August Homework

This is the required homework for the month of August. Each week, 3 Language Arts activities, must be completed along with one activity from each Reading, Social Studies, Science and Math columns. Assignments will vary from month to month. Some assignments are written, while others are oral or involve materials. Parents must initial each activity as it is finished. Homework is due every Friday for that week’s work. ****Additionally, students are expected to read books on their level for 20 minutes each day. In addition to this your child’s teacher may choose to send home a math page that goes along with our daily math work.

Language Arts / Reading / Math / Social Studies / Science/Health
Create a list of words that go with your Words Their Way patterns. Highlight each vowel.
Write the date making sure to capitalize the month and put a comma in between the date and year.
Write three sentences using exclamation points.
Write three sentences using question marks.
Write three sentences using periods.
Create a word search using your words for the week.
Write a personal narrative telling about your favorite thing you did this summer. Make sure to include at least 5 sentences.
Make a list of 5 nouns. Next to each noun include the pronoun that would be used to replace each noun.
Make a list of ten words that go with your week’s pattern. Next to each word, write the word again in cursive.
Choose 5 of your words to look up in the dictionary. Write each word, the definition and the part of speech.
Bonus: Choose a spelling game from below!
/ Write a letter to your teacher about one of the books you are reading.
Have a detailed discussion with an adult about the book you are reading. (adult must initial for this to count)
Create a new book cover for your book. Explain how your cover relates to the story in a few sentences.
Read an informational text. Make a list of 5 things you learned from the book.
Read an informational book. Tell the main idea and two details. Make sure to include your title.
All writing assignments must be at least five sentences. / Pick 4 digit number. Label the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. Then show your number in expanded form.
Write 5 3-digit numbers. Then round each number to the nearest ten.
Write 5 4-digit numbers. Then round each number to the nearest hundred.
Then explain, in words, how you got your answer. / Draw a compose rose. Label the cardinal and intermediate directions.
What do the following words mean:
Longitude, Latitude, equator and prime meridian.
Use a map (you may use the internet) and locate Greece. What is the capital of Greece? What direction would you need to travel to get there from Georgia?
There are two types of democracy. They are direct and representative democracy. What is the difference between the two?
Go on a column hunt. List all of the places you notice columns. What type of columns are they? / Use a paper plate. Create a meal that would include one of each: fruit, vegetable, protein, grain and dairy. ( You can use as a resource)
Tell the definition of a rock and a mineral.
Tell the attributes of a rock. Find a rock outside and describe your rock using the attributes.
Check out the following website:
Tell three things that you learned about fossils.
Have an adult give you a practice assessment of words. Have an adult check and sign your practice assessment. / Put 5 of the words in alphabetical order. / Write your words in dots and connect dots with a crayon.
Create and use your words in 3 silly sentences. / Draw a picture of 6 of the words. / Make a set of flashcards to study your words.
Use five of your words and create a story. / Draw and color a picture. Hide your words in the picture. / Write each of your words and highlight every vowel in all of the words.