


District Mission Statement

The mission of the Windsor C-1 School District is to inspire all students to develop a vision within themselves and become contributing members of society, by providing excellent educational opportunities founded on the fundamentals of a caring family, school and community. The Windsor C-1 School District is one in which all stakeholders work collaboratively to be academic leaders in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is a true learning community where everyone strives to improve our academic excellence through progressive curriculum and instructional practice. The schools of our district exhibit high standards, with the needs of our students as the top priority.

Windsor Elementary Mission Statement

The mission of Windsor Elementary is to provide students with an academic and character education that will enable students to forge their own path in the world through independent and critical thinking. Windsor Elementary students will be respectful and respectable members of the Windsor C-1 community.


Windsor Elementary…………………………………………….636-464-4408

Windsor Intermediate Center………………………………636-464-4451


Latchkey ……………………………………………………………….636-464-4406

Parents as Teachers (PAT) ………………………………….636-464-4408

School’s Mailing Address:School’s Physical Address:

6208 Highway 61-676003 5th St.

Imperial, MO 63052Kimmswick, MO 63053

Website Address:

Windsor Elementary Handbook

(Information is listed in alphabetical order for your convenience.)

Academic Consequences

Students, who are suspended from school for more than 10 days, will not be allowed to earn credit for course work completed during the term of the suspension. Students suspended for 10 days or less will be able to make up their work,in accordance with building procedures. The district will provide appropriate due process in accordance with law prior to finalizing the student's grade for a course.

Allergy Information

The Windsor C-1 School District is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for students. The Student Allergy Prevention and Response Policy was designed to increase awareness and communication, to prevent possible exposure to identified allergens, and to create an emergency procedure for allergic reactions.

We ask that all parents and guardians adhere to the following:

  • All processed/prepackaged foods served to students must be labeled with a complete list of ingredients. For this reason, all food provided by parents/visitors for students (other than for own child, as with a lunch packed from home), must contain a label. Foods without labels will not be served. Please make sure that all food brought in meets these criteria. Contact Nurse Cindy Fraley for any questions or more information at 636.464.4489.
  • Please be understanding and work with the classroom teacher and/or nurse in regards to classroom treats if your child is placed in a classroom with allergen concerns. The teacher/nurse can help you select foods that should be safe for all children in the classroom.
  • Please be cooperative with the classroom teacher during holiday parties in regards to party treats and food provided in treat bags. Please ensure that all food contains labels and that the food provided at the party is safe for all students.
  • Birthday treats must be purchased from Chartwells (school food service providers). Contact Windsor Elementary Food Service at 636.464.4458, or the school office for more information. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the school nurse.
  • Select other items in lieu of food for birthday and holiday celebrations, such as pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.
  • Inform the school nurse as soon as possible if your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy.

Again, please contact Nurse Cindy Fraley, or feel free to visit the district’s website at

Arrival- 8:20 A.M.

Buses will use the circle drive in front of the building for A.M. arrival. Adult supervision will be provided during the drop-off process. Parents bringing their children to school should park in the back of the building or use the parent drop-off location on Vine Street.

8:00 A.M. Latchkey students are released to class.

If you are utilizing our Parent Drop-Off Service, students may be dropped off 8:00 A.M.- 8:15 A.M. Students should not arrive prior to 7:50 A.M.The drop-off location will be on Vine Street (Northeast door of Kdg. Wing). Students will be supervised during the A.M. Drop-off. Students who are entering the building from the back may enter between 7:50 A.M. and 8:20 A.M. Arrival after 8:20 A.M. requires your child to be walked into school and signed in through the office (park in the back parking lot and enter main doors at rear entrance).

The district will not be responsible for supervising students prior to 7:50 A.M. Parents should not drop off or leave children at the school during unsupervised times.

Parents who wish to walk their child into the building should park and walk their child in the building using the rear main entrance. ALL visitors to the building must ring the doorbell and be buzzed into the building by office staff. Parents wanting to walk their children to class may do so the first week of school provided that they sign in through the office. After that time they should say their good-byes at the building entrance so as to protect building security.

School staff members are available for those students who need an escort to their classroom.

8:20 A.M. School-wide morning welcome, birthdays, Principal's “The Windsor's Way” announcements, with classroom instruction beginning at 8:30 A.M.


