December 30, 1968
Orem City Council met in regular session Tuesday December 30, 1968, in the Council Chambers. Meeting convened at 8.00 p.m. due to earlier commitment of Councilmen Leavitt and Jones. Present were Mayor Winston Crawford, Chairman; Councilmen Robert Dove, Paul Washburn, Stanley Leavitt, and John Jones. Donald Shaw absent, excused. City Manager Wengreen, absent, ill. Others present were City Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Engineer Russell Brown, and Recorder Anne Cooper.
Others in attendance were as listed:
Norm Cluff General Interest
Clyde Weeks Press
Milton Johnson Public Hearing
Wayne Leavitt Annexation Application
Meeting opened with prayer by Paul Washburn.
A short press conference was held, and the following letters were read:
December 22, 1968
Dear Mayor Crawford,
May we take this opportunity to express to you our thanks for the cooperation of the Orem City Police Department. Officers Toby Bath, and Jay Barker responded to our call for help on December 16, 1968. We are indeed grateful for their help in saving our baby's life. They acted with great concern, speed and safety.
We are thankful we can depend on the Orem City Police on such an occasion as this. Please express our thanks to them. Thanks to them we will have a Merry Christmas, and we hope you will have the same.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Christensen
320 Food & Nutrition Bldg.
December 13, 1968
Mr. Winston Crawford
Orem, Utah 84057
Dear Mr. Crawford:
You will be interested in knowing that a group of Utah people provided a two-day program in Home and Family Life at the Adult Education Association National Convention recently held in Des Moines, Iowa. You will know some of the participants personally. (Note the enclosed program)
What a surprise it was (when seeing one of the films) to find a mayor and a City Council so interested in the problems of youth, that they make a motion picture of it! You are to be commended for your cooperation with other people working for and with youth.
Utah is fortunate to have such good people working in this field. We are grateful they were willing to share their experiences and procedures with us.
Leora N. Horning
Chairman, Home and Family
Life Section, AEA
Motion to pay Burrows, Smith and Company $7,150.00 for fiscal services on the $715,000 City Center Bonding as per contract of February 13, 1967, was made by Stanley Leavitt, seconded by Paul Washburn, and passed unanimously.
Public Hearing was held to review the petition to rezone to R-3 the area adjacent to and east of the Hillcrest School on 1400 South. No written objections were received, and no oral objections were made.
After discussion, motion was made by Robert Dove, seconded by Paul Washburn, to adopt Ordinance # 135, an ordinance amending Sec. 29-2-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Orem City, Utah, 1959, to show the following described land as lying and being within the R-3 Residential Zone.
Beginning at the intersection of 1400 South Street with 800 East Street, thence North to the State Highway, otherwise known as the B.Y.U. Diagonal, thence Westerly along said highway a distance of 1300 feet, more or less, to the boundary of the C-3 Commercial Zone, as heretofore established and shown on the Major Street Plan and Zone Map of Orem City, Utah; thence South to 1400 South Street, thence East to the point of beginning.
Motion passed unanimously.
Wayne Leavitt, who had presented a petition to the City to annex his property north of 1200 North Street adjacent to the Cascade Golf Course, met with the Council. Mr. Leavitt reported that the County Adjustment Board had granted a variance, and he had received a building permit from the County; however, he still wants to be annexed to the City, but will wait until after March of 1969.
Attorney Wentz advised Mr. Leavitt to resubmit his petition, leaving out the request for the City to accept 1200 North Street. Also, to work with the City Engineer in preparing a certified map of the property to be annexed.
Mayor Winston Crawford reported that he would follow through with the Chamber of Commerce on the recommendation made by Warren Bunting on signing on Interstate 15 Highway.
After discussion motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to refer the closing of a portion of 1200 South Street, the same being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing 993.0 feet North 89° 18' West along the section line and North 0° 13' West 25 feet from the Southeast corner of Section 23, T6S, R2E, SLBM, thence North 89° 18' West 1515 feet, thence South 18° 34' East 52.96 feet, thence South 89° 18' East 1499.85 feet, thence North 50 feet to beginning.
To the Planning Commission for further study and recommendation. Also, to request the Planning Commission to consider the possibility of opening a through street along the north side of the Shopping Mall area. And to authorize the Mayor to notify the Planning Commission of this action by letter. The motion was seconded by Robert Dove, and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Robert Dove, seconded by Stanley Leavitt, that in order to obtain assistance for a storm drainage plan, to authorize the Mayor to make a request to the Utah County Council of Governments and Utah County Planning Commission to submit a request with the Utah State Planning Coordinator for financial assistance under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, with the stipulation that the firm of Rollins, Brown and Gunnell be retained to do the Planning, and that Orem City will provide the matching funds. And that the Council is willing to join this request with one already made by Provo City, as indicated by the City Engineer, Russell Brown. Motion passed unanimously.
A proposed amendment to the Animal Control Ordinance to require rabies shots for dogs was discussed. It was decided that the City Manager obtain the cost of the rabies shots, before further consideration.
Mayor Crawford reported that Eldon Card will act as Chairman of the Senior Citizens Committee.
Motion to adjourn was made by Robert Dove, seconded by Stanley Leavitt, and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.