Saint Michael City Council Special Meeting
Joint City Council/School Board Meeting
April 28, 1999
Call to Order Roll Call
Pursuant to due call and notice a special meeting of the St. Michael City Council was held on Tuesday, April 28, 1999 at St. Michael City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to meet with the STMA School Board. Mayor Kessler called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. The following City Council Members were present: Mayor Kessler and Councilors Duerr, Eggert, Joe Hagerty and Tom Hagerty. The Following School Board Members were present: Chair Bob Helgeson, Kurt Hartner, Chuck LeFebvre, Terry Volkman and Gayle Weber. Also present was City Administrator Bob Derus.
General Discussion with the STMA School Board
Mayor Kessler opened the discussion, and after brief introductions, asked Administrator Derus to update the School Board on what is happening in the City.
Current Population and Growth in St. Michael
Bob Derus distributed a handout on current population and growth characteristics for the City of St. Michael. It stimulated an informative discussion about growth and how it is viewed from the school district and city perspective. The following issues were among the topics raised:
- The City’s goal to increase economic tax base has opened up a corridor of residential development along the 241 corridor that is larger than normally would have been opened.
- Similarly, the goal to bring the sewer to the lakes area and to Hanover may also open up a greater area of residential development.
- The City’s growth rate has increased considerably - particularly in the last year – and it appears to be accelerating.
- Is it possible for the City to slow growth?
- The City is currently reviewing the possibility of staging growth in the area of the Hanover interceptor (along the River Road). It was noted that it is difficult to do, both financially and politically.
- The current school buildings can accommodate up to approximately 300 students at each grade. There are currently 200 – 225 students at each grade.
- The growth in interest in soccer – there are 200 kids signed up. New fields will be constructed at the Junior High, but others will be needed. The City briefly discussed recent consideration in that regard to construct soccer fields at the rec. Center Park.
- Partnering in regard to service delivery was discussed. Some ideas were discussed. The Board suggested that Bob Rego and Bob Derus get together to discuss in greater detail and come up with suggestions.
- Ball field lighting was discussed.
- The School Board expressed a strong desire to see more sidewalk construction in neighborhoods in an effort to reduce busing costs. It was noted that cul-de-sacs are a problem for busing, because the parents are uncomfortable with their children walking in the streets. The City suggested that it might be necessary to require sidewalks on cul-de-sacs.
- Location of future schools. The School Board prefers sites near their other schools to limit busing expense. The Haus property (50th Street and MacIver) was thought to be an ideal site for a future school.
- The plans for the old junior high building to be converted to a community center.
Set Another Joint Session
The City Council and School Board both felt the joint session was very good and suggested that these should be done periodically.
Mayor Kessler adjourned the meeting at 9:00 P.M.
City AdministratorMayor