Thursday September15,2016
6:03 p.m.
Opening prayer Ms. Treadway
6:05 p.m.
Call to order by Leigh
Introduction of PTO officers
Meeting minutes approved for April 7, 2016 by Ann Spinler.
Current balance in PTO account is $4,723.15.
President Report by Leigh Rion:
1) Art Gala thanked Ms. Beck. Announced meeting should begin in January for the upcoming Gala.
2) Focus is on the elementary playground water fountains getting them fixed.
3) Cafeteria making changes.
4) Pto tab on website.
Grand parents day is September 23,2016.
Pto is joining Loreen in getting food and drinks for Grandparents day program for grades prek-5.
The spirit day bake sale will be split with the High School for money toward Joy Night.
The Veterans Day parade is on a Friday. We need a truck and Trailer for the parade. Also need Student and Parent Volunteers.
Ms. Davis
1) The Christmas Play is December 9-10, 2016. Grades 3-12 are allowed to audition. Grades 3-5 had a packet sent home and emailed with information. 2:45 on Tuesday September 20, 2016 is when auditions begin.
2) She needs volunteers to help with the set building and costumes, lighting and sound booth.
3) Jr. Beta club is starting a recycling program and are in need of parent volunteers to help take the recycled material to the recycling plant.
Melody Chapman:
The Marketing committee is going to be hosting a Fundraiser Dinner.
They are also asking for a PTO representative
They hosted a Pastor and Wife dinner on September 9, 2016.
Holding a Fundraiser Banquet in the Spring.
Mrs. Treadway took the floor
Introduction of new teachers:
Rob Worthington Middle school math and science
Chad Perry Middle school English
Michelle Anderson 1st grade
Baylee Winkleman daycare
Amber Poole daycare
Mrs. Goodwin took the floor:
Missionary aftershock. Asked that Pre-k thru High School bring in a $1.00 a month to send to Haiti Children to be able to go to school.
Mom’s in Prayer Group will meet Tuesday @ 8:00 for about 45 minutes
Mrs. Treadway took the floor
Went over new rules. Advised everyone that the school passed inspection
Went over the school improvement plan.
Mr. Chapman closed in prayer