Process to batch add the code “completed diabetes structured education” to group of patients
(10 - 15 minutes)
You have been supplied with a plain text file of NHS numbers which correspond to those patients from your practices who have completed diabetes structured education since January 2015.
EMIS allows you to import a group of patients using a group of NHS numbers in this format. To do this:
- Save the file of NHS numbers to your computer desk top (the NHS numbers correspond to your patients who have completed diabetes structured education since January 2015.)
- In EMIS - population reporting – find the folder where you would like to put this report of people who have completed diabetes education since January 2015
- You may choose to click ADD – new folder and name a folder “completed diabetes structured education”
- Within the selected folder click ADD again and from the drop down select - “list of patients”
- From the list of patients drop downselect:import
- Now browse for the file of NHS numbers which you saved to your desk top earlier – select the file
- Use the name and description to ensure that you can find the list within EMIS (ie “completed diabetes structured education since January 2015”)
- Next Batch add a code to that list:
- Still in EMIS population reporting select batch add this is a button central at the top of the screen – choose clinical code from the drop down list
- In the box next to “Batch Add” browse for the code to add – in this case the last code is relevant here:
Table 1
Outcome of referral to diabetes
structured education / Vison/EMIS/
other systems / System One
- Diabetes structured educationdeclined
- Did not attenddiabetes structured
- Attended* diabetes structured education
- Diabetes structured education completed
*Where a structured education course consists of more than one session, and the patient only attends some of the sessions then, enter a Read Code of attended. If the patient attends all the sessions and completes the course enter a Read Code of completed.
- Under this there is a box for descriptive text – this will be the free text which appears in the notes attached to this read code – you could add: “on list of completed course since January 2015 supplied by diabetes education”
- Under this is a box: List type Search population (included)
- And under that you’ll see a box Search population – browse for the list you saved earlier (the NHS numbers for attendees at structured education) – select that list
- You may be given a further option to add description – this will not appear in the notes but would appear if the system was audited in the future – so put a brief description here
- You can select to run now or schedule for later today after the practice has closed (either option is fine – this is not a huge file so won’t slow the system much if you chose to do it now)
Well done – that’s it!