
Act I Reading Quiz

Answer each question in a complete sentenceand provide evidence for your answer from the play.

Scene 1

  1. What is the setting at the start of the play?
  1. Why is Roderigo mad at Iago?
  1. What is the reason Iago gives Roderigo for his hatred of Othello?
  1. Why does Iago say he follows Othello?
  1. When Iago states “I am not what I am”( I,i,66) what does he mean?
  1. Name two things Othello is compared to by Iago and Roderigo. (2 marks)
  1. What does Roderigo tell Signor Brabantio?

8.Why does Iago leave before Signor Brabantio can see him?

9. Where do Roderigo and Signor Brabantio go at the end of the scene?

Scene 2

  1. What does Iago ask Othello about his marriage to Desdemona?
  1. How does Othello answer?
  1. What does Brabantio believe Othello must have done to get Desdemona to marry?
  1. Where do Brabantio and Othello go at the end of the scene?

Scene 3

  1. What important news is being discussed at the beginning of the scene?
  1. What important information does the messenger bring?
  1. What does the Duke promise Brabantio when he finds out that someone has abused Desdemona?
  1. Does Othello deny the allegations?
  1. What reasons does Othello give to convince the Duke and Brabantio that his love for Desdemona is real and is returned by her?
  1. Who does Desdemona most owe obedience? What reasons does she give for this? (2 marks)
  1. When Desdemona finds out Othello is going to Cyprus, what does she ask of the Duke?
  1. How does Roderigo act when the plot to break up Othello and Desdemona fails?
  1. What three pieces of advice does Iago give Roderigo? (3 marks)
  1. In Iago’s soliloquy he mentions a new reason why he hates the Moor. What is this reason?
  1. Explain Iago’s plan that he outlines at the end of scene III.


Act II Reading Quiz

Scene 1

1. What type of event is happening at the opening of the scene?

2. What has happened to the Turkish fleet?

3. Who arrives on Cyprus first? Cassio, Othello, or Iago?

4. Who arrives on Cyprus second? Cassio, Othello, or Iago?

5. Who arrives on Cyprus last? Cassio, Othello, or Iago?

6. What is Desdemona doing while she waits for the last ship to arrive? Why? (2 marks)

7. What does Iago see Cassio do that delights him?

8. What “information” does Iago tell Roderigo about Cassio?

9. What reasons does Iago give Roderigo to back up his claim? (2 marks)

10. What does Iago tell Roderigo to do concerning Cassio?

11. In Iago’s soliloquy we get to see more of his thoughts.

A) What does he compare Roderigo to?

B) What does he suspect Cassio of doing?

C) What does he hope he drives Othello to?

Scene 2

1. What proclamation is made?

Scene 3

1. Who does Othello put in charge of the guards for the night?

2. Is Cassio a good drinker? Provide evidence for your answer

3. Why is Iago trying to get Cassio drunk?

4. What does Iago tell Montano about Cassio as Cassio leaves for the watch?

5. What does Roderigo get Cassio to do?

6. Who does Cassio end up hurting badly?

7. Who do Cassio and Montano get to tell Othello what has happened?

8. What ends up happening to Cassio?

9. What is Cassio MOST upset about losing?

10. What advice does Iago give to Cassio?

11. How is the advice Iago gives Cassio going to help Iago’s plot? What is Iago going to do to turn this to his advantage?

12. At the end of the scene, Roderigo returns and is upset with Iago. List both reasons he is upset. (2 marks)

13. What news about Cassio does Iago give Roderigo to improve his attitude?

14. The scene ends with Iago mentioning two things that need to be done to further his plan. List them. (2 marks)


Act III Reading Quiz

Scene 1

1. What is the purpose of Scene I in regards to the audience?

2. Why has Cassio hired the musicians?

3. What does Cassio ask Emilia to do for him?

Scene II

1. What is the purpose of Scene II? What does it tell the audience?

Scene III

1. What does Cassio convince Desdemona to do for him?

2. Why does Cassio leave before Othello arrives?

3. The line “Ha! I like not that.” (III, iii, 35) is very significant. Why?

4. Once Cassio leaves, Desdemona talks to Othello. What is she trying to set up?

5. Iago asks Othello a question about Cassio that starts Othello thinking. What is the question about?

6. What type of man is Cassio, according to Othello and Iago?

7. Iago seems reluctant to voice his concerns to Othello. What does this do to Othello?

8. Complete this line. (2 marks) “O beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed ______which doth ______the meat it feeds on.” (III, iii, 163-165)

9. Complete this line spoken by Othello. (2 marks) “I’ll ______before I doubt; when I doubt ______;” (III, iii, 188)

10. What specific advice (Check question 15 before you answer this. I am looking for different advice in each question) does Iago give Othello concerning Desdemona and Cassio? You should be using the word “look” in your answer.

