CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 0
Content / The haiku has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the work. / The haiku has a clearly stated purpose and theme, but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it. / The purpose and theme of the haiku is somewhat muddy or vague. / The haiku lacks a purpose and theme.
Mechanics: Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation / There are no errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation in the final draft of the product. / There are 1-3 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation in the final draft of the product. / There are 4-5 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation final draft of the product. / There are more than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation in the final draft of the product.
Graphics / Photograph is related to the theme/purpose of the haiku, is of high quality and enhances reader interest or understanding. / Photograph is related to the theme/purpose of the haiku, is of good quality and enhances reader interest or understanding. / Photograph does not relate to the theme/purpose of the haiku and does not enhance reader interest or understanding. / Photograph is not from the Ansel Adams “Suffering under a Great Injustice” Collection.
Copyright / Photograph has been cited using the Library of Congress guidelines for the collection. No errors have been made. / There are 1 or 2 errors in photograph citation. / There are 3 or more errors in photograph citation. / Photograph is not cited
Fonts / The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Choices enhance reader interest or understanding. / The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. / The fonts are consistent and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. / Fonts are unreadable or detract from the work.
Total points available: 25
Adapted from: Bradshaw, Brenda et al. “Evaluation.” Haiku: A Webquest for 7th Grade English/Language Arts. 11 June 2003. 8 June 2005. <>.