel Abroad

University Involvement

Works in Progress