II Samuel 18:19-19:8
Life Can Hurt
1. Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply?
5 Phases:
2. II Samuel 18:19-19-8 we see David at this point.
Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply? 5 Phases:
I. A TIME TO AWAIT 18:19-23
David waits for news. Silence is deafening. You don’t know what’s going on. You don’t
know the outcome. In these three men we see why those hurting often hurt alone. It
wasn’t a big deal to anyonebut David. Your hurts often really don’t matter to anyone but
you. The world goeson just the same, even though your world is crumbling!
A. Too Involved To Care…Ahimaaz
1. This young man was full of excitement over the victory! He was full of “good
2. He wanted to be the one to relate the message of victory to David.
3. He was unable to put himself in David’s place. He was young. He had never known
real hurt!
4. He was too involved in ‘success’ ‘good fortune’ ‘victory’…that was his world at the
time. It can happen to us. We can be too involved to care!
B. Too Intense To Care…Joab
1. Joab was all business. He had put down a revolt. Absalom had died. He did his job.
2. We are often too intense to care. The whole world hurts! “I have my own
problems.”“Life is what it is.” With all the hurt all around we become callous.
“What’s in it for me?” We are so selfish. We don’t care!
C. Too Indifferent To Care…Cushite
1. He was chosen because it didn’t matter what happened to him. He was probably an
Ethiopian slave. If he were killed no one would miss him.
2. He bows and runs, unconcerned that his message may break a heart.
3. We can be like that…so removed…so indifferent. We are too indifferent to care!
Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply? 5 Phases:
Two runners are seen in the distance. Expect the best!
A. The Wait 24a It sees so long.
B. The Watch…the watchman went to the roof 24 the watchman cried 25 the watchman
saw 26 the watchman said 27
C. The Welcome 26, 27 he brings tidings…he brings good tidings
You wait. You watch. You anticipate positive news with every report, with every
messenger you long for good news.
Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply? 5 Phases:
A. The Announcement 28 This should have been good news: Blessed be…the Lord thy
God hath delivered…you are still king!
1. This should be our attention when we hurt so deeply…Blessed be (God is always at
work)…the Lord (He is Lord, he is Sovereign, he is calling the shots, let Him)…thy
God…He is God, you aren’t)…He has a plan.
2. David has neither praise nor thanksgiving to God. He has no pleasure in victory.
Howdisappointed Ahimaaz must have been.
B. The Anxiety 29 “Is the young man Absalom safe?”
1. There was only one way that God could please him. There was only one answer to
2. “I know not what it was.” This wasn’t true. He just didn’t want to tell David the
C. The Answer 30-32 Turn aside…stand still…you hear what you don’t want to hear.
1. The Cushite answers in v. 32. He thought this was good news! The dead man was
ason and an enemy!
2. You lose sight of a living, powerful God who has a plan…a God whose ways are not
our ways…a God whose thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply? 5 Phases:
IV. A TIME TO AGONIZE 18:33-19:4
A. The Weeping…even kings cry when the hurt is deep enough!
B. The Warning 2, 3"…victory turned to mourning…stealing away as those who are
ashamed when they flee battle” Israel is hurt and disappointed.
C. The Wailing 18:33; 19:4 Absalom, Absalom, my son Absalom, would God that I had
*Understand these tears: 1. The Cry of Failure…David spent his time building his
kingdom, and had no time for his family. Spoiled, Absalom had everything but a
father. 2. The Cry of Fault…II Samuel 12:9-12… “It’s my fault” “If only I would
have died!" 3. The Cry of Frustration…David is king. He has so much power. What
really matters is gone, and he can do nothing about it! We have no control over what
really matters!
Have you hurt so deeply that you didn't want to go on? Are you hurting so deeply? 5 Phases:
David is so distraught. The soldiers began slipping out of Mahanaim as though they were
losers instead of winners. Joab must speak to get through to him.
A. Be Realistic 5 Deal with the facts, no more or no less. Denial is not an option.
B. Be Relational 5b-6 look at what you are doing to those you love who are left. Stop
thinking about yourself. There are others who need you. Life is here. Life is now!
C. Be Resilient 7, 8 “Arise” “Go forth” “Speak” “If you don’t go…"You must get up
andgo on. So much is at stake! Then the king arose…
Life goes on! The hurt is there, but life can go on!
Are you hurting deeply? 5 Phases:
A Time to Await…waiting is difficult. Silence is deafening.
A Time to Anticipate…expect the best until you know for sure.
A Time to Actualize…the worst happens. Don’t live in denial.
A Time to Agonize…the pain of the hurt comes out.
A Time to Advance…get up and go on for the sake of others. Life goes on!
By God’s Grace…In God’s Strength…You can go on and thrive!