


125 E. 11th Street

Austin, Texas 78701-2483


August 25, 2010



1. Report on the review of recommendations contained in several documents,

including the Grant Thornton management and organizational review.

The commission-appointed transition team will report on initial efforts to review recommendations

contained in the Grant Thornton review and other documents.

2. Discussion of potential methods for the department to provide financial assistance

to pay for the costs of a toll facility of a public or private entity, and options for

sharing in the revenue of a toll project funded with toll equity.

At its July 2010 meeting, the commission directed the department to revise certain toll equity

minute orders to provide that the financial assistance was being provided as equity instead of as a

grant. The department was asked to review the methods of providing toll equity and to evaluate

options for the department and the region in which a toll project funded with toll equity is located

to share in the revenue of that toll project. The department will discuss scenarios under which

financial assistance could be provided in the form of a grant, loan, and as equity, and options for

revenue sharing.

3. Discussion of toll operations and management services furnished by the

department, and potential cost saving measures and operational improvements.

At its May 2010 meeting, the commission discussed the department’s need to review alternative

methods for managing toll operations and collections, and evaluate options for increasing traffic

on department toll projects, including the use of various incentives to increase truck traffic on

those toll projects. The department will discuss progress to date on these initiatives and options

for achieving more efficient and effective toll operations throughout the state, including internal

cost savings. The department will also discuss a proposed customer account fee schedule.

4. Update on the development of the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan.

Federal law requires states to prepare a long-range transportation plan to provide for the

development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system. The plan must consider

connections between public transportation, non-motorized modes, rail, commercial motor vehicles,

waterways and aviation facilities. Two rounds of stakeholder meetings and public open house

meetings have been held throughout the state to solicit input and feedback. Staff will update the

commission on the development of the plan.

5. Discussion of TxDOT’s Strategic Research Program (SRP).

TxDOT desires to establish an SRP to prepare for the transportation challenges likely to be faced

in the next 10-30 years. The program will complement the current research program by addressing

longer-term and broader transportation issues that may affect the efficiency and viability of the

statewide transportation system. Potential themes include likely changes in the natural

environment, energy resources, transportation funding, social and economic trends, and

technological advancements. This discussion will update the commission on the activities to date

in the establishment of this program.

6. Update on the implementation of the SH 130 Segments 5 and 6, DFW Connector,

North Tarrant Express, and LBJ projects that are being delivered under

comprehensive development agreements.

This discussion will provide commissioners with a status report and update concerning activities

being carried out in connection with the implementation of four major CDA projects that have

been approved by the commission.

7. Discussion of potential debt structures for highway improvement projects to be

funded with the proceeds of general obligation bonds issued under Transportation

Code, Section 222.004 (Proposition 12 Bond Program).

The department plans to issue the first $1 billion of bonds from the Proposition 12 Bond Program

in September. The department will discuss various debt structures for the entire $5 billion \ program and the impact each of those structures would have on the associated debt service

requirements, to be paid from General Revenue.

8. Executive Session Pursuant to Government Code, Chapter 551

Section 551.071 – Consultation with and advice from legal counsel regarding any

item on this agenda


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Persons with special needs or disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and require

auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact Dee Hernandez at (512) 305-9536 at

least three working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be
