PSCI – 1101: American Political System – 109, 111

TA: Augie Ruckdeschel

Office: Ketchum 401

Office hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 3:30p-5p


Grading Criteria

20% of your total class grade will be based on your performance in this recitation. This 20% is spilt into four quarters. 25% on attendance, 25% on class participation, 25% on class assignments, and the final 25% on 6 pop quizzes. Needless to say, attendance is imperative. You cannot pass this recitation if you have more than 5 unexcused absences.


Recitation is an opportunity for DISCUSSION-BASED learning. You need to come to class prepared to participate. This means that you must do the readings and be prepared to ask questions and discuss issues related to the readings.

Discussions in class will be heavily weighted towards current events. Reading a respectable national newspaper such as the NY Times or the Washington Post is HEAVILY recommended. It is important to apply our understanding of the assigned readings and lectures to real world issues and conflicts. Understanding the American Political System works best when we can use our knowledge to address real political issues faced in the U.S. today. Participation in class is absolutely mandatory. Be prepared to defend your positions honestly and earnestly. Arguments and disagreements will likely arise throughout the semester. I will often encourage these types of arguments in order to help you flesh out your positions. It is important to remember that we will respect the opinions of each and every individual in the class. Personal attacks will NEVER be tolerated. Try to keep your arguments and your positions fact-based and objective. Again, everyone will participate in class discussions. This class only works when everyone is involved. Please be prepared to participate.


On top of in-class discussion, there will also be several quizzes. Expect a quiz roughly every other week. Quizzes will become more frequent and more difficult if I am unsatisfied with the level of class participation. On occasion, I will assign articles or editorials for you to read and you will be asked to briefly explain (approximately one-half page) why you agree or disagree with the position taken. Hopefully interesting articles or interesting positions will be used in future class discussions.

Office Hours

I will be available in Ketchum 401 on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3:30p-5p. Please feel free to see me for any questions you may have or problems you may be experiencing. You can also make an appointment if you need to see me another time.

Subscribing to the E-mail List

It is extremely important that you subscribe to the e-mail list in order to receive important information, links, updates, and articles from me. Here are the instructions:

To subscribe to an existing list at UCB, send a message to with the Subject: line blank, and in the body of the message type subscribe ta-augie-sp06 and your full name. For example:

subscribe ta-augie-sp06 Mary Lee

If you successfully join the e-mail list, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Please do not wait until the middle of the semester to tell me you have been unable to join the e-mail list. Please make this a priority.