SIROW Project List (July 2014)
SIROW - Mujer Sana (811 S. 6th Avenue):
Sowing the Seeds (a regional southwest women scholars writing group and annual conference – focus on Hispanic/Latina women). (SIROW = lead. SIROW facilitates program)
Women Dialogue: Exploring the Quality of Life through Leadership (in collaboration with Sowing the Seeds – focused on building women’s leadership capacity). (SIROW = lead. SIROW facilitates program)
Immigrant Mothers with Citizen Children: Rethinking Family Welfare Policies in aTransnational Era (research on current welfare laws and policies in a cultural context and its impact on immigrant mothers and their children) (Department of Gender and Women’s Studies = lead. SIROW collaborates on research)
Working Poor Moms (MOMS) (an action-research project providing residential substance abuse treatment for working poor mothers and their children, family services,, sexual health education, case management, linkages to housing, and evaluation) (SIROW = lead. SIROW conducts administration, sexual health intervention, and evaluation)
Managing Tough Times: Women living in Economic Uncertainty (a series of focus groups that explore how women in Pima County cope with living in economic uncertainty and how women’s income/resources influences their day-to-day life experiences) (Pima County Tucson Women’s Commission = lead. SIROW collaborates on research)
Healing Our Communities One Story at a Time: Health, Education, Policy, Cultural Preservation MOMs’ Digital Storytelling Workshop January 30 to February 2, 2014 at SIROW- Mujer Sana.(SIROW = lead. Co-sponsors = National Library of Medicine, American Indian Health User Group, and. nDigiDreams)
SIROW – Central (181 S. Tucson Blvd, Suite 101):
Juvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF) National Cross-Site Evaluation(a national cross-site evaluationof the CSAT and OJJDP funded initiative to assess and improve the efficacy of juvenile drug courts(JDC) by integrating the JDC: Strategies in Practice Model with the Reclaiming Futures Model (RF) (SIROW = lead. SIROW conducts administration and research)
FY 12 CohortJuvenile Drug Court/Reclaiming Futures (JDC/RF) Evaluation(an expansion of the national cross-site evaluation of the JDC/RF initiative by including three new grantees sites in the FY12 Cohort in the evaluation (SIROW = lead. SIROW conducts administration and research)
Effectiveness of Volunteer Telephone Continuing Care for Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders(a national 3-site research study to evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing volunteers to provide a low-cost method to implement post-substance abuse treatment support for adolescents and maintain continuing care services) (Chestnut Health Systems = lead. SIROW research subcontract)
Medication Adherence, Health Literacy and Cultural Health Beliefs in a Mass. CHC (an investigation of the relationships among health literacy, culturally variable health beliefs, health insurance formulary changes, and medication adherence among diverse low-income patients with chronic disease at a federally funded community health center)(School of Anthropology = lead. SIROW leads quantitative research component)
Arizona Youth in Transition Project/State Youth Treatment (a statewide infrastructure-building system of care project addressing gaps in services for 12-24 year old youth with substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions and their families (Arizona Department of Health Services/Department of Behavioral Health Services = lead. SIROW statewide evaluation subcontract; Community Partnership of Southern Arizona = lead for local component. SIROW local evaluation subcontract)
The Film and Toolkit Project: Sexual Health and Empowerment Initiative (development and dissemination of a sexual health film and educational toolkit by high school girls to be used in high schools, health clinics, and community organizations serving young women (and men) (SIROW = lead).
SIROW – Campus (925 N. Tyndall Avenue):
Women in Science and Engineering (Wise)(a state-wide and University of Arizona K-12, undergraduate and graduate outreachand activities for students in the STEM fields)(SIROW = lead. SIROW conductsoutreach/education/internshipprogram. Collaboration with the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies)
Project CHANGE(a state-wide K-12 school-based sexual harassment, gender equity, and career alternatives education program for students and school personnel and web-based classes for teachers(SIROW = lead. SIROW conducts outreach/education program)
Immigrant Workers’ Project (an advocacy project for low-wage immigrant workers through direct legal services, public policy research, and community education and outreach, with a focus on the unique vulnerabilities of immigrant women in the workplace) (collaboration with the Rogers College of Law)
Legal Services to Immigrant Women (provides legal representation to immigrant women who face deportation and/or are victims of domestic violence and other serious crimes, with a particular focus on women asylum-seekers and women detained in Eloy Detention Center) (collaboration with the Rogers College of Law)
Domestic Violence Victim Safety (a systems level project to improve domestic violence victim safety)
(Pima County Attorney’s Office = lead. SIROW conducts evaluation)
(My) Treatment Empowerment for Adolescents on the Move (i-TEAM) (an action-based research project providing substance abuse and mental health treatment, sexual health and HIV testing services, case management, and housing for LGBTQ youth) (SIROW = lead. SIROW conducts administration, coordination and research)
Step Forward:(an action-based research project providing substance abuse and mental health treatment, sexual health, and HIV testing services for adolescents who are involved with juvenile probation, attend alternative schools, and those identified through street outreach. (CODAC = lead. SIROW conducts curriculum and evaluation component)
The Crossroads Collaborative: Youth Sexuality, Health and Rights (a research, action, education and policy project with youth. (School of Family and Consumer Scienceand the Department of English and Rhetoric = lead. SIROW conducts researchand policy work)
An Innovative Hybrid Program for Diversifying and Building Capacity in the STEM and ICT Workforce (i-STEM) (a research project providing mentoring and informal science experiences for Hispanic and Native Americans in grades 3rd - 8th (SIROW lead. SIROW conducts administration, science activities, dissemination)
Pascua Yaqui Project LAUNCH-Ili Uusim Hiapsi (Heart of the Little Child) (a systems improvement and training program for tribal staff serving Pascua Yaqui families with children up to 8 years of age)(Pascua Yaqui Tribe = lead. SIROW conducts evaluation)
Pascua Yaqui System of Care Expansion(a system of care expansion that aims to enhance and improve the Pascua Yaqui system of care for adolescents and their families). (Pascua YaquiTribe = lead. SIROW conducts evaluation)