Parents should always encourage perfect attendance for their children. This includes arriving to school on time and remaining at school until the scheduled dismissal time. The parent should contact the school office each day that the student is absent. Please note that Early Out days are included in your child's attendance, and attendance in school is expected on these days. Instruction in the core subjects is delivered prior to the early dismissal, so absences on these days cause your child to miss instruction that all other students receive. Doctor and dentist excuses should be provided when applicable. Attendance awards will be given to students who are able to keep a record of perfect attendance quarterly and for the entire school year. Perfect attendance at Windsor Elementary is considered no absences, early dismissals, or tardies.

The classroom teacher will be informed about your child's absence and if requested by the parent, homework assignments may be picked up in the office after 2:00 P.M.

Attendance letters will be sent home on a regular basis to help parents monitor his/her child's school attendance. If necessary, parents should schedule a meeting with the classroom teacher, counselor, and/or principal to discuss reasons for absenteeism so that a plan can be established to improve school attendance. Continued absenteeism may result in a referral to proper authorities and will require a meeting with school personnel.

Windsor Elementary wants to emphasize the importance of your child attending school every day possible. Students who have 90% or higher attendance throughout their school careers are have a better chance of graduating high school on time (

Audio and Visual Recording

The district has established limits on the use of recording equipment in order to minimize disruption and protect instructional time essential to improving student achievement. Any recording activity, even activity permitted under this policy, will be prohibited if the activity creates a disruption to the education process. The district prohibits the use of video or audio recording equipment on district property or at district activities by students except:

  1. If required by a school-sponsored class or activity.
  2. At performances or activities to which the general public is invited such as athletic competitions, concerts or plays.
  3. At open meetings of the Board of Education or committees appointed by or at the direction of the Board.
  4. As otherwise permitted by the building principal.

If a student possesses electronic pictures or texts, the district will consider it the same as hard-copy possession.

Birthday Treats

Birthday treats are welcome at Windsor Elementary. Please be advised that all birthday treats must be purchased through Chartwells, the school district’s food service provider. Please give the cafeteria two weeks advance notice when you would like to order birthday treats for your child. You can call the Windsor Elementary cafeteria at 636.464.4458 or the office at 636.464.4408 for more information. Order forms can be obtained at

Board Policy Manual

A copy of the district’s school board policy manual is located in the principal’s office. Contact the school secretary if you would like to access the manual. Board policy, as well as Annual Parent Notifications, are also available on the school website at

Box Tops for Education

W.E. participates in the Box Tops for Education Program. Watch for the Box Tops stamp on many products and send those you find in to your child’s teacher. General Mills will then send W.E. money for each Box Tops collected.



In order to promote a safe learning environment for all students, the Windsor C-1 School District prohibits all forms of bullying. The district also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports an act of bullying among or against students. Students who have been subjected to bullying will have several safe places around the buildings to report acts of bullying, and are instructed to promptly report such incidents to a school official.


Bullying– In accordance with state law, bullying is defined as intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is substantially likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical safety or property; that substantially interferes with the educational performance, opportunities or benefits of any student without exception; or that substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school. Bullying includes, but is not limited to: physical actions, including violence, gestures, theft, or property damage; oral, written, or electronic communication, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion, or threats; or threats of reprisal or retaliation for reporting such acts.

Cyberbullying– A form of bullying committed by transmission of a communication including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound or image by means of an electronic device including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager. The district has jurisdiction over cyberbullying that uses the district's technology resources or that originates on district property, at a district activity or on district transportation. Even when cyberbullying does not involve district property, activities or technology resources, the district will impose consequences and discipline for those who engage in cyberbullying if there is a sufficient nexus to the educational environment, the behavior materially and substantially disrupts the educational environment, the communication involves a threat as defined by law, or the district is otherwise allowed by law to address the behavior.

School Day– A day on the school calendar when students are required to attend school.

Designated Officials

The principal of each building is hereby designated as the individual to receive and investigate reports of bullying. Each building principal shall designate at least two teachers or administrators in the building who are authorized to receive and investigate reports of bullying in the principal's absence or at the principal's discretion.

The district compliance officer appointed in policy AC will serve as the district-wide anti-bullying coordinator. The anti-bullying coordinator will receive all completed investigative reports from all buildings and analyze the reports to identify any information that would inform the district's antidiscrimination and anti-bullying education and training programs. In addition, the anti-bullying coordinator will assist in making any relevant reports as required by state and federal law.

