Executive Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Monday, January 12th 2008 5pm, Canal Room.

The following Cabinet members were present: Morgan McDowell, Neeru Goyal, Supreet Sahai, Sanjay Iyer, Leah Fremouw, and Megan Goldshine,.

Late Arrival: Eddie Brunson

Absent members: Jibran Muhammad, Danny Barefoot, Gabriel Walker, J. Knight, Brandon Dube, Roberto Celis, Kanwar Singh, and Melissa Philips.

I. New Business

1. New Meeting Time

To increase attendance and flexibility, Megan will email out the following options to choose from:

Mondays at 9pm (Of those in attendance, this option works best)

Sundays at 8pm

2. Updates

2009 Changes

Megan Goldshine, formerly Director of Development, will now be Secretary.

Sanjay Iyer, formerly Deputy Director of Political Affairs, will take the Development position.

Leah Fremouw, Director of External Affairs, would like to find a Deputy.

Due to graduation, transfers, and other reasons the following 2008 Cabinet members are no longer serving: Jenn Darkazalli, Jenny Fornoff, Winter Foddrell, and Justin Green.

Solle Taghavi will no longer be Executive Director

II. Tasks (for those in attendance)

1. Supreet-Deputy of Student Affairs

a. VCU Song- Get a senator to introduce a bill to get the ball rolling on the creation of a school song. The idea of a “competition” has been nixed.

2. Megan-Secretary

a. Establish a new meeting time for Cabinet

b. Work with Morgan to purchase office supplies

c. Begin looking at planning the Spring Formal (with Stephen Straus)

d. Post minutes and attendance on Blackboard

3. Sanjay-Development

a. Update the outside bulletin boards

b. Look at getting a spotlight in the CT and WVCW

4. Leah-External Affairs

a. Continue work on the clean up in Oregon Hill. Look at getting food to feed the volunteers.

III. Tasks (for those not in attendance)

1. Kanwar-Technology

a. Post pictures from Jibran’s trip to Qatar on the website.

2. Brandon-Communications

a. Create a welcome back letter to the editor for the CT from SGA.

b. Organize reps to do interviews on WVCW. Ask Josh Ronk or Gonzalo Aida about getting SGA people on their shows.

3. Gabriel-Student Affairs

a. Return the VCU 2020 book back to Morgan.

b. See above task regarding the school song.

c. Continue with Football crew, what’s next?

4. Jay-Political Affairs

a. Advertise for VCU’s lobbying day

b. What day(s) will there be training for the lobbying day?

5. Roberto-Major Projects and Green Campus

a. Compile a complete list of movie showings up until Earth Day. We need a list of all the supplies you will need and an estimate of the cost.

b. Talk to APB about showing an environmental movie

6. Eddie-Finance

a. Final numbers on peer advising

b. Scholarship committee continuation-meet with Jibran