JAMMU II, better health for little girls


Finalreport of GAMS-Belgium

A. Presentation of the organisation

Name of the proposed non-governmental organisation or charity responsible for the project / GAMS-Belgique asbl – Groupe pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles féminines (Group for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation, non-profit organization)
Contact details of the person in charge:
name of person, address, tel no. email / Mrs Khadidiatou DIALLO, President of GAMS Belgique
Rue Gabrielle Petit 6
1080 Bruxelles
Tel: 02 2194340
Brief history of the organisation / charity. When it was set up, aims, objectives, activities
(max 100 words)
GAMS-Belgique campaigns for the abolition of FGM, early and child and/or forced marriages and other traditional practices harmful to the health of mother and child. It supplies individuals, families or mixed couples with information to prevent such practices. GAMS Belgique provides training to the medical, social, legal and childcare sector, raises awareness amongst the general public, risk groups, religious and community leaders, the wider African communities, schools and parents' organizations, the federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers, professionals of the social, legal, law enforcement and health sectors. It runs literacy and health education programs in Senegal.

2. Project proposal

Humanitarian Aid project (title of project) / JAMMU II, better health for little girls
Give concise information on the project itself and its background. Include the project proposal and how it would work in practice?
(max 150 words)
The proposed project aims at supporting the targeted local communities in the Kolda Region, realising key objectives such as information, awareness raising and education to end female genital mutilations and reduce poverty, among women especially.
The proposal should consolidate the fight against FGM and alleviate rural poverty by:
-courses to improve women’s literacy, awareness, information and prevention in the framework of the fight against FGM and HIV/SIDA, and the respect of human rights. Training could be offered to improve women’s access to information about the local community, to strengthen their capacity to further their living conditions.
-economic activities to improve food security and the income position of women and young people, in order to facilitate their participation in awareness raising and training.
-improvement of their living conditions to allow changes of conduct concerning FGM and to transform participants into agents of change.
When would it start / finish? / from April 2010 to April 2012
Where will it take place – country / town, establishment? / Village of Linkering
Departmentof Velingara
Kolda Region
List the identified objectives and needs.
(max 20 words) / To contribute to the abolition of FGM and forced marriages through improvement of health and living conditions of women
List the beneficiaries. / 50 illiterate women (between 20-40 years old) and 40 young people (between 17-20 years old) unoccupied of the village of -Linkering.
Name the sector in the area of contraception, sexual and reproductive health that will be covered. / Sexual and Reproductive Health : Female Genital Mutilation
Is this a ‘new’ project?
If an extension of an existing programme, provide information on the original programme (max 20 words) / Since 2002, GAMS-Belgique has supported an integrated project (JAMMU I) in Senegal, funded by WAAF Japan. The current proposal aims at extending its activities.
What outcomes will be measured? (max 20 words) / - Number of women participating in the project
- Increase of the women knowledge about FGM & its consequences
Do you foresee any reasons (political, climatic, etc) why this project may be adversely affected? If so, give list. (max 20 words) / - Security problems may occur in the region (rebels),religious ceremonies, travel and temporary migration (region isadjacent to the border),election campaign.

3. Final evaluation:

3.1 Resources involved in the project

This project is supported by ESC (5000 €) and WAAF (3672 €). Women's Action Against FGM, Japan (WAAF) is a non-governmental and nonprofit organization (

GAMS Belgium finances 4 persons within this project to conduct the activities:

-Fatimata Niane BA, Coordinator of the project: budget management, follow-up activities (25,000 CFA per month)

-Abdourahmane Diallo, trainer for literacy (50,000 CFA per month)

-Boubacar Baldé : supervisor of literacy activities (25,000 CFA per month)

-Maimouna Mané, regional President of women's groups: she convenes the chairpersons of the groups for the sensitization sessions on mutilation, HIV and FGM (25,000 CFA every 3 months)

25.000 CFA = 28 €

GAMS Belgium has provided the team with educational tools:

-a mannequin with the different types of FGM

-comic-strips for the youth to address the issue of FGM “Diaratou face à la tradition”

-plasticized pictures of FGM complications from Dr. Touré, OB/GYN, Mali

-printed fabric to fight against Violence against Women (VAW) “lutte contre les violences intra-familiales”

-flyers, pedagogical guides on FGM and a multimedia beamer.

GAMS Belgium supports the creation of Economic Interest Grouping (EIG) with small amount of money to start the activities. The aim is to increase the autonomy of women with incomes generating activities.

GAMS Belgium provides general supervision of the project:

Onemid-term supervisionhas been conducted by Khadia Diallo in April 2010. The purpose of the visit was to check that the tools provided to the team have been well used and to support the coordination team of the project. In December 2011, Khadia Diallo and Maureen Louhenapessy did a second field visit to organized a training on MGF and HIV (see the content below).

