Hobby Garage Schedules and Field Installation Guides
18 October 2018
1Structural Calculations:
1.1Floor Structure
1.1.1Floor beam(s) level 1
1.1.2Joists first level
1.2Roof Structures
1.2.1Ridge beams
1.2.2Column or Wall
1.3Lintel Calculation
1.3.4Garage doors
1.3.5Headers openings
2Basement Option
3Electrical Distributions
4Lot Specifications
5Building Codes Tables, Manufacturer Specs
5.1West Fraser LVL 1.9E specs
5.2NDS – Table 4D
5.3Ontario Building Code – Table A-36
5.4Ontario Building Code – Table A-37
6Strong-tie Installation Guides and Specs
6.1LRU Rafter Hanger
6.2LUS210 Joist Hanger
6.3Column Cap (CC)
6.4Rafter Anchor (H10)
6.5Post to Sill Anchor (HDA)
6.6Rafter Strapping (LSTA)
6.7Bridge NCA
6.8Post to Floor Anchor
6.9General Installation Notes – Strong-Tie
8Annex A – Excel Structural Calculations
1Structural Calculations:
1.1Floor Structure
1.1.1Floor beam(s) level 1
Not required. Regular SPF lumber can be used for the 14’ unsupported span. See below.
1.1.2Joists first level
Joist are supporting a lightuse mezzanine, mostly used as storage
Joist Span is 13-1 from wall to median wall
Bridging and metal strapping will be used
Ceiling not finished
S-P-F #1 used for the joists
Supporting subfloor of 5/8” OSB O2 TG
Using table 16 p.374 CMHC, under S-P-F area.
The best selection is 2x10 16”O.C. with bridging and strapping. It could span to a maximum of14-1. A 2-2x6 above the doorway with 2x10 12”O.C. (for a max of 15-1) at the doorway point will suffice to support the floor load.
1.2Roof Structures
Ottawa snow load 1.79 KPa (p.146, CMHC). But it is calculated at 2.11kPa using CMHC calculator with Cb= .8 Ss = 2.2 Sr 0.4 as per Jabacus [ and calculation in annex A.
1.2.1Ridge beams
The main Ridge Beam is depicted in red and the main perimeter Ridge Beams are depicted in blue, both in the Roof Framing view. Their respective tributary load is depicted in red and blue in Roof Structural Load view.
Span (unsupported area): 23-0
Tributary area of the Main Ridge Beam: 23x13-7
Tributary area of the Perimeter Ridge Beams: 23x10-8
Material: Laminated Veneer Lumber rated at 1.9E, 1¾ layers
Refer to Annex A for detailed calculation. The calculation uses chapter 4.1.6 of the Ontario Building Code.
The roof system selected is a gambrel type roof using 3 ridges, 1 at the middle (called Main Ridge Beam) and 2 at the perimeters (called Perimeter Beams). The regular gable end roof was also analysed, but the gambrel roof offers a better load distribution and most importantly are within the spans of regular SPF 2xx lumbers (no engineered material is required except for ridge beams which save on the project cost).
In brief the calculations of Annex A are as follows: The dead load tally of all roof material weight used rendered a deadload of 12.9 psf (12.9psf @13-7=175plf). The live load factors the pitch, snow load, type of roof covering (slippery or not).
The total live load at Main Ridge Beam is 44psf (ULS) (44x13-7=597plf)(snow load for Ottawa can also be found in CMHC p.146). This gives a total loadof 57 psf at Main Ridge Beam (57x13-7= 774 plf). The total live load at each Perimeter Ridge Beams are 12.9 psf (ULS) (12.9x10-8=136plf). This gives a total load of 24 psf at each Perimeter Ridge Beams (24x10-8= 256 plf). See Annex A for exact calculations (here they were rounded off).
