Win Some, Lose Some?
Acts 16:6-24

Main idea: The spread of the good news of Jesus Christ depends on God’s work, not human wisdom.

1)  Review:

a)  The “Gospel” teaches that we are all hopeless sinners.

b)  Our sin deserves death.

c)  Jesus became human and lived a sinless life, so he didn’t deserve death.

d)  At the cross, His death paid for the sins of his followers and provides us with His righteousness.

e)  We’re made right with God because of Christ’s work, not our own.

2)  Divine appointment (6-10)

a)  “Asia” was a province in western Asia Minor.

b)  God interrupts Paul’s plan for missions by redirecting.

c)  The place God wants the gospel at that moment is Philippi (in Macedonia).

d)  When God redirects us from our own plans, He is working on something more effective than we could have achieved alone.

3)  Lydia’s conversion (11-15)

a)  “Place of prayer” likely because there was no synagogue in the city.

b)  As a purple dealer, Lydia is likely very wealthy and independent.

c)  God opens her heart for salvation.

d)  Her conversion is matched by her household.

e)  Her faith is matched with action: baptism and hospitality.

f)  When God opens hearts, lives are transformed.

4)  Staunch opposition (16-24)

a)  A slave girl has demonically-given fortune telling ability. (“python spirit”)

b)  Her proclamation might have been understood by Greeks as referring to Zeus.

c)  Paul doesn’t face opposition on religious or political grounds, but when economics become a factor, the response is extreme.

i)  Anti-semitism is invoked.

ii)  Roman patriotism is invoked.

iii)  The real reason for his persecution is ignored.

d)  People will tolerate Jesus until it challenges something precious to them.

e)  Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown in prison.

i)  This looks like a “loss” for the gospel.

ii)  However, the story isn’t done yet!

5)  Application

a)  Make plans to reach people for Christ…but let God redirect your steps.

b)  Speak truth with great love and persuasiveness…but know that God opens hearts.

c)  Expect that in many cases response will be relatively benign…but know that severe reactions are usually the result of idolatry rather than faulty presentation.

d)  The most important part is to go and speak. God can do miracles through your obedience!

For this week


Romans 10:14-21


Describe the chain of events that leads to belief in verses 14-15.

If we set our expectations according to verses 16-19, how should we expect people to respond to the message of Jesus? What if we set our expectations according to verse 20?

Who in your life might God be sending you to? Will you have beautiful feet (v. 15)?


Write below a short summary of the “important” parts of the gospel of Jesus Christ that you might explain to a friend or loved one.

Look for an opportunity to introduce someone to Jesus this week, and when it arrives, do it!


God, give me opportunities this week and give me words to tell other people about the Grace you have given to us in Jesus Christ. Give me courage to speak up when you provide those opportunities.