One of the largest aid [Unknown A1]agency in Austin is T3[Unknown A2] have a host of portfolios of different companies that they help strategically market [Unknown A3]companies products to the general public. [Unknown A4]One company that is well recognized around the world is Coca cola and it’s one of the companies T3 currently helping in marketing their various brand beverages by rejuvenating the way customer drink through a new plan called [Unknown A5]Freestyle coca-cola. Freestyle coca-cola is T3 strategic idea of changing customer experience at fountain drinks dispenser by allowing customers to create their own unique drinks through mixing any of the 106 distinctive Coca-Cola fluids at their pleasure. In addition[Unknown A6] T3 strategy includes unveiling a technological breakthrough in fountain dispenser[Unknown A7] which is touch screen and the integration of mobile gaming with Google maps increasing brand awareness and locations. In examining the Freestyle coca-cola campaign[Unknown A8] its has excel through product awareness through the mobile gaming app being a memorization game of the numerous combination[Unknown A9] one can make with the 106 brands beverages. In addition[Unknown A10] the game app allows for players to post their highest score on Facebook which in turn spread awareness to their product. However[Unknown A11] there are negative [Unknown A12]draws back of T3 marketing strategy “Freestyle Coca-Cola” stemming from the new touch screen fountain dispenser. The flaws [Unknown A13]from this innovative touch screen fountain dispenser[Unknown A14] is that there sometimes glitches in the system where the beverage that the customer select on the screen does not come out immediately or an [Unknown A15]opposite beverage that the customer did not attempt to select will come out. Also the hand touch screen has had the same negative effect for employee trying to fills drinks for [Unknown A16]customer during business [Unknown A17]transcition which leads to profit loss due to fountain [Unknown A18]dispener not responding to [Unknown A19]employee touch on screen quickly. Although the marketing of T3 new Coca-Cola campaign “Freestyle Coca-Cola” is great on brand awareness through the mobile gaming, T3 still need to improve the touch screen fountain dispenser t[Unknown A20]echnology, so it run efficiently.

You get the point across pretty well and show both sides of the topic (what is good and what is bad). That is great!

Many of your mistakes are on subject/verb agreement of plurals and commas. I suggest reviewing those two topics:

[Unknown A1]agencies

[Unknown A2]This is a run on sentence. You want "...T3. They have..."

[Unknown A3]Get rid of this "companies"

[Unknown A4]Hmm... I would start with "One of their well known customers is Coca Cola..." and reword it so the flow is better. Also, Cola needs to be capitalized in their company name.

[Unknown A5]It is Coca Cola freestyle. Note the word order and capitals.

[Unknown A6]Needs a comma.

[Unknown A7]dispensers <- Plural and this just runs on... AH! I see it now...

"...dispensers, the use of touch screens, and the integration.."

[Unknown A8]OK, this has nothing that joins it. You need something like "you can see that" or "it is evident that"

[Unknown A9]Plural, combinations

[Unknown A10]comma

[Unknown A11]comma

[Unknown A12]drawbacks

[Unknown A13]Not form, in.

[Unknown A14]plurals must match. Flaw is, flaws are. You have plural flaws so are.

[Unknown A15]different rather than opposite

[Unknown A16]customers <- plural

[Unknown A17]transcition = transactions <- Spelling and plural

[Unknown A18]dispener = dispensers <- Spelling and plural

[Unknown A19]Just say responding to employees quickly.

[Unknown A20]technology so that it runs effcently.