Minutes, Regional Labour Management Consultation Committee, November 26, 2008 DRAFT

Jeff Tapley, Chair
Christel Pond
Dorothée Arsenault
Anu Leesti
Jacques Bourdages – by telephone
Gaston Thériault
Norma Downing (support) / Debbie Gray, NVP CEIU
André Couturier, CEIU
Kathy Leger, CEIU


/ Action Required/Decision
1) Approval of Agenda and review of previous minutes
Agenda was approved after two items were added: medical leave and AWA.
The minutes of the October 8thmeeting were accepted pending the addition of an item from Kathy Leger and a notation that the meeting had been chaired by Debbie Gray.
Some follow-up items were discussed. Kathy Leger does not have access to Service Canada’s intranet; therefore, could not access the new work descriptions.
The list of teleworkers needs to be updated; it needs to be sent to directors and managers for their updates. The process also has to be corrected. All telework agreements are to go to Christian Arsenault who then forwards copies to Kathy Leger. / Kathy will have the work descriptions downloaded to her memory stick.
Debbie will send the list to her presidents as well.
Dorothée provided an update on the issue of SDAs’ back pay. There is a national PPS meeting scheduled for the following week.
Regarding the item on quality of work in PPS, Dorothée looked at the quality management report and are within the target of 80% error rate with a rate of 84.4%. Dorothée explained the process in place to address errors, but reminds the union that if staff find errors in files, they are to approach their program advisor. / Dorothée will try to get an idea of timelines and will get back to the union.
Anu will send a list of employees who are on the list to the union.
Jeff will bring this item up again next week when he goes to Ottawa. He will send a message to Debbie and Kathy.
Kathy and Debbie are to send specific cases to Jeff’s attention.
2) Structural Model
See attached document for update on Structural Model.
Kathy Leger indicated that she is counselling union members who are grieving their work description to use the date of September 2006 and not September 2008.
3) Data Centre Rationalization
Jeff gave a brief summary of the Data Centre Rationalization. This is good news for the Moncton area. Terry Foote will provide more information at the next meeting.
Debbie gave a brief overview of the IT meeting she attended in Halifax.
4) Christmas Leave / Medical Leave
The union is asking why employees in PPS are not permitted to take compensatory time and annual leave together. The union sees this as going against the Collective Agreement; clause 2808 is not being used appropriately. Management indicated that annual leave requests are approved first and then other types of leave, such as comp time and AWA, are considered. This practice is the same as in the past.
The union is concerned that there hasn’t been an Atlantic consultations meeting for quite some time.
The union is concerned about a few cases where employees were asked to submit a medical certificate when they call in sick for one day. As management was not familiar with this case, they were not in a position to respond. / Jeff indicated that the question of annual leave and compensatory leave will be investigated further.
Jeff will send a message to Derek Gee to see about reconvening the Atlantic consultations.
The union will make details known to the REH on December 15th.
5) Staffing
The union would like to see the PSEA ad hoc committee restart. Jeff is asking for their patience as funding is a challenge at this time. He would like some time to reflect on the work that has been done and to explore this item further. / Jeff will discuss with Debbie Gray.
6) Atlantic Workload/AWA - PPS
The union is requesting that in the future no overtime be permitted on Remembrance Day. Management indicated that some employees requested to work overtime on November 11th. Permission was granted but they were asked not to work in the morning. Jeff is asking the union to give a heads up earlier next year.
The union provided the REH with a copy of a petition signed by 116 employees from Bathurst who would like to have AWA reinstated. The original was to be delivered to Jacques Bourdages at 3 p.m. / Dorothée will let the union know how many employees had requested overtime on Nov. 11th.
7) Team Empowerment - PPS
The union raised the point that they were not consulted prior to the decision to implement Team Empowerment in PPS, a concept where employees receive weekly statistics on the number of files they processed. Debbie indicated that this way of working does not accomplish anything but make staff feel inadequate. Management responded that we need to produce better results. Team Empowerment is a response to employees’ concerns around workload management challenges within the Atlantic Network. Team Empowerment would give team leaders more power to manage their own teams. Dorothée explained that this concept would provide staff with ownership of their work and they may not feel as overwhelmed being faced with such a high volume of work now that we have moved to an Atlantic Workload. The employees felt they had no control over their work. This was to be a solution to some of their feedback.
8) Network Updates
Citizen Services (CS) – Christel Pond
