Survey of Therapeutic PsychologyS. Boyd-Jackson, Ph.D.
Office Hour Fall 2006: Mon & Wed- 8:00 - 9:20am;Psy-4450-01
Mon12:30 – 1:50pm; &{by Appt. only Tues-2:30-3:30pm}Email:
Home Page:
Psy-1000, Psy-3540
Course Description and Objectives:
This Course includes a more in-depth overview of several psychological therapeutic theories utilized in contemporary psychology. The overview will include different strategies for counseling and case studies. In addition, there will be discussion about therapy with diverse populations. The following are learning objectives for this course:
- To gain knowledge of therapeutic theory, theorist and strategies.
- To understand similarities and differences between the various therapies.
- To develop understanding of the application and benefit of therapy techniques learned in the course.
- To gain some knowledge about specific therapeutic needs and/or strategies for racially and ethnically diverse populations.
Required Texts:
Corey, G. (2005). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, (7thEd.). New York: Thomson/Brooks-Cole,
Publishers. (ISBN – 0534536050)
Corey, G. (2005). Student manual for theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, (7thEd.) New York:
Wadsworth Publishers. (ISBN – 0534536069)
Johnson, S. (1998). Who Moved My Cheese?New York: Penguin Putnam, Inc. (ISBN – 0-399-14446-3)*This is not in the book store you can get it at any Barnes & Nobles or order online at
Course Requirements
1. Attendance is essential. Absences will effect your class participation and therefore your grade. You are also expected to arrive to class on time. More than three late arrivals will begin to affect your grade. All assignments should be handed in at the beginning of the class period. Any material handed in after that time will be considered late.
2. All reading assignments will be prepared before class to facilitate discussion during class time. All written assignments will be handed in by the deadline date. Late papers will not be accepted unless the instructor validates your reason for lateness.
3. Case studies as well as other tasks will be assigned for homework. All homework assignments will be collected and most will be discussed in class.
4. Group interaction is essential and all group projects during class will count toward class participation. You will learn by attending lectures and participating in small group exercises as well as the entire class discussion.
Final grades will be derived from all tests and performance on class projects/writing assignments and homework. You will have several writing assignments which count toward class participation, two essay examsand one major paper. The following percentages will make up your grade:
Midterm Exam25%Final Exam25%
Writing assignments20%Semester Project15%
Class Participation15%
Late papers will be accepted only at the discretion of the instructor and they will be marked down. No papers will be accepted one week after the assigned deadline date.
Important Dates
September 13th -Last day to withdraw with 100% refund
September 20th -Last day to withdraw with 75% refund
September 27th -Last day to withdraw with 50% refund
November 2nd -Last day to withdraw with a W grade
Class Examination Dates
Mid-TermOctober 23, 2006
FinalDecember 18, 2006
Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and/or essay questions and possibly fill-ins. Your midterm and will be based on the chapters that were covered prior to the exam. The final exam questionswill bederived from a combination ofessential material learned throughout the semester.
Semester Project
The semester project is a two-part assignment which will involve interviewing individuals about their knowledge and beliefs regarding psychotherapy and a self-analysis. This is an important project that will help you integrate and analyze some of the theory, and concepts that you have learned.
Writing Assignments
There will be two short writing assignments that will enhance your learning and understanding of psychological therapies. You will be expected to type your assignments and to complete them on time. The first task is to find a newspaper article related to psychology and psychotherapy. And the second assignment is a task that involves finding research articles on psychotherapy. You will be given further instructions for each assignment which counts as 10% of your final grade.
Class Participation and Homework
You will be given homework almost every class which may include workbook tasks, extra reading assignments, reflective writing tasks, case studies to analyze, and/or practice role play for class.You will receive points for each class you attend, if you contribute to class discussion and small group exercises. You will have several class opportunities to participate in small group work throughout the semester. You will be able to receive up to 100 points for an A+ in class participation and completion of homework assignments. You will not get credit for group work and class participation for the day if you are more than 15 minutes late to class.
The following are a list of expectations for classroom behavior. Please read carefully and discuss any concerns you may have prior to the second week of class.
It is expected that students will:
- Take responsibility for their education. Learning depends on your input as well as my teaching. You are expected to listen, ask questions and participate fully in order to get the most out of this class.
- Try to attend every class and take notes during lectures and discussions. It is your responsibility to contact the instructor to discuss missed work. Studies show that students who miss class frequently were more likely later to withdraw or fail.
- Come to class on time as often as possible. Latecomers can disrupt the learning environment.
- Practice common courtesy and refrain from having private conversations, turn off all beepers, cellular phones.
- Ask appropriate and relevant questions that help with class discussion. Too many questions and/or comments from the same student prevent other students from participating in class discussions. However, please do not hesitate to ask a question if you are not sure about the relevancy.
- Come to class prepared with appropriate supplies such as a pen, notebook, text, homework assignments and any other relevant material. And turn in your assignments on time to avoid grade reduction.
- Do not bring their children to class…this can be distracting for your classmates and boring for the child.
- Seek assistance if you are struggling with your classwork. I am willing to help you develop alternative learning strategies. Please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance.
Grading Standards
I. All papers should be a scholarly work reflecting current professional literature on the topics for research papers and/or sophisticated thinking on the part of the student for reflective and analytical papers.
2. All assignments must include all required components. In addition, the student should clearly present relevant issues and information for the given assignment.
3. The style of writing should be clear and concise following the APA writing style guideline.
4. All papers should be handed in on time. Late papers will be penalized.
5. Presentation and organization should be of high quality (do not hand in papers loose or paper-clipped)
6. All facts and ideas derived from the articles or other resource material must be duly referenced and credited. Taking more than three consecutive words from a source without referencing its origin is plagiarism and is against the law.
7. An “A” paper includes: 1) All required components; 2) High quality writing, analysis, organization and presentation; 3) Relevant and scholarly information; 4) And relevant information above what is required.
Reading List Guide and Tentative Class Schedule
The schedule below is a guide only. It is subject to change depending on time spent on class discussions and small group exercises.There will be additional reading assignments. However, you should use this to help stay on top of reading assignments.
19/11/06Introduction & Important Overview/1st Writing Assigned1
9/13/06The Counselor: Person and Professional2
29/18/06Ethical Issues in Counseling Practice3
9/20/06Person-Centered Therapy7
39/25/06Person-Centered Therapy – Cont’d
9/27/06Gestalt Therapy – Semester ProjAssigned8
410/02/06Gestalt Therapy – Cont’d /1stWriting Assignment Due
10/04/06Psychoanalytic Therapy/2nd Writing Assigned4
510/9/06HOLIDAY – No Class
10/11/06Psychoanalytic Therapy – cont’d
610/16/06Psychoanalytic Therapy
10/18/06Adlerian Therapy – cont’d 5
710/23/06MID-TERM EXAM
10/25/06Adlerian Therapy –cont’d/Semester Project –Part 1 Due
810/30/06Adlerian Therapy – cont’d/Behavioral Therapy 9
11/01/06No Class
911/06/06Behavior Therapy –cont’d
11/08/06Behavioral Therapy-cont’d
1011/13/06Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy– cont’d2nd Writing Assignment Due10
11/15/06Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy – cont’d
1111/20/06Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy –cont’d
11/22/06Family Systems Therapy –cont’d14
1211/27/06Family Systems Therapy – cont’d
11/29/06Narrative Therapy (optional)13
1312/04/06Solution-Focused Brief Therapy/Semester Project - Part 11Due13
12/06/06Solution-Focused Brief Therapy –cont’d
1412/11/06An Integrative Perspective15
1213/06Integrative Perspective –cont’d
1512/18/06FINAL EXAM