11. Iago uses his knowledge of Venetians (which Othello lacks) to twist Othello’s emotions further. What does he say about Venetians and their behaviors?

12. Iago mentions further “proof” to Othello about Desdemona’s ability to deceive. What previous event from the play does he use as his “proof”?

13. Othello seems moved by what Iago has said and some doubts arise. What is the major doubt that Othello has with his relationship with Desdemona?

14. Does Othello think Iago has told him everything he knows or that he has omitted some events?

15. Iago seems to give Othello good advice on how he can discover if Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. What is the advice? (Different advice from question 10)

16. How is the advice Iago gives going to further his plans concerning Othello and Cassio?

17. When Desdemona arrives to talk to Othello, she finds that he is upset. What does Othello tell her is wrong with him?

18. What object does Desdemona misplace while she tries to help Othello?

19. What happens to this object?

20. The lost object is part of Iago’s plan. What does he plan to do with it?

21. Othello returns to speak with Iago and he is very upset with what Iago has revealed to him. Why?

22. Othello demands “______proof” (III, iii, 357) of Desdemona’s betrayal.

23. Iago states that it will be very hard to catch them in the act and instead mentions two things he has heard and seen Cassio do. What are they? (2 marks)

24. How does Othello react to the events that Iago describes?

25. Iago swears an oath to Othello. What is the main idea of this oath?

26. Othello asks Iago to perform a vital task concerning Cassio. What is it?

27. What vital task is Othello planning on doing concerning Desdemona?

Scene IV

1. Desdemona is concerned because she has lost something. What has she lost?

2. Does Desdemona think that Othello is the jealous type?

3. The item Desdemona lost is important to Othello. What story does he tell Desdemona about it? (2 marks)

4. Why does Desdemona think Othello is so concerned with the item?

5. Why is Othello really concerned with the item?

6. Othello gets angry at Desdemona. What does Desdemona think the reason for this is?

7. What does Emilia think the reason is?

8. Which character ends up with the item that Desdemona has lost?


Act IV Reading Quiz

Scene 1

1. What is Iago trying to do to Othello at the beginning of Scene 1?

2. What happens to Othello when Iago tells him that Cassio has bragged about Desdemona?

3. When Cassio arrives, how does Iago explain Othello’s condition?

4. What does Iago ask Cassio to do while Othello recovers?

5. Explain Iago’s plan concerning Cassio and Othello. Start with Othello hiding from sight. (2 marks)

6. Who is Cassio talking about?

7. Who does Othello think Cassio is talking about?

8. What PHYSICAL piece of evidence is shown in this scene?

9. Who brings this evidence into Othello’s sight?

10. When Cassio leaves, Othello comes out of concealment. What question does he ask Iago about Cassio?

11. What does Othello plan for Desdemona?

12. What method does he plan to use?

13. Iago suggests a different method. What is it?

14. Lodovico brings a letter from Venice. What two important pieces of information does the letter contain? (2 marks)

15. What does Othello do that shocks Lodovico?

Scene 2

1. What is Othello questioning Emilia about at the start of the scene?

2. How does Emilia respond?

3. What is Othello trying to get Desdemona to confess?

4. Why is Desdemona confused at Othello’s anger?

5. Othello calls Desdemona some nasty names. List two. (2 marks)

6. Othello compares Emilia’s job to guard Desdemona’s bedroom door to the “office opposite to Saint Peter.” (IV, ii, 90) Explain this statement.

7. Desdemona asks Emilia to put special sheets on her bed. What makes them special?

8. Emilia is upset with the way Othello is acting because Desdemona has given up many things to be with him. What has Desdemona given up? (2 marks)

9. Emilia has a theory that is very close to the truth about what is happening between Othello and Desdemona. Explain her theory.

