Sixth Grade Social Studies Syllabus
Hudson K-8
Ms. Monica Forman
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ~
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sixth-grade students are transitioning from childhood to adolescence, which is characterized by physical, social, emotional, and cognitive changes. Students in this grade continue to build upon pervious learning through knowledge and use of literature, writing, and communication skills. They are encouraged and given more opportunities to express themselves and share information in a variety of formats that supports creativity and some risk-taking in the use of language.
“We are a shining beacon of academic excellence.”
Course Goals: At the end of the first nine weeks, students should be able to:
- Explain the impact of industrialization, urbanization, communication, and cultural changes on life in the United States from the late nineteenth century to World War I.
- Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
- Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies.
- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
- Draw evidence from information text to support analysis, reflection and research.
Classroom Norms
In order for our class to run as smoothly as possible, students must abide by the following classroom expectations:
1. Come to class ready to learn.
2. Respect the rights and property of others.
3. Remain in your assigned seat at all times unless given permission.
4. Speak at appropriate times in appropriate tone.
5. Strive to act responsible at ALL times.
6. All electronic devices including cell phones should be placed in the lockers at all times
7. All purses and book bags should be placed in the lockers at all times.
Students are responsible for coming to class prepared. Required daily materials are as follows:
3 ring binder with dividers
Completed homework assignment
Pencil and etc….
Composition notebook
Loose leaf paper
Highlighters (pink, green, yellow, blue, and orange)
Projects/Performance Tasks:
Occasionally, students will have at-home projects to complete. At the same time, please be aware that students are allowed an adequate amount of time to complete these assigned projects. There will be announcements for upcoming projects and due dates either found on the project sheet sent home and on the school Website by clicking on my name.
Students should expect some type of homework assignment in social studies most evenings. Assignments will be posted daily on the board. Students are expected to copy assignments at the start of every class.
Grading Scale
Assignments are weighted by categories (homework, classwork, and test/projects).
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Make-up Policy and Absences
It is the students responsibility to make up any work missed from an excused absence.
Report Card Date:
September 12, 2014
Contact Information
School # 231-3000
Conference times must be scheduled through the main office.
Students will follow content standards that challenge their natural curiosity. These standards are based on the Alabama Course of Study in sixth grade social studies. They are responsible for reading applicable materials in the text and taking class notes.