The selection from the West Fraser LVL Manufacturer Specs p.14:
For the Main Ridge Beam: 3-1¾x14”, 2-1¾x16”, or 2-1¾x18”
For the Perimeter Ridge Beam: 2-1¾x18”*, 2-1¾x16”*, or 1-1¾x14”
*note that 1 ply would support the load, but manufacturer specifies at least 2 plies for this selection. Bolded texts are the selection choice.
1.2.2Column or Wall Simple beam to post load Model
Load concentration on each side of the Main Ridge Beam is 4086psi and on each side of each Perimeter Beams is 1757psi.
6x6 supported post:
On a 6 x 6 column this would be 4086÷(6 x 6) = 114psi. This is easily within the compressive strength of 900psi as per table 4 of the NDS Supplement (p.49)
Also within wall compression calculation below.
4x4 supported post:
On a 4 x 4 column this would be 4086 ÷ (4 x 4) = 252psi. This also is within the compressive strength of SPF lumber 900psi as per table 4 of the NDS Supplement (p.49).
OntarioBuilding Code:
Also within the Ontario Building Code table A-37 (p.987). At the height of 7’ wall supported at the mezzanine level. In this case 5-2x4 (or 3-2x6). The 2x6 option will be used at each supporting point.
The beam would sandwich at the top and be fastened with specified manufacturer hanger, bolts, washers and nuts (nylon lined). column / wall specifications test model – 2x6 option:
The weight bearing walls on the first floor are 2 x 6, No. 1 SPF, 7'-0" tall, with sheathing bracing the member continuously against buckling in the weak direction.
Coefficient factors:
Kce = 0.3 factor for visually graded lumber and machine evaluated lumber (MEL)
c = 0.8 for sawn lumber (table 4A)
c = 0.9 for glued laminated timber
E= modulus elasticity (refer to NDS p.49, psi)
A= compression area, 2x6 > 1.5X5.5 = 8.252 inch
Step 1 – Determine Fc* (Modulus of Elasticity)
Fc* = (Fc)(Csn)(Cf)
Fc = 900psi (refer to NDS Supplement table for SPF p.49)
CD = 1.00 (normal duration factor)
CM = 1.00 (dry location, <19%)
FC* = 900psi = 900 x 1 x 1
Step 2 - Slenderness Ratio (SR) (use carpenter calculator set feet/inches):
Length /Dimension ratio
(SR)Max = (7-0)(12” / ft) = 15-3
Within 50 = ok
Step 3 – Determine FCE
FCE= (0.3)(1,400,000psi) = 1803Psi
Step 4 – Determine column/wall stability factor CP:
FCE = 1803 = 2.0033
FC* 900
c = 0.8 for stud sawn lumber
CP = 0.79
Step 5 – Determine allowable axial load, Pallow
Pallow = (FC*)(CP)(A)
= (900psi)(0.79)(8.25) = 5865lbs per stud
Allowable wall load (24”O.C.) = 5865 (12”/24”) = 2932 lbs per lft
As shown above the load point will have 4086psi on the tributary surface (of the shortest wall, the wall that has the most loads) 9-8 of 6” wide has a surface of 4.4sqft. So the 4086psi spread on the wall is 6.45 lbs per lft (4086psi ÷ 633.6sqin (4.4sqftx144 [there are 144in per sqft]). The 6.45lbs per lft of this 7’ wall is well within the allowable wall load of 2932 lbs per lft.The load will be concentrated vertically and a single stud will suffice to carry the load to the foundation.
Fc and Fce factors can be found by referencing the NDS Supplement. Wood values based on grade are listed for various species along with adjustment factors based on the size of member under consideration.
Snow loads: 2.10
Span is 13-4 and 2-10
S-P-F #1 used
Metal roof covering
Using table 28 p.386 CMHC, under S-P-F area.
13-4 span: The best selection is 2x8 with a max span of 14-2 16” O.C.
2-10 span: The best selection is 2x4 with a max span of 7-2 16” O.C.
