Primary school PE and sport funding
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – will be allocated to primary school head teachers.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census in January 2013.
Purpose of funding
Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Possible uses for the funding might include:
- hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
- supporting and engaging the least active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs
- paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
- providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
- running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games
- buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport
- providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
- pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools.
From September 2013, schools will be held to account over how they spend their additional, ring-fenced funding. Ofsted will strengthen the coverage of PE and sport within the ‘Inspectors handbook’ and supporting guidance so that both schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision.
Schools will also be required to include details of their provision of PE and sport on their website, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.
Children will experience more arranged festivals or tournaments. Staff will have access to expert coaches who will help them to develop their confidence, skills and ability. The co-ordinator for PE will have access to high level CPD which can then be shared with staff in school to develop their knowledge even further.
Funding period
The additional funding will be paid to eligible schools in the academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015.
Toner Avenue SchoolPE and Sport allocation
Eligible Pupils / PE and Sport Grant 2014-15 / Payment in October 2014 (£) / Payment in April 2015 (£)188 / £8940 / £5215 / £3725
Toner Avenue School has chosen to allocate ‘Primary school PE and sport funding’ in the following way for 2014-2015-2016
We have focused the funding to allow us to have expert coaching in a variety of sports.
PPA cover was provided in sports in the Autumn Term 2014 £1800
Hebburn Cluster Partnership - £4650 - this allows us expert coaching and participation in a variety of sports festivals including gymnastics and cheerleading. Accessing the expert coaching also accesses staff to the best practice so that they are able to grow their coaching skills and sports expertise. Working alongside the expert coaching staff allows this project to be more sustainable so that staff will be able to continue the work of the coaches once the grant is discontinued in a years’ time.
Equipment – £1990 – this money is available to buy high quality materials for all pupils to use to develop their sporting skills.
Transport to events - £500 – this money will be used as and when needed to transport children to the various festivals and events. The school is now playing in a football league and are planning in taking part in the South Tyneside High 5 Netball League at Temple Park in February 2016.
The impact of these sporting activities will enable children to be fitter, healthier individuals and also it will increase teacher’s knowledge and expertise to develop their skills to improve outcomes for all pupils.