Of the meeting of the Student Representative Committee held at 5pm on Tuesday 20th November 2012 in Room 1516 of the Kydd Building.
Chair Scott McBurney
Present William Mohieddeen (President)
Sarah Samson (Vice President)
James Bastone
Brian Beacom
Richard Cook
Scott McBurney
Kevin Rooney
Class Reps As per Register
Minutes Margaret Malloch
Scott welcomed members to the November SRC and thanked them for attending.
2. SPEAKER – Iain Kennedy, President, Dundee University Students’ Association
Mr Kennedy addressed the meeting and noted that DUSA and Abertay Students’ Associations would be working together on the Reclaim you Fees Campaign.
The Chair thanked Mr Kennedy for his attendance.
Apologies were received from Ryan Campbell, Executive member.
For Class Rep apologies, please see Register.
President – Written report attached
William gave a brief explanation on the 3 main items within his report which were:
The visit to Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association, International Students, and the Universities Student Partnership Agreements Working Group.
Vice President – Verbal report
Sarah noted that since the last SRC, 2 new Societies had been formed with 1 pending.
5.1 Welfare - A meeting has been arranged with a representative from DUSA to discuss their childcare facilities. A list of questions, to be discussed, has been prepared by the Vice President and the President of the Mature Student Society.
The Reclaim your Fees Campaign, to be run jointly with Shelter, is to be launched in January. It was recommended that an Entry Pack be provided to assist students when entering rental contracts. Information on various organisations who can assist students who have problems with landlords is also to be included in the pack.
5.2 Education – NUS Scotland Vice President Education has been approached to assist and support the campaign on Feedback and Assessment. The dates for the campaign launch and focus group meetings are still to be formalised.
The Principal was approached and was positive regarding ‘Unlock Abertay’s Potential’ campaign. Formalised campaign plans are to be established.
5.3 Employment – Ideas to advocate student employment and employability are to be discussed with the Abertay Careers Development Centre.
5.4 Communication – SLAM, Student Led Abertay Media, a newspaper and interactive website, is to launch on Thursday 6th December in Bar One. Members were asked to contact James, Kevin or Richard at with articles, suggestions etc.
5.5 Recreation – A second Freshers Fayre is to be held on Tuesday 29th January to give societies and sports teams a chance to recruit new members.
William noted that an explanation of the plan had been circulated to members and asked the meeting to vote, by a show of hands, to approve the plan. Noted: the Strategic Plan was approved by a majority.
Members were asked to feedback their class’s perceptions of the survey. Findings will be brought to the SRC in January.
Cory Campbell proposed the motion which was seconded by Robyn Donoghue.
Cory explained in detail his proposed policy and the Chair asked the meeting to vote, by a show of hands, on the resolution:
SRC Resolves:
That the Executive Committee lobby the University to enact a joint student/staff review chaired by an independent legal expert into the disciplinary policies so that they are fair and just for all in the University community.
The Motion was passed by a majority.
James Bastone, nominated Lawrence Nairne as one of the 20 ordinary members
who can sit on the SRC. Nomination was approved by a show of hands.
SRC Chair
Scott explained the role of Chair and asked for nominations. Louise MacAulay gave a one minute talk on why she should be elected as Chair. Ballot papers were provided and when completed they were collected in a ballot box to be counted after the meeting.
Sports Development Sub Committee
Scott explained the role of a member of the Sports Development Sub Committee and asked for nominations. There were no nominations for this post.
Student Experience Sub Committee (2 positions – 1 Undergraduate, 1 Postgraduate)
Scott explained the role of a member of the Student Experience Sub Committee and asked for nominations. Cory Campbell gave a one minute talk on why he should be elected to this Committee. There were no nominations for the Postgraduate position. Ballot papers were provided and when completed they were collected in a ballot box to be counted after the meeting.
10. A.O.C.B.
The Executive’s Plan of Work is to be formalised and brought to SRC in January.
Class reps experiencing problems accessing their class email lists were asked to contact Information Services.
It was noted that no further details were available regarding First Aid training for reps. Sarah is to bring the information to the SRC in January.
William mentioned that the disabled access door in the Student Centre was still not working properly and noted he would bring this up with the Student Centre Manager.
The date of the next SRC is Tuesday 29th January 2013.
President’s Report 31/10/2012
Visit to Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association
· Visit to GCUSA to talk about class rep system
· Discussion with President, Carla Fyfe and Student Representative Co-ordinator – recently completely revised how they dorepresentation and took advice and guidance from Heriot-Watt University SA.
· Findings will go to a report for SRC and QEC.
International Students
· Currently international students fees can rise during their time at Abertay
· EUSA have managed to lobby Edinburgh University to freeze international student fees and win MSP support for regulating international student fees
· Have sent a call for international students to share experiences of Abertay showing deep concern for attendance monitoring and rising fees affecting finance
Universities Student Partnership Agreements Working Group
· Final meeting of representatives yesterday
· Meeting highlighted last few changes for report for colleges and universities on how to create, negotiate and maintain Partnership Agreements
· Early work on Abertay SPA prevented from being passed through to Senate.
