Angličtina komunikativně



My Family

Hello! My name is Tom and let me introduce my family to you: It is me, my mum, my dad, my olderbrother, Alex, and my youngersister, Jana. I also have both grandparents on my mum's side and a granddad on my dad's side.

My mum is short, fair and rather skinny. She has shoulder length brown hairand hazel eyes. She works as a nurse in hospital. I love her because she is very gentle and patient. She likes reading women's magazines and shopping for clothes and shoes. My dad is 180 cmtall and strong. He has a mustache. He works as a lorry driver. He likes good food, Czech beer, watching football on TV and he can be very strict.

I have two siblings: Alex is 17 and he is the oldest one. He is studying computers at a vocational school. We get on quite well with each other. He's clever and helps me with my homework. He is my role model. Jane is my younger sister. She goes to a nursery school. I think she is a real pain in the butt because she is too spoilt. She always gets what she wants. She is my parent's pet because she is the baby in the family.

I am the middle child. Next year I will be 15 and I will be done with my primary education. I want to go to a grammar school and then to university. I would like to become a successful person. I like listening to music like drum and bass and dance music. I used to play the drums until my favorite teacher passed away. Sadly he died from a car accident.

My mum's grandparents are quite old and sometimes get very ill. When this happens, we take care of them. I don't mind it because I like spending time with them.

I have a typical family and we have fun together but we don't always have time for each other. To make up for this we always go on holidays together and try to eat at least one meal together.


Key vocabulary list

aunt- teta

brother – bratr

brother in law - švagr

children - děti

cousin – bratranec, sestřenice

daughter - dcera

divorced – rozvedený

eyes – oči

ex - bývalý

fair - světlý

father / dad / daddy / pop / papa – otec / táta

gentle – jemný/á

grandmother / grandma / granny - babička

grandfather / grandpa / gramps – děda

hair - vlasy

half brother – nevlastní bratr

half sister – nevlastní sestra

husband – manžel

middle child – prostřední dítě

mother / mom / mommy / mum / mummy – matka / mama /maminka

mustache - knír

nephew - synovec

niece - neteř

married – ženatý / vdaná

patient - trpělivý

role model – životní vzor

short – malý

shoulder length – po ramena

single – svobodný

sibling rivalry – soupeření mezi sourozenci

siblings: sis, bro – sourozenci: ségra, brácha

skinny – hubený

son - syn

spend time – trávit čas

step - nevlastní

strong - silný

tall - vysoký

together - spolu

uncle - strýc

widowed – ovdovělý

wife - manželka

Useful phrases

My family consists of … / is made up of … - Moje rodina se skládá z …

I get on / get along well with… Vycházím dobře s …

on my mother's side / on my father's side – ze strany matky / otce

make up for– vykompenzovat


Questions for conversation

  1. How big is your close family?
  2. What are your parents like?
  3. What do your parents do for living?
  4. What do you like about your family?
  5. Who is in your extended family?
  6. Are you an only child? Do you like it?
  7. How do you get along with your siblings?
  8. Do you ever argue with your parents? What about?
  9. Do you travel with your family? Where?
  10. Do you come from a single parent family?
  11. What makes a family dysfunctional?
  12. Describe an ideal family.
  13. What are your best memories of childhood?
  14. What is the perfect number of children to have?
  15. What would you change in your family if you could?


Test your knowledge

1. Complete the sentences.

a)My father is my mother's …………………………………………….…………. .

b)My mother is my father's ……………………………………………………….. .

c)My brother is my parents' ………………………………………………………. .

d)My sister is my parents' ………………………………………………………… .

e)My uncle's children are my ……………………………………..……………… .

f)My brother's son is my …………………………………….……………………. .

g)My sister's daughter is my ……………………………………….…………….. .

h)My brother's wife is my parents' ………………………….….………………… .

i)My sister's husband is my parents' ………………………….………………… .

j)I am my grandparents' ………………………………………………………….. .

2. Choose one of the pictures and describe it in detail. Then compare the pictures. Say what they have in common and what is different.