KAM – Web Site Price List:


¨  Basic Package

¨  Intermediate Package

¨  Bespoke Package

¨  E-Commerce

¨  Administration

Site Names – Guide

Site Names – Organisation

Hosting – Options

§  From our own KAM space

§  Via virtual hosting space

§  Via your own Server ‘blade’

§  Via your own Server

¨  Boosting the Traffic!

This is very ‘bespoke’, so one-to-one discussion

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Basic Package £195.00

This ‘entry-level’ package includes a simple three-page site, which is essentially an ‘on-line brochure’. For us to be able to keep this viable, we are forced to use standard templates – which vary slightly according to market area, but which are evenly structured from that point on.

That said – you have free reign over colour choice, and whilst we suggest a sensible spread for page titles – to make the best use of the three pages, we are open to change if reasonable.

We can take specialist knowledge and information into account when constructing page text, and we accept two pictures of your own choice per page. Alternatively, you can place your trust in our seasoned experience and allow us to select suitable images to best promote your services from our own extensive portfolio. All pictures used will be free from copyright restrictions.

Sites at this level can be serviced within our own hosting area to further contain costs, although this means that there may be search restrictions in terms of the Search Engines. Many now will not search sub-folders and structures, which may mean that your site will not be highlighted in end-user searches (see the hosting section for options to overcome this), although it will still be accessible from direct access routes, such as links from other sites or via your advertising brochures, business cards, letter heads or van/truck signage.

However – entry-level hosting is inexpensive and we would recommend that you discuss this with us to gain the best from your new site.

Finally, we can arrange for a suitable name for your site – subject to small administration charges as listed below (see Administration section), and redirection of email etc.

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Intermediate Package £295.00

The intermediate package gives you a five-page site, which is essentially an ‘on-line brochure’. As with the three-page site, for us to be able to keep this viable, we are forced to use standard templates – which vary slightly according to market area, but which are evenly structured from that point on.

Again – you have free reign over colour choice, and whilst we suggest a sensible spread for page titles – to make the best use of the available pages - we are open to change if reasonable.

We can take specialist knowledge and information into account when constructing page text, and we accept two pictures of your own choice per page. Alternatively, you can place your trust in our seasoned experience and allow us to select suitable images to best promote your services from our own extensive portfolio. All pictures used will be free from copyright restrictions.

Sites at this level can be serviced within our own hosting area to further contain costs, although this means that there may be search restrictions in terms of the Search Engines. Many now will not search sub-folders and structures, which may mean that your site will not be highlighted in end-user searches (see the hosting section for options to overcome this), although it will still be accessible from direct access routes, such as links from other sites or via your advertising brochures, business cards, letter heads or van/truck signage.

However – entry-level hosting is inexpensive and we would recommend that you discuss this with us to gain the best from your new site.

Finally, we can arrange for a suitable name for your site – subject to small administration charges as listed below (see Administration section), and redirection of email etc.

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Bespoke Package £295.00+

The bespoke package is very much what it suggests. It’s usually based upon a similar starting point to the intermediate option, but is here to cater for requirements that stretch the limitations we’re forced to place upon the intermediate to contain costs.

The intermediate can still be used as a good solid starting point – which obviously lends itself to containing the overall costs of development. Our intention is that this option allows us to explore some of the particular design or presentation ideas that you may have.

It could be that you just want extra pages. It could be that you wish to sacrifice some pages in exchange for some more complex design on an individual page. Whatever the reasons or outcome, the idea is that we then use a balance of what we can build from the templates, and what is virgin territory – to arrive at a reasonable and cost effective development programme and pricing structure.

We can take specialist knowledge and information into account when constructing page text, and we accept pictures of your own choice for each page. Alternatively, you can place your trust in our seasoned experience and allow us to select suitable images to best promote your services from our own extensive portfolio. All pictures used will be free from copyright restrictions.

Sites at this level can be serviced within our own hosting area to further contain costs, although this means that there may be search restrictions in terms of the Search Engines. Many now will not search sub-folders and structures, which may mean that your site will not be highlighted in end-user searches (see the hosting section for options to overcome this), although it will still be accessible from direct access routes, such as links from other sites or via your advertising brochures, business cards, letter heads or van/truck signage.

However – entry-level hosting is inexpensive and we would recommend that you discuss this with us to gain the best from your new site.

Finally, we can arrange for a suitable name for your site – subject to small administration charges as listed below (see Administration section), and redirection of email etc.

KAM – Web Site Price List:

E-Commerce Packages £1500.00+

The E-Commerce packages are very much bespoke by design. These packages are primarily designed at sites where you wish the audience to participate in interactive sessions – with you – via the site.

This may mean that you wish to trap certain information, or requirements, from your clients. It may mean that you wish them to complete forms or design templates allowing them to provide you with information that you can subsequently use to network or trade with them.

Alternatively – it could be that you wish your site to be a Retail Outlet – enabling your customers to shop on-line from you chose portfolio of products/services. We can build anything you might wish for – from a site which enables clients to view, and then email you with requirements – right the way up to a site which allows you to browse and add to a shopping trolley along the way.