Reporting Bullying

School employees, substitutes or volunteers are expected to intervene to prevent student bullying, appropriately discipline the perpetrator, assist the victim and report the incident to the building principal or designee for further investigation and action. Any school employee, substitute or volunteer who witnesses or has firsthand knowledge of bullying of a student must report the incident to the building principal or designee as soon as possible, but no later than two school days after the incident.

Students who have been subjected to bullying, or who have witnessed or have knowledge of bullying, are encouraged to promptly report such incidents to a school employee. Any school employee receiving such a report shall promptly transmit the report to the building principal or designee.

If the bullying incident involves students from more than one district building, the report should be made to the principal or designee of the building in which the incident took place or, if more appropriate, to the principal or designee of the building attended by the majority of the participants in the incident.


Within two school days of receiving a report of bullying, the principal or designee will initiate an investigation of the incident. Reports that involve students from multiple buildings will be investigated cooperatively by the principals of each building involved, or those principals may request that the district's compliance officer designated in policy AC conduct the investigation. If at any time during the investigation the principal determines that the bullying involves illegal discrimination, harassment or retaliation as described in policy AC, the principal will report the incident to the compliance officer designated in that policy, who will assist in the investigation. If the alleged bullying involves a special education student or a student with disabilities, the principal will also notify the special education director.

The investigation shall be completed within ten school days of the date the report of bullying was received unless good cause exists to extend the investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the principal will decide whether bullying or harassment occurred and, if so, whether additional discipline is warranted in accordance with the district's student discipline code. The principal will generate a written report of the investigation and findings and send a copy of the completed report to the district's anti-bullying coordinator. The principal or designee will document the report in the files of the victim and the alleged or actual perpetrator of bullying. All reports will be kept confidential in accordance with state and federal law.

If the incident involved allegations of illegal discrimination or harassment, the principal's decision may be appealed in accordance with policy AC. Student discipline may be appealed when allowed by law in accordance with Board policy.

The principal or other appropriate district staff will work with victims and their families to access resources and services to help them deal with any negative effects that resulted from the incident.


Students who participate in bullying or who retaliate against anyone who reports bullying will be disciplined in accordance with the district's discipline code. Such discipline may include detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal from participation in activities, exclusion from honors and awards, and other consequences deemed appropriate by the principal or superintendent. The district will also contact law enforcement when required by law or notify social media companies of inappropriate online activity when appropriate.

Even in situations where the district does not have jurisdiction to discipline a student for bullying, such as when the acts take place off campus and there is an insufficient nexus to the district, the principal or designee will take appropriate actions to assist student victims. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, contacting the parents/guardians of the victim and the alleged perpetrators, communicating that this behavior is not allowed on district grounds or at district activities, notifying the appropriate district staff to assist the victim, and taking additional action when appropriate, such as notifying law enforcement or social media companies of inappropriate online activity.

District employees and substitutes who violate this policy will be disciplined or terminated. Discipline may include suspension with or without pay, a negative evaluation, prohibition from being on district property or at district activities, mandated training or other appropriate remedial action. Volunteers who violate this policy will no longer be permitted to volunteer.

Policy Publication

The district shall annually notify students, parents/guardians, district employees, substitutes and volunteers about this policy and the district's prohibition against bullying. A copy of this policy shall be included in student handbooks and posted on the district's website.

Annual notification will be done through a newsletter at the beginning of each school year. Parents will be provided the definition of bullying, types of bullying and reduction techniques. Updates from individual buildings will occur throughout the year as things occur within the buildings.

Training and Education

The district's anti-bullying coordinator will provide information and appropriate training designed to assist employees, substitutes and volunteers who have significant contact with students in identifying, preventing and responding to incidents of bullying. This training will occur prior to the start of each school year as part of in-service training. During this training employees will be notified of their requirements to report first-hand knowledge of bullying to the appropriate staff person, as determined by the building principals. Staff who want more information will be allowed to attend I-Safe Training meetings to help further their knowledge.

The district will provide education and information about bullying and this policy to students every year. The principal of each school, in consultation with school counselors and other appropriate school employees, will determine the best methods for facilitating the discussion. Methods may include, but are not limited to: assemblies; homeroom presentations; class meetings; team or club meetings; special presentations by counselors, social workers or mental health professionals; and open-house events. When practical, parents/guardians will be invited to attend.