Meeting date: July 22, 2013

Call to order:
An unofficial meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA, July 22, 2013 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 12:09pm.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Milena Calderon, (acting) President;

Chelsea Tang, Executive Administrator
Robert Crossley


Dr. Perez-LAMC President

Eric Kim- Legal Counsel

Open Forum:
Opened at 12:10pm
Closed at 12:10pm


-Executive Administrator: No one has e-mailed back to the ASO Gmail account in regards to the treasurer position.

-(Acting) President: In regards to Welcome Week, In-n-out is available on the 29th at 5pm. The price is going to be $1,400 which will provide 630 meals. They will need a quick response for in order to be reserved.

-Advisor: Will be discussed in old business.

Standing Items
-Club Charter: On Thursday, Milena and Chelsea will be reviewing clubs.

New Business:
-Legal Counsel: In regards to the ASO Elections Decision, Dr. Perez invited legal counsel Eric Kim to the unofficial ASO meeting for any questions. Both candidates didn’t have specific evidence (happenings) of election violation. Legal Counsel suggests ASO to allow the ASO Election committee to respond to these issues. Candidate Randy’s appeal states that the minutes of ASO had accepted the recommendation of the 50-foot rule. Legal counsel suggests ASO to have robust records/minutes of the rule, gather evidence of what rule was being violated by the ASO Election committee, and include that evidence in ASO minutes. The candidates should also have a response to these allegations. An orientation with the new ASO Election rules is suggested from Dr. Perez. Legal Counsel supports new ASO Election rules. The Special Election will be in September; therefore planning will be around the end of August. Paper ballots would be the best way for this election. LAMC Staff would be a great idea, suggested by Dr. Perez, to work on the ballots for there to be no bias on the candidates. We need at least 4 staff members to work on the election committee. Flex day will on the 22nd of August which will be the opportunity for ASO to mention about needing staff for the special election. LAMC Administrative strategic planning retreat will be on August 20th. ASO may move forward with the election. The Treasurer will be the first position for ASO to focus on recruiting.

-ASO Treasurer: ASO is still seeking candidates. ASO will be promoting the treasurer position and other ASO positions at The Mission College Kickoff Event on August 21st.

Old Business:

-Welcome week/Club Rush: The Transfer Center had requested canopies. ASO is unsure of how many canopies are left available. Nine canopies are left but are slightly broken. The Transfer Center wants to have universities on campus. The Business Club will have The School Bus Tour on Tuesday and Wednesday of Welcome Week. . Mr. Crossley will be searching for radio stations. ASO will need to have a treasurer before the ASO can decide on spending any funds.


-Dr. Perez: Accreditation needs the new ASO President to realize that Mission College needs to get out of warning before the spring starts as LAMC has some additional funding to pay. Milena will be meeting with the collegiality team so that ASO can suggest and provide ideas.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:48pm.

(Acting) President, Milena Calderon Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Executive Administrator, Chelsea Tang Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization