Test Yourselves
2 Corinthians 13:5
Thoughts I found in a recent editorial in the Rocky Mountain Christian by Bret Carter are the source for this morning’s sermon.
Early in the second century, shortly after the completion of the New Testament, people came up with a unique way to use it. It was called “bibliomancy”. What they did was to open the Bible to a random page and point their finger at a verse. That particular verse was then supposed to have some prophetic meaning to you. It was used along the same line as one would consult a palm or tea leaf reader.
The idea is as old as the Greeks yet is currently alive even today. You can go out today and request a reading from one of several internet sites. Certain passages are then sent to you. A kind of horoscope consisting of scriptures “just” for you. Makes you wonder if the finger ever randomly lands on one of those long genealogies and what that would be construed to mean.
Time in God’s Word
Certainly all of us have experienced times when we would open up our Bibles and a verse just seemed to jump off the page at us. It had some meaning to us in the midst of circumstances that touched us at a deep level spiritually. All of God’s word is certainly relevant to all of our lives. However, no one familiar with the Bible would even suggest bibliomancy as a legitimate way to discern truth, would we? It is indeed one matter to open up the Bible and get a scripture on the run so to speak and yet quite another to treat God’s word like a fortune cookie.
In the urgency and frantic pace of the busy lives we live, our habit of constantly only giving the Bible a quick glance is not much better than bibliomancy.
Satan wants to reduce our dependence on God’s word for guidance in our every day lives. Many have allowed their daily relationship with God in His word to fall to a pitiful level. God has provided us the power of His word. Satan will attempt to lead us to make the least of it.
Time in Prayer
- It is the privilege of addressing our very Creator
- Yet we let our prayers too often diminish into token repetition
- Much as on the same level with bibliomancy
- More like superstition than true relationship
Time in Worship
- Same shallowness can find its way into our worship
- As Christians we are to be “in” but not “of” the world
- It is very possible to be in but not of the church
- It is an eternally lethal delusion to think that being among the saved makes one saved
- Christianity is more than just dabbling at the edges of conformance to God’s commands
Test yourselves- 2 Corinthians 13:5
- Only you and God know what is in your heart
- It is not your parent’s faith that Jesus will require
- It is not outward conformance to things like communion that saves
- Is Jesus living in and through you?
First calculate the cost- Luke 14:28
- Far too many take the plunge into Christianity thinking life will as a result be easier
- In a way that is so as we have God’s strength, wisdom and promises to gird us up
- However, did you accurately calculate the cost of discipleship and service we are called to as a result of His calling?
- The Christian life is to be devoted to evangelistic service
- Jesus will not ask what you got out of it, but rather what did you do with the blessings you were given stewardship over?
Maybe instead of merely tinkering with the Bible, it might really be time to sit down and study it
- There is comfort and guidance for those who seriously seek God’s wisdom in His word
Instead of offering prayer-like murmurs occasionally, maybe it is time to kneel down and really spend time with God in prayer
- Our prayers are heard by God and He is ready to bless us in powerful ways
Instead of just “going to church”, maybe we should take full advantage of being among fellow Christians treating them like real brothers and sisters
- To come together as the body of Christ and raise up worship and praise to the Father,
- To lift up and encourage each other and
- To have real quality relationships with others who love us because God first loved them
We need to each examine ourselves. All of us have areas we need to let God change in us. For some, it may well be time for a major renovation that goes well beyond quaint resolutions and wishes.
Let’s Pray.