Billing can be carried out at any level. You may choose to keep it simple – as with the email selection route, and just exchange bank details – or cheque payments via post etc. Alternatively – we can build you a complete credit/debit card booking system to back up your shopping trolley transactions.

This latter option includes credit checking and referential integrity of cards with the credit card Companies etc. Essentially, nothing less than what you’d expect from any other high-street trading site.

How do we do this? We build your bespoke site around a standardised ‘core’ – which includes a database, and a suite of routines enabling you to maintain product or service information within that database. The fields on the database are suitably extensive to enable us to provide for most product related scenarios. As such, we can contain the development costs – keeping us competitively priced alongside our rivals.

We suggest that with any of the interactive options, you opt for the more advanced hosting options (see the section on hosting) as interactive response and site availability will be a greater priority. Likewise, with the shopping trolley sites, database storage will be a necessary part of the package.

Finally, we can arrange for a suitable name for your site – subject to small administration charges as listed below (see Administration section), and redirection of email etc.

KAM – Web Site Price List:


Site Names – Guide

Typically, there is a set range of naming conventions with the web site names available for us to pick from. Traditionally, all start with the now famous www for World Wide Web.

The ‘bit in the middle’ is all yours – if available and not being used already by someone else. There are some rules to abide by, in as much as you may only use numbers, letters and hyphens. However, that affords you quite a bit of scope.

The trailing suffixes are usually the determining elements of the name from a pricing perspective – and also, the elements of the name which carry the stigma or acclaim.

A rough rule of thumb might be as follows:

www.yourbusinessname.info is likely to cost around £4.99 for a single year.

www.yourbusinessname.co.uk is likely to cost around £9.99 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.org.uk is likely to cost around £9.99 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.me.uk is likely to cost around £14.99 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.com is likely to cost around £35.00 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.org is likely to cost around £35.00 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.net is likely to cost around £35.00 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.biz is likely to cost around £35.00 for two years.

www.yourbusinessname.tv is likely to cost around £50.00 for a single year.

www.yourbusinessname.eu is coming shortly!!!.

Site Name – Organisation

Selection and Purchase of site name for initial period £9.99

Arranging site space, posting the site and re-routing of email £19.99

‘Hyperlinks’ to other sites from your site (per link) £9.99

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Hosting Options

From our own KAM space

This option is by far the cheapest, and the easiest option to get you started. Essentially, the Web Servers are large computers, usually running an Operating System named Unix, or possible Linux.

These Operating Systems use a series of folders or directories to manage files. KAM have an area of space on one such Server. As a primary account, our folder will be checked by Search Engines when searches are executed. However, sub-folders and sub-directories are largely ignored – as the performance required to service people’s online enquiries would not be achievable if every indeterminate avenue was explored. They have to draw a line somewhere!

With this entry-level hosting option, you would be allocated a sub-folder within the KAM hosting area. As explained – it’s highly unlikely that your site will get picked up in random searches. However – explicit ones will be fine. As such, if you’re using the site as an ‘on-line brochure’, you’re home and dry.

By ‘explicit’, we mean anywhere where the site is referred to directly by its full name. For example:

www.yourbusinessname.co.uk from your Address box on your internet browser

from what are called ‘URL links’, or ‘hyperlinks’ from other web sites – should your business partners have complementary links to your site

N.B. This is an ideal way of networking. It’s also an ideal way of selling extra space on your site to colleagues or associated businesses. We can add links on your site for nominal fees (see Administration section).

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Hosting Options

Your own hosting space (virtual hosting)

There are various ‘entry levels’ in terms of your buying your own hosting space. There are variations on price according to the amount of storage that you require, and how and where the space is organised.

Another variable in the costing arises from availability, or to be more accurate, the guarantee of availability. Essentially – whether your site will be accessible whenever you try and access it.

If you are sharing space on a server which hosts potentially popular sites owned by other Companies, you may find that the bulk of traffic to these other sites impacts upon the availability of your own site.

The rules here are quite simple – the more you pay, the better your chances of uninterrupted access.

As you, or us on your behalf, would be buying this from third parties, it is probably best to shop around when you make the decision to purchase.

Prices vary from about £50 for a year.

KAM – Web Site Price List:

Hosting Options

Your own Server ‘Blade’

The ‘Blade’ technology now available, in hardware terms, offers a considerable cost saving against a traditional stand-alone server in its own right. The immediate cost savings come from the ability to reduce physical storage space, and to optimise the sharing of standardised elements of the servers.

In as close to ‘English’ as the subject will allow, each ‘blade’ is essentially a mother board – complete with it’s own CPU(s) and Memory – plugged into a large rack (up to 19 slots in a traditional blade servicing chassis). The rack as a whole is then serviced by a large dedicated power-supply (often backed up by a second – as the first otherwise represents a single point of failure), with separate cooling fans etc to service all the boards being hosted.