Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
English / Stories with familiar settings
Songs and repetitive poems
Information text about a country / Stories with familiar settings / Imaginary worlds
Booklets about weather/ climate / Historical recounts
Information writing about earthquakes and volcanoes / Stories with dilemmas
Poetry linked to Roman life / Fiction genres
Journalistic Writing
Maths / Number formation, counting, calculation / Counting, comparing, place value, reading, writing, ordering and shape / Number, shape and data / Calculation, shape and data / Patterns, sequences, calculation and shape / Symmetry, problem- solving and algebra
Science / Animals (including humans- describing and identifying animals) / Animals (including humans- life cycle/ health) / Forces and magnets / Electricity / Earth and Space / Animals (including humans)
Religion / Vision and Mission
Creation / Vision and Mission
Creation / Vision and Mission
Creation / Vision and Mission
Creation / Vision and Mission
Creation / Vision and Mission
History / Anglo- Saxons / Mayans
Geography / UK / Continents and Oceans / World weather and climate / Volcanoes and earthquakes
Art / Colours and continents
Great British artists / Colours and continents
Great British artists / World climate / Great artists (Van Gogh) / Norval Morrisseau / Mayans
DT / Puppets
(Aut 1 or 2) / Joseph’s coat
(Aut 1 or 2) / In the frame
(Aut 1 or 2) / Jackanory (Aut 1 or 2) / Saxon Churches (Aut 1 or 2) / Lounging around (Autumn 1 or 2)
Computing / Graphics Word / Graphics Word- WP 2 weeks / Graphics Word / SafeWordAnimate / WordSafe / WordSafe
PE / Change 4 Life-
Gymnastics / Change 4 Life- Target
Dance- Nocturnal Animals / Tag rugby
Street dance / Basketball
Street dance / Tag rugby
Dance- Space / Basketball
Dance- Street
Music / Around the world / Around the world / Brass / Samba / Lucy in the sky with diamonds- The Beatles / Marimba
French / Simple greetings, songs and games / Greetings, simple questions, numbers / All about me, simple statements / Number, days / Family and descriptions / French alphabet, spelling simple words
PSHE / Working well together / Who is in charge? / Settling in / Feeling good / Who decides? / Managing conflicts


Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
English / Descriptive writing about toys / Information booklet
Traditional tales and fairy tales / Myths and legends
Recount/ descriptive writing about Stone age life / Stories with dilemmas / Stories from other cultures / Formal Writing
Balanced Argument
Non- fiction
Maths / Shape, money and fractions / Rounding, time, calculation and position / Measures, location, fractions and formal methods / Measures, shape and fractions / Measures, statistics, co-ordinates, fractions and decimals / Statistics, measures, lines, shape and algebra
Science / Animals (including humans- describing and identifying animals) / Animals (including humans- life cycle/ health) / Animals (including human- nutrition/ skeletons) / Animals (including humans)
Teeth and digestion / Forces / Electricity
Religion / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
Advent / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
Advent / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
Advent / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
Advent / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
Advent / Prayers, Saints and Feasts
History / Our grandparents’ toys / History of Aviation / Changes in Britain between the Stone Age and the Iron Age / Anglo- Saxons / Mayans
Geography / Volcanoes and earthquakes
Art / Toys / Up, up and away / Stone age art / Great artists (Van Gogh) / Norval Morriseau / Mayans
DT 1 day workshop in Y3 and 5 tbc / Puppets
(Aut 1 or 2) / A Joseph’s coat
(Aut 1 or 2)
B Fridge magnets / In the frame
(Aut 1 or 2) / Jackanory (Aut 1 or 2) / Saxon Churches (Aut 1 or 2) / Lounging around (Autumn 1 or 2)
Computing / WordSafe / WordAlgorithm / WordAlgorithm / WordSpread / PublishInternet / DataDesign
PE / Change 4 Life- Adventure
Dance- Toys / Change 4 Life- target
Gymnastics / Netball
Gymnastics / Hockey
Gymnastics / Hockey
Gymnastics / Hockey
Music / Toys / What a performance / Brass / Chinese music / Lucy in the sky with diamonds / Marimba
French / Songs and games
Christmas / Songs and games / Numbers to 20
Christmas / Months, birthday, Christmas / Pets / Revise basic questions
PSHE / Communities- other people are special too / Getting on and falling out (includes Anti- bullying week)
Celebrating and recognising differences / Getting on and falling out (includes Anti- bullying week)
Focus on feelings / Getting on and falling out (includes Anti- bullying week)
Keeping safe outside school / Getting on and falling out (includes Anti- bullying week)
Risks and pressures / Getting on and falling out (includes Anti- bullying week)
The world at home


Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
writing / In another world (link to Katie Morag) / Stories from fantasy worlds / Poetry
Changing landscapes / Poetry
Information writing about the Romans / Classic/ narrative poems / Imagery
Biography and Autobiography
Maths / Measures, sorting information and time / Money, measures, patterns and sequences / Calculation, mental recall, shape, symmetry and data / Calculation, angles, shape, data / Calculation, money, shape, symmetry and statistics / Calculation, formulae, fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion
Science / Everyday materials / Living things
Habitats / Rocks / Sound / All living things
Habitats / Light
Religion / Christmas
Revelation / Christmas
Revelation / Christmas
Revelation / Christmas
Revelation / Christmas
Revelation / Christmas
History / The impact of the Roman Empire on Britain
Geography / Weather and climate / Isle of Coll / Changing landscapes / Natural Resources / Major city jet set
Art / Katie Morag
Climate and weather linked to art / Katie Morag
Climate and weather linked to art / A view from a window / Michael Craig Martin / Designers / City architecture
DT / Moving pictures (Spring 1 or 2) / A Vehicles (Spring 1 or 2)
B Toast / Savoury sandwich snacks (Spring 1 or 2) / Lighthouse project (Spring 1 or 2) / Crumbs (Spring 1 or 2)
Computing / Simulation / InternetCodeWord / CodeSafe / CodeLogo / ModelPower / SafePublishDesign
PE / Parachute games
Gymnastics / Tennis
Dance- Commotion in the ocean / Dance the jungle
Badminton / Tri- golf
Badminton / Matalan Challenge scheme
Swimming / Tri- golf
Music / Katie Morag
Stormy times / Katie Morag
Around the world / Ukulele / Walking the dog / Angels / A minor blues
French / Action rhymes and songs / Action rhymes and songs
Fruits / Months, numbers to 30, I can…., sports / Responding to a story
Weather / Food / Ordering food and drink
PSHE / Caring for myself / My body is important / Making friends / Changes in families / We are all different / Taking responsibility for my own safety


Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
English / Letter to Jane Austen
Stories from fantasy worlds / Recount Traditional stories
Stories from fantasy worlds / Acting school Playscripts
Information writing about Tocuaro / Stories from imaginary worlds
Report about settlements / Traditional stories, myths and legends
Report writing about the Crimean war/ Aldershot / Persuasive Writing
Maths / Patterns, sequences and shape / Shape, fractions, organising information and assessment tasks / Temperature, time, fractions, angles, formal calculations / Measures, fractions, time and calculation / Probability, measures, calculation, angles and co-ordinates / Fractions, algebra, statistics, shape and position
Science / Plants / Plants / Plants / States of matter / Properties of everyday materials / All living things
Religion / Lent
Holy Week / Lent
Holy Week / Lent
Holy Week / Lent
Holy Week / Lent
Holy Week / Lent
Holy Week
History / Jane Austen / The Great Fire of London / Aldershot – Local History study / The Battle of Britain
Geography / Where is Tocuaro? / What is a settlement?
Art / Great artists / Great artists
Communication / Where is Tocuaro?
Mexican Art Frieda Khalo / Martin Michael Craig / Designers / City Architecture
DT / Moving pictures (Spring 1 or 2) / A Vehicles (Spring 1 or 2)
B Toast / Savoury sandwich snacks (Spring 1 or 2) / Lighting it up (Spring 1 or 2) / Crumbs (Spring 1 or 2)
Computing / Music and Sound / Music and Sound- 6weeks / Music and Sound / MovieTime / Scratch / SpreadCode
PE / Orienteering
Dance- Nursery rhymes / Tri-golf
Gymnastics / Tri golf
Multi- skills / Tennis
Dance- Ancient Greece / Tennis
Swimming / Tennis
Dance- WW2
Music / Wispy willow / Zoom
Wispy willow / Ukulele / Walking the dog / Ruffles and flourishes / A minor blues
French / Action rhymes and songs / Colours, fruit / Puppet conversations / Weather forecast / Food
Likes and dislikes / Pizza Easter
PSHE / Caring for others / Changing friendships / Keeping safe in school / Ups and downs in relationships / It’s my body / Changing relationships


Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
English / Poetry
Africa- non-fiction / Michael Rosen study / Newspapers / Performance poetry
Information writing about the Ancient Greeks / Stories from imaginary worlds
Fact sheet about Aldershot / Revision
Poetry – choral and performance
The Novel
Maths / Comparing numbers and position / Written calculation, fractions and assessment tasks / Number, written calculation, revision, assessment tasks and data / Formal methods, revision and assessment tasks / Calculation, investigations, revision and assessment tasks / Shape, calculation, co-ordinates, circles and investigations
(Revision and SATS)
Science / Seasonal Changes / Everyday materials / Light / Classification of living things
Habitats / Properties of everyday materials / Evolution and inheritance
Religion / Easter
Pentecost and Mission / Easter
Pentecost and Mission / Easter
Pentecost and Mission / Easter
Pentecost and Mission / Easter
Pentecost and Mission / Easter
Pentecost and Mission
History / Ancient Civilizations including Ancient Egypt / The Ancient Greeks influence on the western world
Geography / India / Australia / Location / Rivers and Mountains
Art / Australian art
Indian art / Australian art
Indian art / Great artists / Ancient Greeks / Hope and peace / Hope and Peace
DT / Playground structures (Summer 1 or 2) / A Eat more fruit and vegetables (Summer 1 or 2)
B Roly poly toy / Sunny days (Summer 1 or 2) / Toying around (Summer 1 or 2) / Fairground attraction (Summer 1 or 2)
Computing / Discover / WordCode / SpreadPower / Publish / DataDiscover / PythonDesign
PE / Sports day, athletics, track and field ALL YEAR GROUPS
Music / Wispy willow too / Wispy willow too / Woodwind / Greeks / BB bop / Calypso
French / Animals / Parts of the body / Classroom objects / Colours / School subjects / Numbers to 100
PSHE / Keeping Safe / Taking charge / In someone else’s shoes / Keeping healthy / Being involved / Promoting British values/ Rights/ resp of the Law


Subject / 1 / 1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
writing / Author study- Julia Donaldson
News report- Nelson / Poetry / Roald Dahl
Information about different civilisations / David Walliams
Persuasive writing about the Elgin marble / Michael Morpugo / Authors and texts
Novel Study
Maths / Puzzles, symbols and calculation / Puzzles, symbols, calculation and temperature / Measures, fractions, investigations, number concepts and puzzles / Statistics, measures, fractions, decimals, puzzles and problems / Time, shape, statistics and measures / Money, time and Active Maths
Science / Seasonal Changes / Everyday materials / Light / Classification of living things
Habitats / Animals (including humans) Puberty / Investigations: Astronomy
Religion / Sacraments / Sacraments / Sacraments / Sacraments / Sacraments / Sacraments
History / The Battle of Trafalgar / Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus / Ancient Civilizations including Ancient Egypt / The Ancient Greeks influence on the western world
Geography / Location / Rivers and Mountains
Art / Seasons / Great artists / Great artists / Ancient Greeks / Hope and Peace / Hope and Peace
DT / Playground structures (Summer 1 or 2) / A Eat more fruit and vegetables (Summer 1 or 2)
B Roly poly toy / Sunny days (Summer 1 or 2) / Toying around (Summer 1 or 2) / Fairground attraction (Summer 1 or 2)
Computing / Code / Animation 6 weeks / DataPower / DataCode / LightBot / Prezi V Ppoint
PE / Summer games- Kwik Cricket, Pairs cricket, rounders, tennis, tri-golf, badminton, lacrosse
Music / Beat again / Singing all the way / Woodwind / Greeks / BB bop / Calypso
French / Animals / Transport / Classroom objects / Mr Men and Little Miss / Monster description / Telling the time
PSHE / Looking forward / Looking forward / People and their work / Looking ahead / Looking at the world / Looking forward/ transition