
  • Must have worked at NACA or NASA Langley for at least 10 years.
  • Must no longer be actively working for NASA Langley as a civil service or contract employee.
  • Must have made a significant contribution in or in support of an aerospace or atmospheric science field during their time of employment at the Center.

Nominations are due by 12:00 noon, Monday, January 2, 2017, and must be e-mailed to

I/We nominate ______

for induction into the Langley Research Center NACA and NASA Hall of Honor.

If living, nominee’s address ______

Phone ______E-mail address ______

If deceased,nominee’s date of death ______

Name of nearest living relative ______

Address ______

Phone ______E-mail address ______

Relationship to nominee______

Dates of service at NACA or NASA Langley Research Center


Nomination Submitted by ______

Proposing individual or organization

Address ______


Phone______E-mail address______

Date submitted______

Please see complete nomination details on last page of this document.

Please provide a synopsis of the nominee’s technical and/or management contributionsto the NACA or NASA Langley Research Center on the Basis for Nomination page following. Limited 1 page, 11-point font minimum. Additional pages will not be considered and will be discarded.

Basis for Nomination

Langley Research Center NACA and NASA Hall of Honor

The Langley Research Center NACA and NASA Hall of Honor was conceived by the Langley Alumni Association and the NASA Langley Research Center to recognize those persons whose contributions have had the most sustained and far-reaching influence on the leadership, direction, mission and capabilities of the NACA Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory and the NASA Langley Research Center, or whose work at Langley enabled unprecedented and fundamental advances in either a scientific or engineering field and made significant contributions to the United States aerospace industry or atmospheric sciences.


Nominees shall be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Employed as a civil service or contract employee at NACA or NASA Langley for at least 10 years.
  • Must no longer be actively working for NASA Langley as a civil service or contract employee.
  • Shall have made sustained contributions to and had far-reaching influence on the leadership, direction, mission, and capabilities of the NACA and/or NASA Langley.
  • Must have made unprecedented and fundamental contributions to or in support of an advancement of either a technical and/or science field with significant impacts to the United States aerospace community for commercial or military aircraft, spacecraft, or atmospheric sciences.


Nominations may be made by any organization or individual familiar with the nominee’s achievements. All nominations must be submitted on an official nomination form provided at the Hall of Honor link on the Langley Alumni Association Hall of Honor web site No candidate shall be considered by the Hall of Honor Selection Committee unless formally nominated and the nomination is received by 12 noon, Monday, January 2, 2017,in accordance with these guidelines. The Hall of Honor Committee shall consider all nominees received by the deadline. The Hall of Honor Committee shall determine the anticipated number of persons to be selected for each class of inductees.


All nominations shall be submitted via e-mail to using the NACA and NASA Langley Hall of Honor nomination form. All nominations shall consist solely of the two (2) pages noted above (cover page and basis for nomination page) – no additional content or other material will be accepted or reviewed. The synopsis of the nominee’s career shall address

  • An overview of the candidate’s contributions to aerospace and atmospheric sciences and specific achievements.
  • The impact of the achievements and how they benefited NACA and NASA and the aerospace or scientific community.
  • Appropriate additional relevant information, e.g., the nominee’s dates and places of work, professional affiliations and awards, and degrees held.
  • Any other information relevant to the nominee’s qualifications.


The Hall of Honor Committee is appointed in accordance with the group’s Operating Guidelines (also available through the Hall of Honor link on the LAA website at All nominations shall be submitted to the Hall of Honor Committee by the deadline below for review of completeness and eligibility. Qualifying nominations will then be evaluated by the Hall of Honor Committee to make the final selections of the honorees.