College Calculus 2016-2017
Instructor. Mr. Piccioli Phone: 814-362-3845 ext 5733
Email: is the best way to get a hold of me
Course Overview:
Calculus is the gate through which students wanting advanced training in most scientific, mathematical and technical fields must pass. This full year scholar course provides the academically talented high school senior with the equivalent of a semester of college calculus. Since a full year is devoted to the course, more emphasis can be placed on multiple methods of solving problems. Students will explore the traditional, algebraic approach to calculus as well as use graphing calculators to represent functions numerically, graphically, and symbolically. Major topics include the theory and application of limits, continuity, derivatives, and integration.
Textbook: Larson, Hostetler, & Edwards, 2006, Calculus of a Single Variable, 8th edition, Houghton Mifflin Co.
Calculator: Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus
Calculators are a very important part of this course. They will be used to interpret results and support conclusions by examining graphs and tables of values. The calculators will also be used to find zeros of a function, compute the derivative of a function numerically, and compute definite integrals numerically. Calculators are provided by the school and may be signed out for at home use
Study Suggestions:
- Preview the material that will be covered in the class
- Always arrive at the classroom on time and never miss class.
- Take detailed classroom notes. Feel free to stop the teacher’s lecture and ask questions when you have trouble to catch up.
- Do a thorough review after class and finish all homework on time.
Student Evaluation:
4-9 week grades are computed using the following weighted scale.
Each marking period will be weighted 22.5% and the Final Exam is weighted 10%
Tests: 45% - At least on test a marking period will be given covering the information learned throughout the chapter.
Quizzes: 35% - Given usually after each section, some sections are combined.
Mathematica Labs: 15% - There are 13 MATHEMATICA labs that will be completed throughout the course as required by Pitt Bradford. Class time will be provided to work on the labs, if additional time is needed the student must arrange a time with the teacher to complete the labs. All labs will be submitted electronically through course sites.
Practice Problems/Projects – 5% - At various points during each marking period, the class will complete problems sets or projects in class.
Homework:Will be given on a regular basis but will not be graded. Although not graded, students are responsible for the completion of all homework assignments.
Retakes - As this is a college class there will be no retakes of tests and quizzes. If you are absent the day of a test/quiz it is your responsibility to schedule a time to make it up not to exceed 10 days from the day of the absence.
Final: There will be a comprehensive final given at the end of the year, the Pitt Calc Final, that will count as 1/5 as the students final course grade. Pitt’s final grade is 20% for each marking period and 20% for the Final exam.
The letter grade for the class is determined using the following Pitt-Bradford scale:
A+ = 98-100A= 92- 97A- = 90-91F = Below 60
B+ = 88-89B = 82-87B- = 80-81
C+ = 78-79C = 72-77C- = 70-71
D+ = 68-69D = 62-67D- = 60-61
Topics Covered in College Calculus
Marking Period 1: Limits and Derivatives
Marking Period 2: Derivatives and Applications of Derivatives
Marking Period 3: Applications of Derivatives and Integration
Marking Period 4: Differential Equations and Applications of Integration