Greetings dear friends,

Well, here we are embarking on a new journey. And at our age, too! Immanuel is a mere 118 years old yet we soon find ourselves beginning over again, breaking in a new pastor or maybe just a slightly used version. It’s time for us all to make a choice. Are we going to commit and gear up for another hundred plus years or are we going to pack up and slowly ride off into the sunset leaving Immanuel to sit, dusty and as dead as its neighbors next door? Sorry for the theatrics, but I’m excited about the possibilities and I hope that you are, too. I believe there is still life and love in this wonderful community and I believe we can serve together furthering God’s kingdom for many years to come. I realize that our numbers are few but the gifts are many and the needs great. And because of our lower numbers every voice can be heard as well as everyone’s participation will be important. It’s a challenge we can meet and I promise we won’t get bored.

The LutheranChurch is celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017 and we have an opportunity to build on this occasion and to celebrate with our communion partners the joy of this union and our history, past and future. The Sunday school superintendent, Sherry Harwood, and I have been collaborating on ways to include some of the history periodically during worship and the Sunday school hour. When Jerome, the kids, and I moved to Oklahoma, Immanuel was just about to begin the 100th Anniversary and it was exciting. The 500th Anniversary of our wider church is exciting and I think if we all put our heads together we can discover a variety of ways to celebrate this huge event together.

I want to tell you how much I appreciate your support and the faith you have in my gifts and abilities to serve Immanuel. I look forward to this opportunity, to the education and the ministry with you, my friends.

Blessings and Peace,

Linda Ewen

Dear Immanuel Community!

Thank you!

We are washed in water and sealed by the Holy Spirit with the mark of the cross + by God’s GRACE, not earned nor deserved. We are joined to Jesus in life, death and resurrection. Cannot explain --- but God’s promise. One of those mysteries and we are not to see concretely but to live by faith. Paul’s says in 1 Corinthians “we see through a glass dimly”.

But …. we are all joined as the “body of Christ”. And may I “praise the Lord with all my heart and tell of his marvelous works” with the almost 10 years with you! And then I trust in sureness of faith, God has something new for you, always in God’s care, and presence, calling us to live in new life, each day boldly in Christ!

Immanuel has the right community, the right president, the right council, and a new pathway, new leadership together, new life, led by Jesus for the people of God. And we shall continue to hear of God’s marvelous works in you. Yes, it is difficult to leave, but wanted simply to say “Thank God for you!” For all the years, for the gifts you have shared, for the singing (including those who sing with joyful noise, as well as those who sing with sweet melody), for the LASTING memories, for the stumbling, for the laughing, for wonderful worship together, for the forgiveness, for the Bible discussions, for the service, and mostly for your love for God’s people (including yours truly and am humbled by this). You continue to be in such “good and Holy Hands of God’s Grace!”

Thank You and Much Love,

Pastor Cheryll (AND Karl sends his love too!)


Reminder of Cluster Representation:

Larissa Hautekeete() represents Faith (Enid) with Pastor Olson

Che'rie Mitchell () represents Immanuel (Cushing)

Janet Young () representsOur Savior (Bartlesville)

Carolyn Richardson () represents Prince of Peace (Ponca City)

Salem (Stillwater) communicator TBD with Pastor Houck

Zion (Perry) communicator TBD with Pastor Olson

Also, please share our Facebook group page information:

Feel free to add people as members of the group who are your Facebook friends.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Molly K.

November Birthdays

1 Melvin Oestmann

1 Sharon Mitchell

1 Mike Osborn

2 Georgena Boyle

4 Stephen Oestmann

5 Jennifer Lemmons

6 Brian Johnston

8 Matthew Ewen

10 Lucas Hunsucker

10 Garrison Hickman

14 MaryAnne Hemmingson

14 Ray Ewen

14 Amber VanBrunt

14 Adecyn Hickman

19 Jules Dock

23 Karl Kaukis

24 Brayden Young

26 Garrett Lemmons

26 Brandon Woodham

29 Gary Pierce

November Anniversaries

11 Christa and Chris VanPelt

26 Stephen and Wendie Oestmann

29 David and Diann Hunsucker


For the month of October, there was a Thrivent action team project at the Festival in the Park with its proceeds going to Feed My Starving Children. Due to the low attendance, only $135.00 was raised. Because of the low amount, a freewill offering is being accepted and encouraged. There was a lot of taco meat and chips leftover, which was donated to Peace, Bread and Joy.


We pray against hatred and revenge of any kind as we sense the shock and our sorrow over the many loss of lives. There are many more not listed but this is the majority of those areas where lives were lost tragically and senselessly. We pray for those who mourn and pray for much more.

