Address:Unit 02-234, 167 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, Singapore 650167
Tel : (+65) 8188 6198
Languages:Trilingual English / Italian / French.
In-depth knowledge of technical and legal German.
Learning Mandarin at NUS Singapore
Beginning Vietnamese and Bahasa
Professional Experience
Jan 95 to date :Sophia Antipolis France, Singapore, Vietnam & Penang, Malaysia
Freelance Simultaneous (Conference) Interpreter & Technical Translator working in 4 languages for various major corporate, NGO & governmental clients worldwide.
August 92 to Dec 1995:Socau sarl, &
Massey Environmental Consultants, Paris, France
Chief Executive in niche environmental consultancy.
April 89 to August 92:Horizon Capital Corporation inc.,
T.I.S. inc., &
Retailpay inc. (Connecticut, USA companies - sold on.)
Equity Partnerin property development & investment partnerships, with mainly US partners.
July 86 to April 89:Bernard Thorpe & Partners,
Richard Ellis, Paris, France
Departmental Head in international real estate consultants.
September 76 to July 86:Willan Group,
Bernard Thorpe & Partners,
W.H. Robinson & co, Manchester, England.
Commercial real estate surveyor.
Voluntary Work: Treasurer, International School of Sophia Antipolis, France
Sept 2001 to March 2006Bilingual lease negotiations on various properties
3-year bilingual project management of conversion of 3800 m2 offices to school (completed August 2005).
Teaching:European Academy of the Urban Environment
December 94 (Berlin University), 5 day Turin International Workshop, Italy
Speaker on sustainable urban projects.
Sept. 74 to June 75:Liceo "Leonardo da Vinci", Milan, Italy.
Teacher ofEnglish as a Foreign Language in a state high school.
Qualifications:incorporated Linguist. Treasurer for France 1988-1990.
Member of the Royal institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)
Member Institute of Management (MIMgt).
Official Supreme Court Interpreter, SIngapore
Computing:Apple user since 1981 (Apple II +): DOS 3.3 previously.
Wireless (802.11g) network running Mac OS 10.5.1, Windows XP Pro (for Trados ) / Windows Vista Business and Suse Llinux.
Registered Apple developer.
Education:Victoria University of Manchester.
June 76B.A. Honours class ii div. 1 Italian Studies.
March 74 to June 74:Collegio Ghisleri, Pavia University, Italy.
Student exchange.
June 71:British institute, Paris University, France.
Certificates in advanced & commercial French.
Personal:Born 1st May 1953, Sale, Cheshire, England.
Separated, one daughter (age 19).
British Subject.
#05-888, Block 611, Bukit Panjang Ring Road, Singapore 670611
Tel (+65) 8188 6198 Email
a) Law
French Source / English OutputArticle L210-7
Il est procédé à l'immatriculation de la société après vérification par le greffier du tribunal compétent de la régularité de sa constitution dans les conditions prévues par les dispositions législatives et réglementaires relatives au registre du commerce et des sociétés.
Si les statuts ne contiennent pas toutes les énonciations exigées par la loi et les règlements ou si une formalité prescrite par ceux-ci pour la constitution de la société a été omise ou irrégulièrement accomplie, tout intéressé est recevable à demander en justice que soit ordonnée, sous astreinte, la régularisation de la constitution. Le ministère public est habile à agir aux mêmes fins.
Les dispositions des alinéas qui précèdent sont applicables en cas de modification des statuts.
L'action prévue au deuxième alinéa se prescrit par trois ans à compter, soit de l'immatriculation de la société au registre du commerce et des sociétés, soit de l'inscription modificative audit registre et du dépôt, en annexe dudit registre, des actes modifiant les statuts. / Section L210-7
Company registration shall be carried out once the Registrar at the court with jurisdiction has checked the correctness of its formation under the terms set out by the provisos of law and regulations governing trade and company registration.
