
Pre-AP Biology Semester Exam Review

Fall 2015

Parent Signature Date .

Parent’s signature must be present or no bonus points will be awarded

The final exam will cover the following units:


  • Unit I: Biochemistry, water, scientific method and measurements
  • Unit II: Characteristics of life, levels of organization,cells,microscopes, and viruses.
  • Unit III: Cell membrane and cell transport, homeostasis, enzymes and digestive system
  • Unit IV: Cellular energy and plants
  • Unit V: Cell Cycle


Use your notes, assignments, textbook and websites to answer the following questions.

This test review, if turned in complete on the day of the semester exam, is worth up to 10 bonus points on the semester exam. It must be in your handwritingand a parent must sign the review in order to earn the bonus points. An incomplete test review can earn partial bonus points.

  • Unit I: Biochemistry, water, scientific method, and measurements:

1)In the metric system, what are the units of measurement for length (list in order of smallest to largest..hint: there are 8).

2)Which metric unit would be most appropriate for measuring the following:

  1. The length of an ant:
  2. The volume of a rain drop:
  3. The mass of a tiger:
  4. The length of a lizard:

3)Using the metric ruler, how long is the threaded part of the bolt?

  1. mm
  2. cm
  3. m
  4. µm

4)What is a hypothesis? How can you find out if it is correct?

5)What is data? Why is reliable data important to any scientific experiment?

6)When setting up an experiment, what are the independent variable, dependent variable, and control of the experiment?

7)Read the following scenario and answer the questions:

Long ago, many people believed that living things could come from nonliving things. They thought that worms came from wood and that maggots came from decaying meat. This idea was called spontaneous generation. In 1668, an Italian biologist, Francesco Redi, did experiments to prove that maggots did not come from meat. One of his experiments is shown below.

Redi placed pieces of meat in several jars. He divided the jars into two groups. He covered the first group of jars with fine cloth. He left the second group of jars uncovered. Redi observed the jars for several days. He saw flies on the cloth of the covered jars, and he saw flies laying eggs on the meat in the uncovered jars. Maggots appeared only on the meat in the group of jars left uncovered.

  1. What is the hypothesis being tested?
  2. What is the independent and dependent variables in the experiment?
  3. What are the controls (constant variables)?
  4. What would be a valid conclusion of Redi could make based on his experiment?
  5. What could improve this experiment and make it more valid?

8)Which type of substances will dissolve in water?

9)Why is water a polar molecule? Draw and Label a water molecule (Label the “positive” side and “negative” side)

10)Draw and label a pH scale. Label acids, bases, and neutral.

11)What is a polymer? What is it made of?

12)Fill in the chart for each macromolecule:

Protein / Lipid / Carbohydrate / Nucleic acid
Monomer (name)
Main function(s)

13)Which group of biomolecules includes glycogen,cellulose, and glucose?

14)Which group of biomolecules includes lipase, protease, amylase?

15)Draw the basic shape of a molecule for a carbohydrate, a protein, a lipid, and a nucleic acid. Label the atoms.

16)Which elements are found in each type of biomolecule?

17)What determines the function of a protein? What determines the shape of a protein?

18)Give an example of a polysaccharide

19)Do lipids or sugars contain more energy? Why?

20)What type of biomolecule is an enzyme?

Unit II: Characteristics of life, levels of organization, cells, microscopes and viruses:

21)What are the 8 characteristics of life? Describe each and give an example of each.

22)Put the following levels of organization in a living thing in order from simplest to most complex? Cell, organ system, atom, organelle, organ, organism, molecule, tissue

23)What are the three parts of the cell theory?

24)List 4 ways that prokaryotes are different from eukaryotes.

25)What 4 organelles do all cells have?

26)Draw and label a bacteria, an animal and a plant cell

27)What organelles are found in plant cells but not animal cells?

28)What are the functions of the following organelles?


  1. Cell membrane:
  2. Cell wall:
  3. Cytoplasm:
  4. Ribosomes:
  5. Nucleus:
  6. Centrioles:
  7. Endoplasmic reticulum:
  8. Vacuole:
  9. Chloroplast:
  10. Mitochondria:
  11. Lysosome:


29)Which of the above cell structures would be visible in an unstained cell at 400x magnification?

30)Which organelle would you expect to find a lot of in cells that use a lot of energy?

31)What is cell differentiation?

32)What is the function of:

  1. Epithelial cells:
  2. Bone cells:
  3. Nerve cells:

33)What is the diameter of this cell in µm?

34)Why is a virus not a living thing?

35)Draw the lytic cycle of viral reproduction and briefly describe each step.

