School Calendar------2

School Staffing------2

School Hours------2

Community Education Care------3






School Communication------4

Attendance Policy------4-5

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures------5

Early Dismissal------5

Transportation Changes------5


Health Records------6

Medication Policy------6

Sick Room------6

Emergency Information Cards------6

Change of Address------6

Guidance Services------7

School Pictures------7


Grade Reports------7

Teacher Conference------7

Contacting an Administrator------7

Library ------8

Books and Supplies------8

Lost and Found------8

Cafeteria and Lunch------8-9


Severe Weather School Closings------9

Disaster Drills------10


Birthday Party and Invitations------10

Outside Food------10


Extra Curricular Activities------10

Student Conduct------11-15


Homework Policies/Guidelines------16-18


School Calendar: 2012-2013

August 9------First day for students

September 3------Labor Day-no school

October 1-5------Fall Break-no school

November 6------Election Day-no school

November 21-23------Thanksgiving Holiday-

December 19-January 1------Christmas Break-no school

January 21------Martin Luther King Day-no school

February 18------Presidents Day-no school

March 7, 8------Flexible Professional Days-no school

March 29------Good Friday

April 1-5------Spring Break-no school

May 22------Last day for students

The 2012-2013 school calendar has snow day make ups built into the master calendar. Should Warren County Schools be out for snow or other inclement weather, the following days will be used as make up days:

·  Monday, February 18

·  Thursday, March 7

·  Friday, March 8

·  Friday, March 29

Rich Pond Elementary School Staffing

Shawn Holland—Principal

Stephanie Paynter --Curriculum Coordinator

Anna Clardy—Guidance Counselor

Penny Fields—Receptionist/Attendance Clerk

Judy Page—Bookkeeper/School Secretary

Kimberly Thomerson-Family Resource Coordinator

*A complete list of certified staff can be obtained from the school


School begins each day at 8:15 A.M. and is dismissed at 3:15 P.M. The doors to the school are unlocked at 7:45 A.M. If students are dropped off prior to 7:45 A.M the student should be enrolled in Before/After School. In addition, in the afternoon, students are to be picked up in the car rider line. Students cannot remain after school unsupervised. If you need after school care, contact Community Education at 842-4281.


Before and after school care is available at Rich Pond through Community Education. Before school care will begin at 6:30 AM– 7:45 AM and Dismissal – 6:00 PM. Drop off and pick up for Community Education is at door #4, the set of glass doors across from column #1 on the car rider line. There is a fee associated with this service, please contact Community Education for further details at 842-4281.


All visitors must check in with the office when entering the building. Visitors are required to sign in and to wear a visitor sticker at all times while on school property. Students may not have visitors except in the case of emergency, to have lunch, or to assist with classroom activities. Visitors must be listed on the student’s emergency card or access to that student will not be granted. When meeting a child for lunch please make your way to the cafeteria and wait until your child’s class comes to lunch. If you are a visitor you are not to go to the classroom because of class interruption. Persons wanting to pick students up must do so through the office. Please do not go to classrooms to retrieve students. This rule is for the protection of your children.

Parents are to keep the child’s emergency card current. Parents are also to provide the school with any and all court ordered custody agreement that limits contact, record releases, or visitation.


Volunteers play a vital role in the success of Rich Pond and your students. In order to volunteer at school, attend an offsite field trip in any capacity or work directly with students, you must complete a yearly volunteer training. Background checks are required every three years. Multiple training opportunities will be provided. The background check does require some time so please start the process as soon as possible.

There are many opportunities to volunteer at Rich Pond Elementary. Often teachers need assistance in the classroom with projects ranging from assisting with instructional issues to decorating bulletin boards. We often need assistance shelving books in the library as well. The PTO is always in need of people willing to assist with the various projects it oversees throughout the year.

All persons wishing to volunteer at Rich Pond Elementary must have completed the volunteer training and have a background check on file. We will hold several trainings throughout the year. Please watch for dates and times in the school newsletter or contact the Family Resource Center at 843-4422.


The Rich Pond PTO is a very active organization and generates a great deal of supplemental funding for the school. The PTO is always in need of volunteers to work on fund raising and other events. The PTO’s normal meeting date is the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00. All parents are welcome to attend.


The SBDM is the decision making body of the school and is concerned with student achievement. The council is made up of two parents, three teachers, and the principal. Typical meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:45. Parents are welcome to attend.


Students will be given diagnostic assessments in both reading and math at least two times per year. Students who score in the “at risk” range will receive mandatory intervention for that content area. Intervention takes precedent over all other school classes such a news, band, choir, Leadership, or recorder.

Students who are not at risk will participate in extension classes as developed by the teaching team or other staff members.


Rich Pond sends a weekly electronic newsletter to parents with email access. It is also sent hard copy to those without email. This is a great source for upcoming events and important information related to your child. Please read it and keep it on hand for reference. Please do not respond to the electronic email. It is meant for one way communication only. Contact the school or individual teachers for additional information or clarification.

In addition to the electronic newsletter, many teachers maintain their own websites. Check with your teacher for information. The school website can be found at

Attendance Policy

After an absence, students must bring in a written note signed by a parent or guardian explaining the nature of the absence. The note is to contain the parent’s and student’s first and last names and the month, date, and year of the absence. In order to be valid, all notes must be submitted within one week of the absence. Any absence for which we do not receive a written note will be recorded as unexcused.