Name tags have been approved nationally for CSAs and for all In-Person staff dealing with clients. They’re a standardized format with the family name first and the employee’s initial or the full first name. Stock has been provided nationally and the labels can be produced locally. This will be implemented before March31st. There shouldn’t be any privacy issues or security problems associated with the name tags. This had been vetted through national unions.
New service offering being rolled out as of December 1st – Registered Disability Savings Plan. There will be a soft launch with active communication to citizens on December 1st. Parents with disabled adult children will be able to put funds in an account for their children, similar to RRSPs. In-Person staff will be providing information and assistance with forms upon request. They will be receiving on-line training and Qs & As. The goal is to have one person per office who would have the knowledge and who would train others. Everyone at front end should be trained by February.
Further Passport expansions are on hold until the new fiscal year. An agreement is going to final TB submission as to what Service Canada will be paid.
Business Expertise dealing with transition to SMSM and movement of roles such as the separation of LMSD from CS, LMI, AHRDAs, and TFW (CoS) moving to LMSD.
Refining process and looking at WWHLTJ service offering.
CS is moving forward with the completion of PLAs for all staff. Should all be complete by end of December.
Ensured all employees assigned to CCS received a work description for their substantive position and where they were assigned.
Processing and PaymentServices (PPS) – Dorothée Arsenault
Janice Culliton accepted an assignment in BC/Alberta Region. She will be working on ISP. Jim Woods to move over to PPS. A note will be going out to that effect.
Annuities – 100th Anniversary celebration was held in Bathurst to mark the beginning of social programs. Nicole Barbeau was present at the celebration. A copy of the first annuity (done in 1908) was available.
EIPR – work has begun to develop the new system, although it is still at the design stage
AIG – volumes reached forecasted levels. It is busy and going well. There has been no word on entitlement, but there is supposed to be another $2K completion bonus. NHQ to clarify what methodology will be used to make these payments.
Pension programs – noted increase in volumes but it is difficult to quantify. Will be in a better position to monitor in the future.
ITRDS – still planned for spring ’09. Preparing to reduce inventory.
EI – going in to winter peak period. Some people may postpone retirement due to unstable economy. EI is down 2.4% in N.B. In the process of implementing Team Empowerment concept and training levels 1 and 2 staff.
After a question from the union concerning the staffing of one person, management indicated that a decision should be likely before the end of December.
Integrity – Jacques Bourdages
SIN/SIR – experiencing increased workload (number of calls). Had estimated that there would be more of an increase in the first six months. It seems to be tapering off – 90% of calls are answered within 180 seconds. In other types of SIN/SIR, turnaround time has increased. Will be examining this to see how it can be managed in shorter timeframe. A number of recommendations are being tested and validated. Hoping to receive decision by January or February to assist with the reduction of turnaround time.
CPP/OAS Mail Fulfillment – will be adding an additional call centre in December. This is 100% cost recovered. One person will be hired. Should be able to manage ROE 2nd Copy. Work is being done nationally to acquire more modern equipment.
MIC – there has been a reduction in employers registering electronically. This will need to be examined.
Customs Match– Level of adjudication for level II – doing nine regions – all except Quebec. There is no corporate solution to engage Quebec.
ROE 2nd Copy –Actual workload coming in. Some reduction/ breathing room to meet other Integrity challenges and contribute to results of other business streams.
Regional Integrity Services – healthy workload.
Other (site based issues) – re-establishing local unions in Bathurst. Meeting was held on November 6th. Conference call is scheduled for Friday of that week.
- CaterPlan has closed shop at Nicholas Denys building.
- In process of doing PLAs.
Human Resource Services – Anu Leesti
HR Atlantic meeting will be held in Dartmouth from December 1st to 5th. This meeting will involve all national networks as well.
Essential Services Agreement is being reviewed.
Tentative agreement has been recommended for the PA group.
PM-1 external competition has closed. Screening is now taking place.
Chief, Financial Operations Branch – Gaston Thériault
The region is in a difficult financial situation and the focus, at this time, is to advise directors and managers to manage carefully.
Effective January 1, 2009, the region will no longer issue DBA cheques to process travel advances. A note will go out to all staff with directives and three options will be included: American Express travel card, direct deposit, Receiver General cheque travel advance. DBA cheques will be used only in emergencies. The union’s feedback was solicited.
Site specific issues – Gaston would like to have local union meetings at RO Moncton.
CaterPlan has closed in Moncton and Fredericton as well as Bathurst. / Gaston will include Kathy Leger on the distribution list.
Qs and As will be prepared.
Debbie Gray will speak to Terry Bourque.
7) Next Meeting
Next RLMCC meeting. / January 21st –10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Boardroom 1, RO Fredericton


December 11, 2008