If the articles of incorporation do not contain all the statements required by law and regulations, or if any formality required by the same for forming a company has been omitted or unduly carried out, any interested party may apply to the courts for an enforceable order for correcting the formation. The Public Prosecutor is empowered to act for the same purpose.
The provisos of the preceding paragraphs shall apply in the case of amendments to the articles of incorporation.
Proceedings under the second paragraph shall be time limited to within three years starting from either the registration of the company at the Trade and Company Registry, or from the amendment’s registration at the said Registry and the filing of the deeds that amend the articles of incorporation as an appendix at the same Registry.
b) Environment
Italian Source / English OutputIl Nino surriscalda le acque degli oceani e stravolge il clima del pianeta, i ghiacciai della Patagonia si sfaldano, il buco dell’ozono ai poli lascia filtrare radiazioni deleterie per uomini, animali e piante, il Mediterraneo si sta tropicalizzando e le meduse vi proliferano come nel periodo giurassico, le aree desertiche si estendono ovunque, i tornado e gli uragani si intensificano in frequenza e capacità distruttiva, gli tsunami flagellano le coste dell’Asia, le alluvioni allagano i Paesi dell’Europa centrale, mentre l’acqua alta, oltre a Venezia, sta sommergendo gli atolli della Polinesia. Per contro la siccità colpisce le regioni subsahariane esasperandone carestia e miseria. Altrove i fenomeni meteorici eccedono in virulenza, per cui la pioggia vira in grandine apocalittica distruggendo i vitigni del Reno, i coltivi di luppolo e orzo nelle Fiandre, i frutteti del Triveneto. Le ceneri dell’Etna insidiano pistacchi e mandorle, e parassiti finora ignoti attaccano la linfa degli albicocchi turchi e degli ulivi ciprioti. / El Nino is overheating the waters of the oceans and playing hell with the planet’s climate, the Patagonian glaciers are melting, the hole in the ozone layer at the Poles is letting radiation in that is harmful to mankind, to animals and plants, the Mediterranean is turning tropical and jellyfish are proliferating like in the Jurassic period, the areas of desert are expanding everywhere, tornados and hurricanes are intensifying in frequency and capacity for destruction, tsunami are whipping the coasts of Asia, and floods are drowning the countries of central Europe, while the high water levels are submerging atolls in Polynesia, in addition to Venice. Elsewhere, droughts are impacting the sub-Saharan regions, and are worsening famine and poverty. In addition meteorological phenomena are becoming excessively violent, so that rain turns to Apocalyptic hail and destroys vineyards on the Rhine, barley and hops growing in Flanders, and the orchards of the Triveneto in Italy. Ashes from Etna are threatening pistachio and almond groves, and hitherto unknown parasites are attacking the sap in Turkish apricots and Cypriot olive trees.
c) General
German Source / English OutputSehr geehrte Frau B
Sie haben im Frühjahr 2005 das xxx erfolgreich bestanden.
Wir gratulieren Ihnen nochmals ganz herzlich zu diesem Erfolg und stellen wir heute ihre Attest des xxx Examination Centers der Universität xxx zu.
Leider sind die Original-Zertifikate beim Weiterleiten auf für uns unerklärliche Weise abhanden gekommen. Das xxx Examination Center in xxx weigert sich trotz mehrmaliger mündlicher und schriftlicher Aufforderung von unsere Seite wie auch von die Koordinationsstelle der Klubschulen im zzz Genossenschaftsbund in zzz, Duplikate der Originaldiplome zu erstellen. Wir können Ihnen daher leider nur Ihr Prüfungs-Attest weiterleiten.
Sie als Prüfungskandidat sind direkt Vertragspartner von xxx Examination Center in xxx. Wir bitten Sie deshalb sich mit weiteren Fragen direkt an die folgenden Stelle zu wenden:
Xxx University xxx Examinations, St. A-A xx, x Basel
Tel. nnn nnn nnnnn / Dear Ms. B
Early in 2005 you successfully obtained the xxx diploma.
