WKCCC Meeting

Date | time10/5/2016 7:04 PM Meeting called to order byDebbi-Lynn Bateson

Welcome - In Attendance

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Debbi-Lynn Bateson – Chair/Webmaster

Lana Luzny - Vice Chair

Rhonda Dressler – Treasurer

Kate Flamont - Secretary

Jason Coleman –Principal

Terry Mario – Vice Principal

Shannon Zikman- Members at large

Leahann Marr- Members at large


SRC Representative

Melissa Gerlach - Staff Rep

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Approval & Additions NA

Old Business

  1. Adoption of Minutes

Kate Flamontmoved we adopt minutes from the September 7, 2016meeting. Jason seconded. All in favour. Carried

Executive Reports

  1. Chairperson Report - Debbi-Lynn Bateson

-Website is updated and Lana’s email added

-Melissa Gerlach confirmed as Teacher Rep

-Grade nine TAG letters went out

  1. Vice Chairperson Report - Lana Luzny

Nothing to Report

  1. Secretary Report – Kate Flamont

Nothing to Report

  1. Treasurer’s Report - Rhonda Dressler
  2. Balance is $3,798.73
  3. Nothing else to report

Adoption of Treasurer’s Report

Jason moved we adopt the treasurer’s October report. Lana seconded. All in favour. Carried.

  1. SRC Report

Nothing to Report

Administration Reports

  1. Principal - Jason Coleman
  2. Open House had a smaller crowd than normal (about 200 present). Diane Taylor-Neild put on a comedy presentation
  3. 947 students currently enrolled
  4. There have been some issues drugs, posting on social media (mass threats/bomb threat from last year) & weapons being carried.
  5. Suspensions through the YMCA Suspension program have taken place, mainly 3 days with only 1 repeat offender. Some retribution events taking place.
  6. Education has taken place to all students through guidance counselors and senior administrators about digital citizenship.
  7. Working on developing a Community plan including what is acceptable behavior and punishment that is appropriate for offenders (establishing grade 910, 1112 focus groups), and including parental representatives.
  8. Re-engaging the Twitter account that was suspended last year. Will reward any student who posts a positive tweet about WKC.
  9. Incentive program is still here.
  10. LIP being presented to Rick Steciuk,Superintendent from the School Board
  11. Friday is PD day and continued on moving current subject base cores being restructured to 7 core group numeracy and literacy incorporated in all:
  12. Student Engagement
  13. Incoming Transitions
  14. Outgoing Transitions
  15. Educational Technology
  16. Equitable Opportunities
  17. Assessment and Achievement
  18. Teacher engagement and development

Organizing document is the LIP (Learning Improvement Plan) and gives the teachers freedom to go from there, to enhance engagement from the staff, which will take in to the next level of student engagement.

  1. Graduation talks to take place October 6/16. Plan is in draft form
  2. School responsible for Cap and Gown ceremony & possible involved with an extracurricular activity ie. tea or grand march - any after grad activities will be the responsibility of the parents as it has always been.
  3. Grad will be on Wednesday, June 28/16
  4. 225ish graduates
  5. Dec 2 is a PD day
  1. Vice Principal – Terry Mario
  2. Academic learning program.
  3. Executive functioning skills being taught to Grade 9 & 10 to prep for later years
  4. Supported classrooms are either smaller enrollment with no other resource or have a second resource in the classroom with larger enrollment.
  5. Looking for different ways to reach different kids learning needs
  6. AP- Advanced Placement ends up being a 30 level credit and if getting a 4 or 5 on the class then counts as a university credit. Pre AP is in grades 9, 10 & 11. (in place of IB)
  1. Incented programmed
  2. Marks will now be entered in PowerSchool portal unlike previous years so it is seen by parents, even though the earned incentive will not count against.
  3. October 20 is 3 way conferences. Homework Crush day if kids have anything outstanding, will sign in at 8 am and complete all homework/projects and hand them in.
  4. Tuesday, Oct 11 after Thanksgiving, will be Homework Squish day to allow teachers to catch up.

New Business

  1. Carnival Games
  2. Lana checked with Rosewood Church but they do not have any room to store them. Now checking with McNeill schoolto become the owners and be responsible for loaning or renting to our feeder schools.
  3. Westhill Church sent in request to use the games for Oct 26- Lana will arrange for this event.
  1. Welcome Week / Welcome Back Week (second semester)
  2. $0.25/cookie (approximately)
  3. Jason will place our request with Jennifer to provide the cookies
  4. Cookies will be handed out Oct 27 - 9:36AM at Tag Time
  5. 2000 cookies will be needed
  6. Jasonwill confirm the cost and availability
  1. Grant funding-
  2. Application Deadline -Oct. 21
  3. Review to happen - Oct. 24-28
  4. Committee will present to Council at Nov. 2nd meeting
  5. Applications will come home to Lana
  6. Kate and Lana doing review
  1. DancesScholarships being tabled

Round Table

  • Nothing


Motion to adjourn was made at 8:30 PM and was passed

Next Meeting

11/2/2016 7:00 PM, WKC Library

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