South Sudan;

Democratic Republic of Congo;

Mandere, Kenya;

Damboa and Kangarwa, Nigeria;

Dhaka, Jhenaidah, Sholakia, and Bandarban, Bangladesh;

Eker, Bahrain;

Kabul, Kariz, Jalalabad, and Kandahar, Afghanistan;

Baghdad, al-Rashidiya, Hawija, Baqubah, DiyalaBridge, Mosul, al-Daur and Balad, Iraq;

Benghazi and Sirte, Libya;

Al-Hasakah. Aleppo, Inkhel, and Um al-Housh, Syria;

Baidoa, Somalia;

Aden, Yemen;

Neve Daniel and Tekoa, West Bank;

Taipei, Taiwan;

Munich and Ansbach Germany;

Nice, Normandy, and Paris, France;

Istanbul, Cevizlik, and Ankara, Turkey;

We pray for those who try to flee violence only to meet cruelty and starvation and illness. May we not try to blame or target people. May we not see our communities or nation or ourselves as righteous. But may we with our whole heart and being asked: “ What O Lord would you have us do?” May we not see this nor live this as if it is routine no matter how many times this is repeated and forget to seek opportunities for peace and justice. We pray for victims and families and loved ones, for your care, and peace and hope and strength. Help us not to give up O Lord. We pray for your help and mercy to show your comfort, compassion and mercy that you give us so we can give to others. May we in the quiet listen to you to direct and guide but not remain quiet to injustice. In your name we pray. Amen

We pray for many in need near to us, in illness, in injury, in life transition, in need of healing, in need of hope.

Berneice Taylor

Tommy Taylor

Carrie Waldman

Donna Wilkinson

Georgia Wolff

Bridgette Martens

Alicia Brown

Jeff Cadle

Virgina Trawick

Gene McElroy

Zana (cousin of Sherry Harwood)

Cris, Jacob & Michele Hough

Judy Bush

Karen Oestmann

Cody Bookout

Jeannette Pierce

Linda Ewen

Andy Smith

Tiffany Lacy’s son, Zerrick

(friend of Che’rie)


Nancy Rouze

Paul – friend from PBJ

We hold in prayer the family of Percy Bolen.

The baby is home !!! We give prayers of thanksgiving and continued growth and health for Jennifer and Ryan Bush and both children.

We pray for peace and justice all around us and beyond and may we in humility live a life in giving God’s peace and justice and reconciliation. Amen.









13Karen ODustinChe’rie


27WayneKaren LSharon


November 11:00 p.m. - Prayer Shawl Ministry at Immanuel

November 1 6:30 p.m. - Women’s Bible Study at Adeline’s

November 59:00 a.m. to Noon - Granny’s Pantry

November 6 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. - MARTY'S PARTY: An idea among our three pastors Pastor Cheryll, Pastor Sally and Pastor Peter is that as ofOctober 31we begin to celebrate the 500th year since the Reformation and we celebrate all year---congregations will be doing it at various times but. SinceMartin Luther's birthday isNovember 10,we thought we could celebrate a "Marty's Party" near his birthday. This is also a way to celebrate being Lutheran together. We would have a time of fellowship, a time of singing and prayer and a time of eating together. And people are free to go when needed. If it lasted till 5 that still is perhaps early enough. Pastor Sally offered Salem as a place and it was fine with us as it might be more central at least for our initial gathering.Salem will do bratsandcake,Immanuel will bring potato salad,Pastor Cheryll will bring ice creamandPastor Peter is bringing the buns. The farther people are away, the less one would have to bring (it seemed fair, but if someone really wanted to bring something that is fine). The important thing is to make this as little work as possible, while as enjoyable as possible in hope and prayer we can get as many together as possible. (Singing could be awesome!) (We will have an offering to go toLiving God's Abundancein the A-OK at this event). HOWEVER, WE DO NEED FEEDBACK, SO PLEASE SHARE THIS IDEA WITH YOUR CONGREGATION AND/OR CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND SHARE WITH US THEIR THOUGHTS.

November 19 Peace, Bread & Joy

December 18Pastor Ethan Hulmes will lead worship service.

December 24Christmas Eve

December 25 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. - Immanuel will celebrate the anniversary of our Lord and Savior’s birth. This program will be our morning worship service. Many have volunteered to do readings; if you have yet to select your venue for the program, please do so, as we wish every member to take part in this celebration. I have a number of readings already prepared, however, if you have a special one, feel free to read your own; just let me know so I can add it to the program. Additionally, we will sing carols, play games, and listen to some solos by Jeannette. More information will be available as the date draws nearer. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to participate in the Christmas Worship Program, please contact Che’rie (405-208-1594) .