Once again we congratulate you most heartily for this success and today we are issuing to you your Attestation from the xxx Examination Centre at xxx University.
Unfortunately the original certificates being forwarded have been lost, for reasons that are unclear to us. The xxx Examination Centre in xxx refuses to issue duplicates of the original diplomas, despite several oral and written requests on our part, and from the Co-ordinating Office of the Klubschule at the zzz Co-operative in zzz, For this reason, unfortunately we can only forward your Examination Attestation to you.
As an examination candidate you are the direct contracting partner with the xxx Examination Centre in xxx. Therefore we must ask you to put any further queries directly to the following address:
Xxx University xxx Examination Centre, St. A-A xx, x Basle
Tel. nnn nnn nnnnn
Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, General Business and Management
Automotive, Aviation, and Mechanical Engineering
Building Construction, Real Estate and Zoning (Town Planning)
Computing and Information Technologies
Environment, General and Civil Engineering
General Translation, Literature, and Diplomas
Insurance. Life Assurance, and Re-insurance
Law (Commercial, Contract, Private and Local Government)
Surveying and Geology
Art and Antiques (esp. Oriental art),
Music (composition and recording),
Literature (esp. poetry),
Philosophy, Psychology,
Inner Development,
Meditation & Concentration, Self-Improvement,
Electronics (practical),
Biodynamic Agriculture,
Organic Architecture,
Post-Modern Culture,
Mandarin Language and Culture,
Japanese Language and Culture (esp. the Art of the Sword),
Vietnamese Language and Culture,
Motorcycles and Scooters,
Walking, Sailing, Martial Arts, and
Macintosh Computers
Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, General Business and Management
Société Générale, Coface, Palm, Hines Group, Fagor-Brandt, Symrise, Générale des Eaux, CCAmip, AXA, Day Intenrational, MacKinsey, Migros, Zanetti, EMI, Hach, Dormeuil, Sofitel,Anthony & Cie, Wyeth, Haarman & Riemer, etc.
Automotive, Aviation, and Mechanical
Gruppo FIAT, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Renault, Hyundai, Heuliez, Opel, Valéo, Éditions Vario, Airbus Industries, Navcontrol etc.
Building Construction, Real Estate and Zoning (Town Planning)
Carillion, Tarmac Group, Hines, Maragest, Sonatrach, Repsol, Carson Industries, Airbus Industries, Navcontrol, etc.
Computing and Information Technologies
IBM, Palm, Nortel, Intego, Menhir Tehcnologies, Visiplus, Navcontrol, Dynasys, Wavecom, etc.
Environment and Engineering
Blue Plan, Office International de l’Eau, SOCAU-CERU, Générale des Eaux, Lyonnaise des Eaux, EDF-GDF, Alfa-Laval, ENEL, Vallorga, etc.
General Translation, Literature, and Diplomas
IFTI, L’Archetipo, Groupe SET, Bailly, Glaxo Smith Kline, Reporteurs sans Frontières, University of Cambridge, Bodum, etc.
Insurance. Life Assurance, and Re-insurance
AGF, AXA, Hines, CNP, Assicurazioni Generali, Zurich, etc.
Law (Commercial, Contract, Private and Local Government)
Amhurst Brown Colombotti, SCP Vouillon-Levasseur, Halliwell Landau, PACTA SA, Drewitt Willan, Linder Myers, KSB Law, Montenay Fideurope, Dalkia France, Hual France, Anthony & Cie, etc.
“Mark Willan is one of the most if not the most precise legal translators I have used. I have sent him translation work for more than 10 years and his quality of work and responsiveness is excellent.”
G. Facey 2009.
Guy FACEY, Senior Partner, Facey and Associates
International Commercial Law Firm Specialized in English, Italian and French law, Hong Kong)
Tel: +852 6396 0064
Publisher L’ARCHETIPO (Rome, Italy)
+39 06 855 9305
Marie-Louise DAVEAU,
Président, PACTA SA (International Law Publishers, Cannes, France)
+33 4 93 39 40 33
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