10. What does Desdemona ask Iago to do for her?

11. Roderigo appears near the end of this scene. What has he decided to do concerning his affections for Desdemona?

12. What information does Iago give Roderigo concerning Cassio and Othello?

13. What does Iago suggest they do to Cassio?

Scene 3

1. Who does Othello walk with at the start of this scene?

2. What does Othello tell Desdemona to do?

3. What is Desdemona’s mood in this scene?

4. What is the name of the song Desdemona sings?

5. Desdemona and Emilia have a conversation about adultery. What is Emilia’s view on adultery?

6. What is Desdemona’s view on adultery?

7. Who does Emilia blame for wives committing adultery?


Act V Reading Quiz

Scene 1

1. How are Iago and Roderigo planning to attack Cassio?

2. Iago really doesn’t care who dies in the attack because no matter what unfolds, he gains. Explain how he gains from the death of Cassio and the death of Roderigo. (2 marks)



3. Why is Cassio not killed by Roderigo’s attack?

4. Where is Cassio wounded seriously and who is responsible? (2 marks)

5. How does Othello react to Cassio’s cries for help?

6. Complete this line. (2 marks)

Strumpet I come!

Forth of my heart those charms, thine eyes, are ______

Thy bed, lust-stained, shall with lust’s blood be ______

(V, I, 34-36)

7. Why do Gratiano and Lodovico not rush to help when they hear cries?

8. Who comes into the scene and “finds” Cassio wounded?

9. Why does Iago end up stabbing Roderigo?

10. Why does Iago implicate Bianca in the attempt on Cassio’s life?

11. What does Iago ask Cassio regarding Roderigo?

12. When Emilia enters, Iago sends her on an errand. What is she sent to do?

13. Complete this line. (2 marks)

This is the ______.

That either makes me, or fordoes me ______.

(V, I, 128-129)

Scene 2

1. At the beginning of this scene Othello is talking to himself. Why does he decide Desdemona must die?

2. What does Othello compare Desdemona’s life to?

3. What figure of speech is used to do this?

4. What is Othello talking about in this line?

“One more, and this the last.” (V, ii, 19)

5. Why does Othello ask Desdemona if she has prayed tonight?

6. What “evidence” does Othello challenge Desdemona with?

7. How does Desdemona respond to this “evidence”?

8. Why does Othello think that Cassio cannot speak to defend himself and Desdemona?

9. What does Desdemona beg Othello for when she learns about Cassio?

10. Emilia interrupts Othello while he is killing Desdemona. What news does she have? List 2 items. (2 marks)

11. Why is Othello surprised at Emilia’s news?

12. Who does Desdemona blame for her death when Emilia finds her?

13. What does Emilia compare Othello to when he admits to killing Desdemona?

14. What does Emilia compare Desdemona to?

15. What information does Othello give Emilia about his reason that shocks her?

16. Emilia raises that alarm by calling out about the murder. Who responds to her cries? Name 2 of the 3 characters. (2 marks)

17. What does Emilia demand of Iago when he arrives?

18. How does Iago respond to Emilia’s question?

19. What information is given concerning Desdemona’s father?

20. What “evidence” of Desdemona’s adultery does Othello tell everyone gathered about?

21. Emilia is shocked by the “evidence”. Why? What information does she share with everyone about the “evidence”?

22. How does Othello react to Emilia’s news?

23. How does Iago react to the news?

24. What is Othello’s mood at this point in the scene?

25. What does Othello finally admit to himself?

26. Why does Othello look at Iago’s feet?

27. What else does Othello do to Iago?

28. Complete this line. (2 marks)

Why anything:

“An ______murderer, if you will:

For naught did I in ______, but all in honor.”

(V, ii, 291-293)

29. What does Othello ask from Cassio?

30. Complete Iago’s last words. (5 marks)

“Demand me nothing; What you know, ______

From this time forth I never ______.”

(V, ii, 300-301)

31. What is suggested as a method to get Iago talking?

32. What conveniently appears to explain the plots and motives of Iago?

33. Who is now in charge of Cyprus?

34. Complete Othello’s last words. (5 marks)

“Then you must speak

Of one that loved not wisely, ______;

Of one, not easily jealous but, being wrought,

Perplexed in the extreme; of one whose hand

Like the base Indian threw a ______away

Richer that all his ______.”

(V, ii, 339-344)

35. After this speech what does Othello do?

36. What is Othello’s last act in the play? What is the last thing he does?

37. What does Lodovico compare Iago to?

38. Complete the last two lines of the play. (2 marks)

“Myself will straight abroad, and to the ______

This heavy act with heavy heart ______.”

(V, ii, 366-367)