Clubhouse inspection checklist:

Please bring this form with you to the clubhouse in order to sign over the clubhouse at your reservation time.

Before After

___ Floor swept / mopped if needed ____

___ Carpet vacuumed ____

___ Clean counters and Tables ____

___ No food to be left in refrigerator _ _

___ Refrigerator and freezer are to be left clean ______

___ Both inside bathrooms cleaned ______

Toilets flushed and clean

___ All cleaning equipments returned to the closet ____

___ Furniture returned to original place ____

___ Decorations removed ____

___ Lights / Fans turned off ____

___ Heat set to 60 in winter – thermostat on “auto”

A/C set to 85 in summer – thermostat on “auto”

___ Garbage removed and clean bag placed in garbage container ____

___ Fireplace turned off and cleaned if used ____

___ All doors locked ____

___ Parking lot and the front of the clubhouse free of any trash ____

Upon accepting rental of the clubhouse this form must be checked off in the before column, signed, dated and verified by one of the committee members at the time the clubhouse is taken over by the renter/homeowner.

At the conclusion of the rental hour(s), or if the party should end sooner, the renter shall contact the committee person in charge to have the clubhouse re-inspected. The homeowner shall have the clubhouse ready in the same condition as was when it was signed over. At this time the committee member shall check off the list and sign off along with the renter/homeowner.

The renter shall be given the committee person’s name and phone # who will be doing the inspection.

Renter’s signature (before):______Date:______Time:_____

Renter’s signature (after):______Date:______Time:_____

Inspection by (before):______Date______Time:____

Inspection by (after):______Date______Time: ____

Deposit to be refunded (partial / full)______Yes ______No______