Other work
Institutional Governance
Strategic Plan preparation
NUS Scotland Priority Network Online Accountability session
Various meetings with NUS Scotland FTOs
Remembrance Service
Meeting with DUSA President
Meetings with IS
IS Transformational project
Education Network
Employment Network
Quality Enhancement Committee meeting
National Student Survey meeting
Health and Safety Sub Committee meeting
Honorary Fellows gathering
Demo preparation
Attended DUSA SRC
NUS Scotland SEC meeting at Abertay
Title: Fair and just Student Disciplinary Policy for Abertay
Proposer: Cory Campbell
Seconder: Robyn Donoghue
SRC notes:
Currently there are Multiple disciplinary codes that students can be sanctioned under The Student Disciplinary Code, The Student Complaints Procedure, The Harassment policy (One for staff one for students), the equality policy, the disability policy.
The disciplinary codes have contradicting and unfair policies with gaps
SRC Further Notes:
The main unfair policy we should highlight is the one which denies student the right to effective legal advice, this is a clear breach of article 6 of the Human Rights act 1998 and is unfair as Abertay staff can have trade union reps who are trained as legal advisors advise, represent and assist them at their discipline hearings/meetings/procedures.
These are a few of the contradictions however to list the unfair sections that breach UK, EU and Scottish acts would be overwhelming as they are numerous through the 8 Abertay policies that students can be sanctioned under.
Students are not allowed legal advisors but UoD, UoA, St Andrews, Dundee Collage, Dundee High and most other institutions do allow students legal advisors.
U o Dundee offers their students a fortnightly free legal advice session with their solicitors and UoD has Citizens Advice Bureau on campus twice a week.
There is no policy for staff who may make unsubstantiated, malicious or vexatious complaints against a student
That there are existing disciplinary codes in other universities that are accessible to students and are fair.
SRC Believes: (Setting the agenda for what SRC should have policy on)
University disciplinary policies should not treat staff and students disproportionately unfairly.
Disciplinary policies should act to protect the entire University community rather than to vilify them.
The current student staff disciplinary code should be under immediate review to line up with practices with regards to current UK, EU and Scottish Legislation eg Human Rights Act 1998.
SRC Resolves:
That the Executive Committee lobby the University to enact a joint student/ staff review chaired by an independent legal expert into the disciplinary policies so that they are fair and just for all in the University community.
Example 1 Student Disciplinary Code Pg 19 Section B procedure at the meeting states:
“The student will then present his/her case with any supporting documentary evidence and oral evidence from witnesses (if any).
“7. Witnesses will be called separately to the meeting. In each case, once witnesses have given the information which they have been asked about, the other party will have the opportunity of asking questions for clarification.”
This contradicts section 16. Miscellaneous:
“A student may provide written statements by third parties and/or may call a witness or witnesses to speak to his/her character, but in the event of a witness being called that witness shall be entitled only to make a brief relevant statement and shall not be examined or cross-examined in any way”
Example 2 SDC
Section 7 Suspension …7.3 pg 10
For the avoidance of doubt where suspension or exclusion is inter alia from occupancy of a student residence it may take immediate effect; and while the University through its accommodation office may assist a student who has been suspended or excluded from a residence in finding alternative accommodation, the University is under no obligation to do so or to make such accommodation available.
Contradicts but is also illegal under the The Rent (Scotland) Act 1984, Housing Scotland Act 2010 and the Human rights act 1998
University of Abertay Dundee Student Residences Rules and Conditions relating to the Occupancy of University Residences
17.4 In accordance with Clause 4.2 of the Occupancy Agreement the University may terminate the Agreement on giving not less than 7 days' written notice to the Occupant. The University may exercise its right to terminate
this Agreement where such action is deemed appropriate by the
University, including but not limited to:-
Example 3 SCP (Students complaints procedure) UNFAIR
The University will not consider unsubstantiated complaints (Made by students against Staff only) that it regards as vexatious or malicious Complaints of this nature may result in disciplinary action under the SDC.
Class Rep Register
Michael Cameron
Irvine Cruickshank
Corey Campbell
Jennifer Coverdale
Irvine Cruickshank
Robyn Donoghue
Jack Frawley
Caitlin Goodale
Adam Greig
Liam Humphries
Jonathan Jones
Thomas Kearney
Adam Learmonth
Zac McAllister
Lucinda McArdle
Martin McEwan
Gordon McKendrick
Chris Murdoch
Patrick O’Shea
Allan Reid
James Rennie
Lauren Storey
Matyas Szaszko
Elinor Townsend
Amy Wilson
Claire Wright
Bilgin Yuksel
Class Rep Apologies
Rachel Smyth
Candice Walker