Unit III: Cell membrane, cell transport, homeostasis, enzymes, and digestive system:

36)Draw the fluid mosaic model of a cell membrane and label the two main parts.

37)What are the functions of the cell membrane (List 3)?

38)What are the three characteristics of diffusion?

39)What is osmosis?

40)Draw an arrow for each diagram that represents the net movement of water into or out of a cell through the process of osmosis.

41)Draw an arrow to indicate the movement of molecules through the process of diffusion. Also indicate how many molecules will move to reach equilibrium.

42)Draw a plant cell as it is placed in a hypotonic solution, a hypertonic solution, and an isotonic solution. Show the movement of water.

43) Why do plant cells not burst when placed in a hypotonic solution?

44)Which organelle in a plant is most affected by the process of osmosis?

45)Draw an animal cell as it is placed in a hypotonic solution, a hypertonic solution, and an isotonic solution. Show the movement of water.

46)Which organelle is responsible for water balance, gas exchange and excretion in a single celled organism?

47)By which process do plants (their roots) absorb nutrients/minerals from the surrounding soil?

48)What are the 3 characteristics of active transport?

49)What is ATP?

50)Draw an arrow to indicate the movement of molecules through the process of active transport.

51)Indicate if the following molecules must be digested before they are able to diffuse into a cell or if they are already small enough?

  1. Water:
  2. Protein:
  3. Fat:
  4. Starch:
  5. Oxygen:
  6. Carbon dioxide:

52)Which organelle maintains homeostasis in cells?

53)Draw a basic chemical reaction showing how products become reactants. Indicate where an enzyme would be used.

54)What effect do enzymes have on chemical reactions? Why?

55)What occurs in a synthesis reaction? What occurs during a digestion or decomposition reaction? How are enzymes involved in these reactions…why are they needed?

56)Describe how factorssuch as concentration, pH, temp affect enzyme activity and explain why these affect enzymes (sketch a graph to show the impact temperature and pH on enzyme function)

57) Where in the digestive system does mechanical digestion occur? Where does chemical digestion occur?

58)What is the main function of:

  1. Gall bladder:
  2. Liver:
  3. Small intestine:
  4. Large intestine:
  5. Epiglottis:
  6. Stomach:
  7. Pancreas:

59)Where are the following molecules digested and indicate which enzymes will aid in their digestion.

  1. Proteins:
  2. Lipids:
  3. Starches:
  • Unit III: Cellular energy- photosynthesis and cellular respiration, plants

60)What is metabolism (metabolic activity)?

61)What is the main nutrient used in metabolism? Draw this molecule. Indicate where the energy is stored within this molecule.

62)Where does this energy come from (originally)?

63)Write the chemical equation for Photosynthesis:

  1. What are the reactants?
  1. What are the products?
  1. Which of the molecules used or produced during photosynthesis are organic molecules?
  1. Which of the molecules used or produced during photosynthesis are inorganic molecules?

64)Within which organelle does photosynthesis take place?

65)Draw and label the organelle where the light reaction and the Calvin cycle (dark reaction) take place.

  1. Show which molecules enter and exit each phase.

66)How does the intensity of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?

  1. Increased light:
  1. Decreased light:
  1. No light:

67)How does temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis? Why?

68)What are the functions of stomata? Draw one and label the stomata and the guard cells.

69)Where in a leaf does most photosynthesis occur? How are the cells arranged to maximize photosynthesis?

70)What process converts radiant energy into a form that can be stored and later used by cells?

71)What process releases the chemical energy stored in food and converts it into a form that is usable by the cell?

72)Write the chemical formula for cellular respiration.

  1. What are the reactants?
  1. What are the products?
  1. Which are considered organic molecules?
  1. Which are considered inorganic molecules?

73)Which organelle is involved in cellular respiration? Draw and label the products and reactants. Indicate their movement with arrows.

74)Which types of organisms perform cellular respiration?

75)What is aerobic respiration?

76)What is anaerobic respiration?

77)What is fermentation?

78)What are the two types of fermentation? What are the products of each? Give examples of each type.

79)Describe what happens to oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during:

  1. Cellular respiration:
  1. Photosynthesis:

Unit V: Cell Cycle and Cancer

80)What is the cell cycle?

81)What are the phases of the cell cycle? Describe what occurs during each phase.

82)Draw the phases of Mitosis. Label each phase.

83)What occurs during cytokinesis?

84)What is the product of Mitosis? Describe how many daughter cells are produced and how they compare genetically with the parent cell and the other daughter cells.

85)What is cancer? What causes cancer?

86)What is a tumor and why does it have a negative effect on surrounding tissues?