Students are allowed a total of six (6) unexcused events for an entire school year. An event is either an absence or tardy (leaving early or arriving late). Notification letters will be sent to any student having a total of two, four, or six unexcused events. Students who accumulate six or more unexcused events will be referred to the director of pupil personnel as a habitual truant and charges of educational neglect will be filed.

Students are allowed 10 excused events per year for which a parent note is acceptable. Signing a student in/out or an all day absence is considered an event. After a parent or guardian has written notes for 10 excusable events, a doctor’s note will be required for an event to be excused. We encourage parents to send a doctor’s notes whenever possible.

Unfortunately, lice can be a nuisance in an elementary school. Rich Pond Elementary will excuse up to three (3) days per year for lice. Any lice events beyond those three will be counted as unexcused.

Family trips and vacations should be avoided if at all possible during the school year. These trips will be counted as unexcused. However, if it is absolutely necessary to take such a trip, arrangements should be made with the teacher to make up any missed assignments.


Trips for which students will be exposed to intensive educational opportunities may qualify as an educational enhancement. For such trips, an education enhancement form must be completed and submitted to the principal 10 days prior to the expected absence. Once the principal approves the trip as being educationally intensive in nature, it must then be approved by the Warren County Board of Education. Trips, which receive final approval, will be counted as excused. While many theme parks, cities, and tourists attractions contain elements of educational significance, their main purpose is to provide entertainment. Trips to such destinations will not be approved for educational enhancement opportunities.


The school has procedures in place and supervision assigned to protect the safety of children coming to and leaving from school. Students who are car riders should only be dropped off and picked up at the car rider line. Drop off is between 7:45-8:15. Dismissal starts at 3:15. Please do not use the front school entrance for pick up and drop off as this area is reserved for buses. Parents are to notify the school in writing if there is any change to a student’s dismissal routine. Students will not be allowed to ride a different bus or leave with another student unless a note is sent.

Adults who pick up students in the car rider line must have a school issued pick up tag with the student’s name and the principal’s signature. Adults who do not have the tag and wish to pick up students will be required to report to the office for verification and identification checks. Every student will be issued two tags at the beginning of the school year. Additional tags may be purchased from the school. The cost is $1.00 for two tags.

Preschool Arrival and Dismissal

Preschool children should be walked into the office when arriving at school and should be picked up in the office at dismissal. Preschool children cannot be dropped off or picked up in the car rider line.


Any time a student is to have early dismissal he/she must bring an explanatory note and the principal will decide whether the dismissal is excused. The parent must come to the office to sign out the student. When the parent arrives, the student will be called from class, but no student will be allowed to wait in the office for the parent’s arrival unless it is an emergency.

If an adult other that the parent or guardian is to pick up the student, written notification identifying the person, the reason for the dismissal, and the time of the dismissal must be sent to the school. The school may require identification of any adult who comes to get the student, and the school reserves the right to refuse the release to anyone other than the custodial parent. Do not go to the classroom without checking in at the office. All teachers have been told to release students only to the office. Only adults whose names are on the emergency card will be allowed to pick up students.


We understand that changes to your child’s daily transportation routine do sometimes occur. We ask that you notify us of these changes as soon as possible and before 1:00 P.M. It is often difficult to ensure that transportation change notices get to children in the late afternoon.


A student who will be leaving school should inform his teachers if possible at least one week prior to withdrawal. All books and materials belonging to Rich Pond Elementary must be turned in prior to the student leaving his/her last day.

Health Records

Each student is required to submit a form from his/her parent or guardian stating that he/she is physically fit enough to take physical education classes or to participate in sports related activities. Each student is also required to have a full immunization. Upon enrollment, parents must provide an immunization certificate, physical examination record, and eye exam for a first time Kentucky school enrollee. Each student is also required to submit a valid birth certificate to be kept on file at the school. Health records and immunization requirements are mandated by the State Health Department.

All students entering 6th grade must have an updated immunization certificate and a second physical prior the beginning of the 6th grade year.


If a student is required to take medication (including non prescription medication) during school hours, the following procedure is followed: A parent or guardian must bring the medication. Students are not to transport medication to or from school. Medication will not be given if it is brought to school by a child.

Over the Counter medication can only be given for three (3) days without a note from a doctor. Students are not to carry over the counter medications on their person at any time.

Any student failing to follow this procedure may be considered in violation of the Board of Education policies governing alcohol and drug abuse.


Students who become ill at school will be sent to the office. The office staff will evaluate the child and call home if necessary. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO CALL HOME ON THEIR OWN.


Each student will be required to have an emergency information card on file in the office. This card will be sent home on the first day of school. Please be sure to fill out completely and return to school. This information gives us authority to make necessary arrangements in the event of an accident or illness. If there is a medical problem that might require special attention, be sure to identify and specify on the card the proper procedures we need to follow to administer or seek treatment for your child. Only those persons listed on the emergency cards will be allowed to check students out. It is the responsibility of the parent to make changes to the emergency card if that information changes during the school year.


In the event of a change of address, phone number, email address or any other contact information, please notify the school as soon as possible. This information is vital in the event of an emergency situation.