1.3Lintel Calculation
Upper windows: 2-2x4
Lower windows (larger, front): 2-2x6
Lower windows (small, side): 2-2x4
Man doors: 2-2x4
Garage door: 2-2x10
Headers door opening on lower floor median workshop/bays: 4-3x10(embedded with hangers)
All windows (9) are the same dimension
3-4 width x 3-0 height
Span 3-4
Snow load 2.10 at its place on the roof
Lower window
Lintel supporting 1 floor, 1 roof, and ceiling table 22 area
Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under roof supporting and 1 storey, 2 2x6 on the lower floor for a max span of 3-11.
Upper window
Lintel supporting 1 roof and ceiling table 22 area
Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under area of the table roof and ceiling only, 2 2x4 will suffice for a max span of 6-2.
The exterior door is the only door which needs a lintel as it is the only door on a weight bearing wall.
2-8 width x 6-8 height
Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under roof supporting and 1 storey, 2-2x4 will suffice for a max span of 2-9.
1.3.4Garage doors
The 2 garage doors are the same
8 width x 8 height
Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under roof supporting, 2-2x10 for a max span of 16-3. The rafters are half supported by a ridge beam. As per note 7 p.381 CMHC with structural sheathing of 7/16 (in this case) 15% increases its span.
1.3.5Headers openings
The 2 doors opening on the median wall are 10-0 on the first level (supporting floor only) supporting joists and 2 window opening of 4-0 each on the mezzanine (supporting roof).
First level: Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under roof supporting, 4-2x8 for a max of 10-3. Or 3-2x10 for a max of 13-1. It will be an embedded beam if required height.
Mezzanine Using table 22 p380 CMHC, under roof supporting, 2-2x8 for a max span of 12-9.
2Basement Option
The option entailed building an underground in the workshop area. All material used below grade connection or touching the foundation is to be pressured treated lumber. See the drawing “basement option”. The likelihood of this option is unlikely.
3Electrical Distributions
Cct 1 – 15 amp cct, SP, (14/2). Bay area garage lighting. 9 x 96Watts = 864watts. Two switches rated at 600wattswill be installed on this cct. 48% possible load on this circuit.
This cct will include receptacle on the mezzanine.
Cct 2 – 15 amps cct, SP, (14/2). Workshop, outside, stairs, and mezzanine lighting totalling 1364watts (5 x 48Watts) + (5 x 100w)41% possible load on this circuit. Each area on its own switch. The stairs are on a 3way switch. Each switchisrated at 600watts max. This cct will source the garage door openers.
Cct 3 – 20 amps cct, SP, (12/2). Spread load of sockets in the workshop bay
Cct 4 - 20 amps cct, SP (12/2). Spread load of sockets in the workshop, bay
Cct 5&6 - 240v 30amp, DP, (10/3)compressor direct cabling
Cct 7&8 – 240v 50amp, DP, (8/3) wall socket
Cct 9&10 – 240v 50amp,DP, (8/3)hoist / spare
Cct 11&12 – electric heaters
Cct 13 – gas heaters
4Lot Specifications
586 St Lawrence Street is composed of 2 areas. The main area is part Block 12 of Plan 34 and Lot 1 of Block 13 Registered Compiled Plan. The total area is 40299 sq.ft. The total building footprint is:
Main building (house): 1423sq.ft
Front garage: 624sqft
Rear garage: 728sqft
Total: 2775sqft
With new garage
Main building (house): 1423sq.ft
Front garage: 1280sqft
Rear garage: 728sqft
Total: 3421sqft
Lot future usage: 3421 ÷ 40299 = 8.4%
The future garage will use the same footing as the current garage but extending to the front, therefore be set at 4-5 ft from the north lot line. The front of the garage will be behind the main building and at 35” from its closest part. The front part of the garage will be set at 188’ from the street.