December 25 11:00 a.m. - ??? Potluck lunch. Bring your favorites dishes, desserts and appetite, and be ready to enjoy Jesus’ birthday celebration.

Minutes of the

September 11, 2016

Council Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Bill, the President.

Those in attendance were Bill, Pastor Cheryll, Diann, Sharon and Che’rie.

Devotion was presented by Che’rie covering Luke 1: 26-56. This is the story of the angel appearing to both Joseph and Mary with God’s plan for his son, Jesus. Although the key verses were 31 -33, to me, only a portion of one sentence carried the most importance; “… of his Kingdom there will be no end.”

Jerome will have devotion for the next council meeting on October 9, 2016.

The Minutes of the August 21, 2016 were approved with Diann making a motion to accept and Sharon seconding the motion.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Diann. Che’rie made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Sharon seconded the motion.

Pastor Cheryll submitted the Ministry Report.


  1. A/C repairs. The company which installed the new unit determined a component burned out and the repairman wired around it due to the component not being a necessity.
  2. Jerome is still researching Handicap Parking signs for the church and will be tabled until the October council meeting.
  3. There will be a workday Sunday, 9/18, after Sunday School. A group from Immanuel will travel to Tulsa as a God’s Work – Our Hands project in which they will clean and organize the kitchen of the new Synod office. All will wear their goldenrod shirts.
  4. Each person is to bring their own cleaning supplies and the jobs are:
  5. Clean out cupboards.
  6. Wash all dishes.
  7. Place labels on all doors and drawers.
  8. Reorganize and put away all clean dishes.
  9. Each person will bring their own lunch.


  1. Discussion was had with regard to addressing Linda with a title or as “Linda”. The decision was made to call her Linda until such time as she is ordained.
  2. There are electricity problems at the parsonage. Bill said he would call CREC and request they determine if the problem is from the pole to the house.
  3. CREC came out and said there was no problem from the pole to the house.
  4. Bill came to the house and determined the house was not equipped to handle the volume of electrical appliances. Due to the house not being up to code, there will be no further attempt at repairs.
  5. A new Church Directory will be made by the end of the year and another one when Linda is ordained.
  6. The council determined the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship would be a lay services.
  7. Sharon will provide a sign-up sheet for those who wish to participate in a prayer chain, then prepare the document and put it in the Minutes book.
  8. After an executive meeting, it was decided by the council, due to medical bills paid by Che’rie, to not charge her rent for the months of September and October. The council will revisit the situation in November. Che’rie will continue to make payments for the utilities as able.

The next council meeting will be October 9, 2016, at Immanuel.

The meeting was adjourned and the council closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Pastoral Activity for September 2016

174 miles

12 pastoral visits

10 meetings

3 days Fall Theo Conference

prepare 5 worship services (1 was closing worship for Fall Theo Conference)

Pastoral Activity for September 2016

174 miles

12 pastoral visits

10 meetings

3 days Fall Theo Conference

prepare 5 worship services (1 was closing worship for Fall Theo Conference)

Pastoral Activity for September 2016

174 miles

12 pastoral visits

10 meetings

3 days Fall Theo Conference

prepare 5 worship services (1 was closing worship for Fall Theo Conference)

Pastoral Activity for September 2016

174 miles

12 pastoral visits

10 meetings

3 days Fall Theo Conference

prepare 5 worship services (1 was closing worship for Fall Theo Conference)


September deposits were $3,464.20, while the expenses were $5,082.45. Extra expenses were air conditioner repair and worker’s compensation payment. For more information, see banking summary posted in the breezeway.Submitted by Diann Hunsucker

Pastoral Activity for Pastor Cheryll - September 2016

174 miles

12 pastoral visits

10 meetings

3 days Fall Theo Conference

prepare 5 worship services (1 was closing worship for Fall Theo Conference)

prepare 3 sermons

prepare reports

Thanksgiving is …

A time of gratitude to God,

our Creator and Provider;
Whose guidance and care go before us
And whose love is with us forever.

Thanksgiving is …

A time to reflect on the changes.
To remember that we,

too,grow and change;
From one season of life to another.

Thanksgiving is …

A time of changing seasons;

When leaves turn golden
In autumn's wake, and apples are crisp
In the first chill breezes of fall.

Thanksgiving is …

A time for us to remember

the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
As we see the beauty of Autumn,
Let us acknowledge our many blessings.

Thanksgiving is …

Thanking God for our families and friends;

Thanking God for the love in our hearts;

Thanking God for the love we share with others;

And, thanking God for His love unending.