TOPIC: All My Feelings (A Big Book of Feelings)



Language - Overall Expectations:

Children will:

communicate effectively by listening and speaking;

demonstrate understanding of a variety of written materials that are read to them (e.g., stories, poems, informational materials).

make sense of simple written materials (e.g., familiar words, signs, labels), using reading strategies that are appropriate for beginners (p. 14, The Kindergarten Program).

Oral Communication:

Children will:

• communicate needs to peers and adults (e.g., request assistance with clothing);

listen and respond to others in a variety of contexts (e.g., pay attention to the speaker; take turns speaking in a group);

follow simple directions and respond appropriately to familiar questions;

• ask questions, express feelings, and share ideas.


Children will:

• listen to stories, poems, and non-fiction materials for enjoyment and information;

• respond appropriately to a variety of materials read aloud to them (e.g., frequently told stories, familiar poems, letters).


Children will:

• write using a variety of tools and media (e.g., crayons, paper, computer, chalkboard, coloured markers, cardboard);

• print most of the letters of the alphabet, their own name and names of family members, and some short words (e.g., Mum, cat).

Understanding of Media Materials:

Children will:

• use a variety of materials to communicate information (e.g., illustrations, photographs, posters, graphs).

Personal and Social Development:

Children will:

demonstrate a positive attitude towards themselves and others (p. 14, The Kindergarten Program).

Self-Awareness and Self-Reliance:

Children will:

• recognize personal strengths and accomplishments (e.g., ability to print their own name, count objects, sing a song);

demonstrate self-control by following classroom rules and routines in different contexts in the school (e.g., in the classroom, gym, library).

Social Relationships:

Children will:

act and talk in appropriate ways with peers and adults during activity periods;

identify feelings and emotions (e.g., anger, excitement) and express them in acceptable ways.

Awareness of Surroundings:

Children will:

• identify some events that occur every year (e.g., birthdays, holidays).

The Arts – Overall Expectations:

Children will:

• express ideas and feelings through a variety of media;

• communicate their responses to music, art, drama, and dance (p. 21, The Kindergarten Program).

Creative Activity:

Children will:

• take turns working on specific tasks in making things.

Response to Art Works:

Children will:

• identify feelings evoked by art forms (e.g., happiness while listening to a song; sadness while looking at a picture).


Children will:

a)Attitudes:actively listen when the teacher reads a story.

b)Skills:be able to draw and recognize various feelings (happy, sad, angry, surprised and afraid).

c)Knowledge:-understand that certain facial expressions match certain feelings.

-understand a variety of situations that make the children themselves exhibit certain feelings.

RESOURCES: The SK Book of Feelings which includes pictures of the class from the “Frame A Feeling” activity.

Chart paper with the headings: happy, sad, angry, surprised and afraid.

A poem titled “All My Feelings” on chart paper.

The story “I Feel Orange Today” by Patricia Godwin.


1)Ask the students if they remember what the five core feelings are that they discussed in their last religion class.

2)Ask the students if they remember what reasons were given for why Saoussan (from the story “From Far Away”) felt sad, afraid and happy.


1)Begin by asking the students what makes them feel happy, sad, angry, surprised, and afraid. Make a list on chart paper under those headings.Read the sentences made together as a class.

2)Introduce the “All My Feelings” poem to the class on the chart paper.

Sometimes we are happy.

Other times we are sad.

Sometimes we are angry,

Or really, really mad.

Sometimes we are surprised.

And other times, afraid.

But God loves every one of us

No matter how we feel today.

3)First read the poem making sure to incorporate all the actions, then ask the students to follow along with you.

4)Introduce ‘The SK Book of Feelings.’ Explain to the students that you made the book so that it matches the poem.

5)Ask a few students, one or two at a time to come up and illustrate a feeling in the class book which should be placed against a stand. Let the students know that every one will have a turn at drawing a feeling in the class book which will be done so during activity centres that day and/or the following week.

6)Read the class book with the students (which is the poem but in picture and word format).


1)Read the story “I Feel Orange Today” by Patricia Godwin.

2)Explain to students that sometimes colours can be a symbol for or represent how we are feeling.

3)Ask students what colour they are feeling like today.


a)Teacher observations that the students are actively listening to the story that is being read.

b)Teacher observations that the students are actively participating in reading the “All My Feelings” poem as a group.

c)Teacher observations that the students are able to draw a feeling in the class book as well as write their names next to their drawing.


Choose five students to stand at the front of the class, hand out the pumpkin frames and whisper a feeling to them. Have the rest of the class guess what feeling the five students are acting out. Continue to choose another five students until all the children have had a turn.