Period 2: 1607-1754 Early Colonization

Thematic/Jigsaw Assignment

Directions for Essential Vocabulary: For each unit, you will be given a list of SFI, you do not need to simply define the vocabulary, but rather, you need to understand meaning and cause/effect relationships of the word. We will not be working on essential vocabulary in class. You should identify terms while you completing your assigned reading. Essential Vocabulary will be a grade.

Essential Vocabulary/SFI (Cause/Effect): Act of Toleration, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, William Penn, Quakers,

Jamestown, Puritans, Separatist, John Winthrop, Great Migration, Bacon’s Rebellion, New

England Confederation, Mercantilism, Navigation Acts, Triangular Trade, Great Awakening, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Enlightenment, John Locke, Salutary Neglect, Indentured Servants, Spanish Southwest, Pueblo Revolt, King Philip’s War

Example: Salutary Neglect: 17th and 18th British policy of lack of enforcement of parliamentary laws meant to keep America obedient to England. Because of Salutary Neglect, once England began to enforce laws, it created a shift in the relationship between the colonies and the Mother Country creating tensions and conflict between the two.

Essential Questions: Your table will be responsible for answering one or more of the essential questions. The question will be randomly pulled and your grade will depend on how well you are able to respond. Each member of the group must respond to the prompt.

Identity / What were the chief similarities and differences among the development of English, Spanish, Dutch, and French colonies in America?
Work, Exchange, and Technology / How did distinct economic systems, most notably a slavery system based on African labor, develop in British North America? What was their effect on emerging cultural and regional differences?
Peopling / Why did various colonists go to the New World? How did the increasing integration of the Atlantic world affect the movement of peoples between its different regions?
Politics and Power / In what ways did the British government seek to exert control over its American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries?
America in the World / How did the competition between European empires around the world affect relations among the various peoples in North America?
Environment and Geography / How and why did the English North American colonies develop into distinct regions?
Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture / How did the expansion of cultural contact that took place with permanent colonization alter conditions in North America and affect intellectual and religious life, the growth of trade, and the shape of political institutions?

Period 2: 1607-1754 Early Colonization

Thematic/Jigsaw Assignment

Assignment: -Your group will focus on the three separate regions to complete a map showing the resources and products for each region. Describe the settlement of Northern, Middle, and Southern colonies showing motives, location, religious influences, political system, economic structure, labor source, relations with natives…

For each map, label the states within the region and answer the previous questions. You may write your responses on the map. Incorporate SFI on your map where applicable… Discuss in small groups the environmental and geographic impact on the development of each region.

After you complete your maps, create a letter, brochure, document… to the proper authority (royal, proprietary, joint-stock, other potential settlers) that includes information related to our themes in APUSH that would depict the situation in the colony/region and the probability of success or failure.

Politics and Power
·  To what extent was each region democratic?
·  Use the following SFI in your answers.
·  (proprietary colonies, town meetings, VA House of Burgesses, voting, manhood suffrage, tax supported religion) / Peopling
·  What is the ethnic makeup of the region and explain how this occurred?
·  Explain the reaction between Natives and colonists when cultures crossed in this region.
·  Explain the growth of the region in terms of population and why this occurred.
·  Which colonies are considered part of this region? / Identity
·  Describe the extent to which there was separation of church and state in each region.
·  Use the following SFI in your answers.
(Half-way covenant, Salem Witch Trials, Anglicans, Great Awakening, Harvard)
Work, Exchange, Technology
·  Use the following SFI in describing the economic growth in the regions.
·  (mercantilism, tobacco, indentured servants, Bacon’s Rebellion, hard currency, Navigation Acts, diversification, “peculiar institution”) / Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture

Northern Colonies (New England)

Middle Colonies

Southern Colonies