5Building Codes Tables, Manufacturer Specs
5.1West Fraser LVL 1.9E specs
5.2NDS – Table 4D
5.3OntarioBuilding Code – Table A-36
5.4OntarioBuilding Code – Table A-37
6Strong-tie Installation Guides and Specs
6.1LRU Rafter Hanger
6.2LUS210 Joist Hanger
6.3Column Cap (CC)
6.4Rafter Anchor (H10)
6.5Post to Sill Anchor (HDA)
6.6Rafter Strapping (LSTA)
6.7Bridge NCA
6.8Post to Floor Anchor
6.9General Installation Notes – Strong-Tie
North Dundas Municipal Bylaws
CMHC, Canadian Wood-Frame House Construction 2005, 2008
Province of Ontario, Building Code Online 2006
P.S. Knight, Electrical Code Simplified House Wiring Guide 2009-2011, 2009
Province of Ontario, Code and Guide for Plumbing 2006, Updated July 2010.
Square D, Circuit Breaker Application & Wiring Guide
USA Department of Agriculture Forest Service; Wood Handbook, Wood as an Engineering Material, 1999, online [
American Institute of Timber Construction; Technical Information; online [ 2012
American Forest & Paper Association;ANSI/NFoPA NDS-1991 National Design Specification for Wood Construction.
American Forest & Paper Association, Design Value for Wood Construction - National Design Specification; online [ 2005.
8Annex A – Excel Structural Calculations
Roof load / 2006 OntarioBuilding Code 4.1.6Live Load (LL) (Snow load)
S = Is [Ss (CbCwCsCa) + Sr] / Table
Is / 1 / ULS / 0.9 / SLS
Ss / 2.3 / Kemptville
Cb / 0.8
Cw / 1
Cs / 0.92367
Ca / 1
Sr / 0.4
Slope factor
Ridge beam area / Perimeter beams area
pitch / 4 / 18.43 / 18 / 56.31
slippery / yes / 60.00 / yes / 60.00
Cs / 0.92 / 0.08
2.10 / Kpa / 1.89 / Kpa / 0.55 / Kpa / 0.50 / Kpa
43.85 / psf / 39.47 / psf / 11.51 / psf / 10.35 / psf
Dead Load (DL) (material weight)
Material / psf / kpa
metal roof / 1.1 / 0.052668
nails and fasteners / 0.2 / 0.009576
2x8 16OC / 2.2 / 0.105336
1x4 strapping 16OC / 0.6 / 0.028728
Suspended ceiling / 0.2 / 0.009576
Light fixture / 0.2 / 0.009576
Calculated DL / 4.5 / 0.215461
Building code vs DL calculations highest of both (PSF) Table A-37 / 12.9 / 0.617655
Total load on roof
Load at main ridge beam / 56.75 / psf
Load at perimeter ridge beam / 24.41 / psf
LVL Beam required
Ridge beam
tributary width / 13.583 / feet
length / 24 / feet
770.84 / plf
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E (14" for24') / 316.00 / plf
3 plies are required
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(16" for24') / 407.00 / plf
at least 2 plies required / 2 plies are required
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(18"for 24) / 507.00 / plf
at least 2 plies required / 2 plies are required
Perimeter beams
tributary width / 10.6666 / feet
Length / 23 / feet
260.32 / plf
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(11 7/8" for 23') / 253.00 / plf
253 / 2 plies are required
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(14" for 24') / 316.00 / plf
1 plies are required
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(16" for 24') / 407.00 / plf
at least 2 plies required / 1 plies are required
one ply of Owl LVL1.9E(18" for 24') / 507.00 / plf
at least 2 plies required / 1 plies are required
Transfer point load
Load on each transfer point from beam to wall. Equate to half the load on beams.
Load at main ridge beam / 4086.002 / psi
Load at perimeter ridge beam / 1757.192 / psi
Joist reaction load (Main Ridge Beam)
Load on each joist to calculate the amount of fastener and size to joint the plies of LVL ridge beams. Each sides are equal
Spacing of rafters / 16 / o.c.
Load at main ridge beam / 578.13 / plf
Note on Building Own Laminated Beams
Glulam Beams:
Snow load calculator / calculations: