Minutes of the N.E.T.S. (Nurse Education in the Tertiary Sector) Meeting

Held Thursday 19th and Friday 20th July 2001 at Massey University, Wellington

Meeting opened 9:05am

Present: Debbie Penlington, Willie Fourie – MIT; Gillian Stokes, Angela Bradley, Maria Rameka – AUT; Denise Dignam, Maurice Drake – UNITEC; Jenny Gordon - SIT; Roger Barton, Kerene Strochnetter - Northland Polytechnic; Janet Olliver - UCOL; Cathy Andrew - CPIT; Maureen Kelly - Waiaraki; Judith Honeyfield – Waikato Polytechnic; Judy Searle, Rachel Vernon – EIT; Sue MacDonald - Whitireia Community Polytechnic; Alison Dixon – Otago Polytechnic; Pat Hickson, Annette Huntington – Massey University; Carolyn Reed – Nelson/Marlborough (NMIT); Heather Baker – University Of Auckland; Heather Moore, Barbara Watson – Taranaki Polytechnic; Mary Sylvester, Sue Matthews – Plunket; Rose McEldowney – Victoria University; Jan Pearson – N.E.T.S. Co-ordinator.

Apologies: Nina Hill, Susan Jacobs. Friday - Sue Matthews, Mary Sylvester. Early departure Thursday – Jan Pearson, Angela Bradley. Early departure Friday - Denise Dignam, Maurice Drake, Judy Honeyfield, Judy Searle, Janet Olliver, Rachel Vernon.

Minutes from the Last Meeting:

Moved: Alison Dixon

Seconded: Sue MacDonald CARRIED

Matters Arising:

1.  Workforce Rep

·  This has now been made public.

·  Jan has sent Margaret Southwick N.E.T.S. minutes and documentation as appropriate and will liase with her.

2.  CTA/ MoE Funding

·  Letters from Minister & Ministry of Education have been received by Jan and issues referred to the Workforce Advisory Group.

3.  Joint Appointments

·  Booklets have been printed and brought by Judy for distribution.

·  There are 10 per member institution with some in reserve for sending to interested parties.

4. Archives

·  Jan has sorted the file box and will re-store.

·  If anyone has any more original documents or copies of missing minutes please forward to Jan.

·  Financial records need to be kept for seven years.

·  Website – Alison will email costs to members.

5.  Travel Costs/Day Changes

·  Discussion of the possibility of a weekend meeting deferred until October.

6.  Commonwealth/ MoH Action Plan

·  No action taken. A copy of the New Zealand report was received by Frances

7.  Relationship with Nurse Execs.

·  Christina Payne is now the chair and will email updated information/meeting list to Jan.

·  The idea of Regional reps meeting was considered as not feasible and the suggestion is we could organise regional NETS/N Execs meeting as part of the October meeting – subject to time and room availability.

Action: Jan to discuss with Nurse Execs.

8.  Cover for Chief Nurse while on leave

·  Letter received re appointment of Pamela Lee as Acting Chief Nurse.

9.  Transfer Fees

·  Standard fee not feasible given institution policies already in place.

·  To work within individual institution policy but to also be aware of what other institutions are doing.

10.  Questionnaires – New Graduates & Year 3

·  Could Jan please have copies for the archives of the results of the New Grad surveys as there are none held at present.

·  3rd year questionnaire – individual institutions to work out the best time for them to send these out for best response.

11.  Centennial Celebrations

·  Jan is working with Anita Bamford from Wellington Hospital, on a display at Te Papa as part of the ‘Body Odyssey’ exhibition, which opens 18 Aug.

·  NCNZ Activities: NCNZ will put out a special edition of ‘Nursing Review’ which will go to the practising mailing list; a cocktail party is to be held at Parliament, 11th September; a display will be done at Archive NZ; a 15mth calendar to be produced with general periods of nursing photos as illustrations; specially printed business envelopes with special stamps will be made.

·  Pamela Wood has organised a wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial, 21st September, for nurses who lost their lives in service of their country, especially the nurses who died on board the ‘Marquette’ in WW1.

12.  Student Unit Meeting

·  Put out a book to NZNO re common/recurring questions/answers –Southern Region.

Action: Please email most asked question to be included to N.E.T.S. email address ASAP.

13. Strategy for Follow Ups

·  Incorrect title for N.E.T.S.S used in Nursing Review.

Action: email to Nursing Review correcting title.

Correspondence In/Out

·  Tabled.

Motion: That the schedule of Correspondence In/Out be accepted.

Moved: Cathy Andrew

Seconded: Ali Dixon CARRIED

Treasurers Report

·  Tabled.

·  Term deposit due 18/8/01 to be broken to pay accounts due.

·  David Goodchild happy to continue as auditor.

Motion: That the treasurer’s report be accepted.

Moved: Alison Dixon

Seconded: Cathy Andrews CARRIED


10am Frances Hughes and Stephanie Calder

·  The following subjects were discussed with Frances:

·  Workforce Advisory Committee:

v  Reports direct to the Minister not the Ministry.

Purchasing Prioritisation Group:

v  Members include: Jeanetta Scheebu, Mia Carroll, Margaret Southwick, NCNZ, Nicolette Sheridan, and Mary Findlayson. (Jan to email Stephanie for full list)

v  The 1st meeting is around developing a framework around nursing directions and policy directions and assessing the amount of education required re the nursing requirements for a costing analysis.


v  To develop a National framework for PHC. 1st step is to do a stock take of what is out there at present – to be done through NCNZ practising mailing list; Numbers of nurses/Type of work/Professional developments structures/employers.

v  Possible progression to developing pilots for PHC 2002/3.

v  1st meeting was discussing guidelines for PHO that are going to DHB’s second meeting held 27/7 lit review in progress. Need New Zealand info eg theses, papers etc that have not been published please send to Jan ASAP

v  PHC members: Lianne Penny, Ann Lensen, Jan Pearson, Rose Lightfoot, Marion Guy, Geoff Annals, Jenny Carryer, Claire Claydon, Anna Bailey and Kitty Flannery.

2 day Nurse Practitioners Workshop:

v  To be held 30/31st August providing information on Nurse Practitioners showcasing models (8-10 practices) aimed at the decision makers in DHB’s and private institutions i.e. managers and purchasers.

v  Working with NZO to show what could be done in the future across a range of services.

v  Presenters are being selected and will be mentored regarding their presentations.

v  Cost is $85 for two days including a dinner on the 1st day (venue: Park Royal, Wellington).

v  Please promote amongst local board members, MP’s, community ‘movers & shakers’.

v  There is space available for poster displays for services, research etc. Please advise Frances if you want to utilise. YES.

v  Frances advised poster to come & of our disappointment at lack of inclusion in this project.


v  Consortium for Nurse Practitioners: Is the Ministry interested in looking at a similar model in NZ?

v  Not considered at present but doesn’t think that there are the clinical resources to support.

v  Interested, but how would you set it up etc? (Alison will continue dialogue with interested parties)

2nd Level Worker:

v  This is in analysis at present and once completed copies of the results will go to the original group and NZO with a meeting to be held two weeks later to discuss included will be title recommendations. A briefing will then go to the Minister for a decision.

v  NCNZ is talking to the MoE re funding of programmes. Funding is still with the MoE re the old EN programmes.

v  Once competencies are clarified by the analysis they will go to NCNZ.

v  It is not intended to be unit standards but a level on the framework. NCNZ approve to programme not standards and if the title is nurse then it will come under NCNZ.

HP Competency Bill:

v  Paper is in the throes of going to Cabinet (next month?) and then the bill will need to be drafted.

v  There is a commitment for it to go to a select committee this year.

Centenary Celebrations:

v  MoH will be hosting a dinner (Nov 28th) in Christchurch to coincide with Commonwealth Health Ministers meeting and other international nursing meetings being held at that time.

v  They will also be hosting the Australian Chief Nurses (or equivalent) on the day.

DHB Funding:

v  Pulling together items in DHB funding document of relevance to nursing in a

single document for your information e.g. student access.

MoU: Sent out under MoU -

v  Information re Home Visiting pilots being done in Tokoroa and South Auckland. This is an initiative under ‘Reducing Inequalities’ policy have been forwarded to Jan then to Plunket, Waikato & Marg Southwick. Please let Jan know if you want them

v  Looking for appropriate staff training (level 4).


v  For 1st year of practice coming out next week to DHB’s.


v  Thank you to the ministry for the ability to download documents off the website (Alison).

Joint Appointment paper:

v  Frances: How is N.E.T.S going to action this?

v  Alison: That is to be assessed and discussed.

v  Frances: In the U.S. there are named chairs funded by business - could this be marketed to business in N.Z.?

v  Alison: Tax breaks for business for R&D should be applied to funded chairs.

3rd year Questionnaire –

v  Does the result of this need to go to the workforce Advisory committee?

v  Frances: Yes. Inviting the chair of the committee to the next N.E.T.S. meeting would be a good idea and send information through Margaret Southwick. (Please send copy to Frances)

v  Action Jan to clarify & action

11:30 NCNZ Meeting

·  In attendance - Judy Kilpatrick (Chairperson), Marion Clark (CEO), Denise Wilson (Education Advisor- Nursing)

KPMG Keen to have feedback on KPMG and how the education sector feels.

Report: Prioritisation and how to action recommendations is being discussed.

NCNZ aware that significant comment or change for education will be requiring a reasonable timeline.

Communicate with NCNZ re course re-applications with reference to the report.

Audits: Alison: It was stated earlier that if you’ve already been audited that alterations would be actioned next audit.

Audits will be measured against where the plan is at.

Question: Is there any legislation that is going to be an impedance to actioning recommendations? e.g. State exams.


Comment: There is a need to prioritise issues that NCNZ have no control over and to postulate briefing papers for Ministers.

Prioritising will be done at 16th August meeting and will be continued at the forum in October possibly with working groups, feedback, and utilising papers already done.

Clinical hours component - advice from N.E.T.S is wanted and on any other points you want to make.

Question: Do you think that clinical (e.g. Mental Health) and education need to do input separately or together?

Both. Please get some feedback in pronto. Prioritisation will be distributed very publicly. (To be sent to Jan)

Question: Re overseas students is the level 6.5 or 7 as the student letters state 7 but letter to schools is 6.5?

The level is 6.5. The letter sent out will be checked and altered as necessary.

Tertiary education is 6.5 academic (not post-grad).

Comment: Midwives colleagues also understand it to be 7 (Alison).

All are 6.5. Confirming letter will be sent to HOS Midwifery.

Question: Auditing relationship to approval process and purpose of each.

Approval is only for new institutions or a deliverer of a new programme. Auditing is a five-year sign off. Auditing is a tool for doing the re approval process.

NCNZ can take away approvals. Audits are done at the same time as NZQA when possible.

Comment: There was an ad in the Nursing Review of a course with approval of prescribing as a Masters.

Probably approved ‘pending regulations being passed’ and should state this.

It can only be put up as an option pending regulations and cannot be guaranteed to students.

NCNZ encourage programmes to be put up for students to complete and programmes will be referred to regulations when they come in.

RPL: Please clarify the process. The understanding that institutions notify Council of RPL’s but it appears now that they are being tabled.

Understanding that reporting requirement is out of all programmes unless granting more than 75% and flexibility is back with institutions.

Comment: If you’ve been audited for RPL standards then you shouldn’t have to be advising.

This method is a compromise.

Question: If it is a transfer is this a course credit or an RPL?

Course credit but still send letter re credits to NCNZ for notification.

Question: What is the rationale for 75% threshold?

75% is the norm and if you’ve gone over the norm then a rational case needs to be made.

Re-enrolment: Please clarify anomalies i.e. section 5.5 states students can re-enrol twice which means three enrolments but section 7.7 that they can’t enrol more than twice.

Twice only is what is meant not thrice. Will investigate. Can do practice paper twice - this means fail.

Clarify or suggest: If students are failing clinical can withdraw at 60% and it is shown as a withdrawal not a failure. Under institute regulations this means they can re-enrol (legal issues).

NCNZ is to revisit so it goes in the handbook very clearly to strengthen the view of the HOS and clinician. Has anyone got any good regulations on this please? (send to Jan)

Comment: A student at present could get a BN but not be able to register.

NCNZ can address institution board to back up HOS if wished.

Modified Code of The following phrases have been added -

Conduct: 1. ‘accepting gifts from clients or ex clients’ and

2. ‘compromising the client by entering in to a sexual relationship.

Our code is not very different to NSW code of conduct (previous meeting’s discussion).

Nurse Practitioner This is organised and will begin soon. Two applications have been received.

Process: A panel will be trained and will assess clinical ability and then NCNZ will approve.

Protecting the The Ministry states that there is no confusion by the public and is not

title of ‘Nurse’: interested in any discussion.

Credentialing Is independent of NCNZ. Currently waiting for a proposal to come in to comment

Committee: on.


1.  Profile of Programmes - MoH days 30th & 31st August