3.2 Final results:

The proposal should consolidate the fight against FGM and alleviate rural poverty by:

-courses to improve women’s literacy, awareness, information and prevention in the framework of the fight against FGM and HIV/SIDA, and the respect of human rights. Training could be offered to improve women’s access to information about the local community, to strengthen their capacity to further their living conditions.

January- June 2011

Awareness raising and monitory sessions: 40 sessions were organized and were attended by 50 women and 40 youth from the village of Linkering.

Each participant received 126 hours of training.

Sessions had two components: a) awareness raising about dangers and consequences of FGM (STD including AIDS) and b) alphabetization of women and youth in the Fulah language.

July-December 2011

Awareness raising and monitory sessions: 40 sessions were organized (Planned:44). The number of participants fell to 30,i.e 28 women aged between 25 and 60, plus two men. The smaller number of participants was due to marriages,decease, religious ceremonies, travel and temporary migration since this region is adjacent to the border.

Each participant received 125 hours of training.

Sessions had two components: a) awareness raising about dangers and consequences of FGM (STD including AIDS) and b) alphabetization of women and youth in the Fulah language.

Topics covered:


- Causes

- Consequences

- Prevention

- Solutions

2. FGM

- False beliefs

- Consequences: social, health and economic
- Solutions: abandon, sensitization, professional reorientation of circumcisers

Recommendations and suggestions
A number of recommendations and suggestions were made by trainers and target public. These concerned:

- Follow-up of raise awareness raising activities
- Sustainability of the project
- Extension of the project
- Accompanying measures
- Support for women and converted circumcisers especially

December 2011

Training: "Strengthening the capacity of relay health professionals in Velingara / Senegal.Upgrading knowledge, communication skills and awareness raising in the framework of HIV-AIDS prevention and the fight against FGM "

The training was spread over two days and was attended by 46 teachers, religious leaders, trainers, local representatives, social workers, students , midwifes and other health workers (both from Linkering and beyond). Its contents comprised capacity building and reaffirming the participants’ conviction that FGM ought to be abandoned and that this view is not particular to the countryside, but is at the core of a policy supported at the political level.

General objective:

To increase knowledgeand to enhance the skills of participants in the approach to sexual health, FGM and HIV-AIDS among target populations in order to improve current services.

Specific objectives:

To build the capacity of participants on these topics so they can manage a project:
- working on the concepts of sexual and emotional health of populations
- conducting a joint review of representations, barriers and obstacles experienced in community work concerning sexuality and of the difficulties leaders may face when trying to involve the target audience.
- identifying critical incidents through situations of "culture shock"

More specifically, this implied the following objectives:
- to identify barriers encountered by professionals in the approach of sexuality among the target audience asses their needs
- to identify barriers within the population to the development of workshops on sexuality
- to confront participants’ experiences, reflect on practices
- to set benchmarks for professional practice

Learning objectives:

At the end of the training, participants will be able of:

- to identify and have a better understanding of populations’ needs

- to identify good practices, methodologies and skills

- to improve their knowledge and current service level

- to strengthen participants’ engagement concerning sexuality issues

- to propose practical and realistic approaches(working methods, strategies and tools) to improve their daily work


The training will be based on individual work sequences, collective and small groups.

- theoretical approach

- case studies and analysis

- role playing


Power Point, video//DVD, analysis spreadsheet, role playing and documentation package.


In general, the training was successful. In the beginning, some time was lost because some trainees came from far away and had to wait for.

The precincts were not ideal for this type of training but there was no alternative accommodation to house such a great number of participants. Since the room was offered empty, chairs and tables had to be rented.

The brush-up sessions concerning HIV/AIDS and FGM raised a lot of interest among the participants. Many questions were asked and the workshops allowed the participants to fruitfully exchange professional experiences. There’s a great need for educational equipment and material geared to their grassroots work.

GAMS left tools, flyers, pedagogical guides on FGM and a multimedia beamer with the local representative of GAMS.

Requests for the future:

- training on community mobilization and communication skills

- regular intervisions to reinforce trainer’s capacity

- regular updating on HIV/AIDS and FGM

-equipment financing

- prevention tools(mannequins, educational panels, DVD, etc)

-support for the development of flyers and other tools

-hardware, especially laptops

- a longer training session (at least 6 days)

January- July 2012

Awareness raising and monitory sessions: 31 sessions were organized (Planned: 37) and were attended by 48 women from the village of Linkering.

Each participant received 93 hours of training (planned: 111).

Sessions had two components: a) awareness raising about dangers and consequences of FGM (STD including AIDS) and b) alphabetization of women and youth in the Fulah language.

Community Mobilization: 2 sessions were organized ( 12/3/2012 and 17/6/2012) and were attended by 106 persons ( women:74, men: 32) and 110 persons (women:83, men:27).Issues concernedFGM, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, early marriage,condom use,keeping girls in school, unwanted pregnancies and forced marriages.

Due to a number of upheavals in 2012 courses have only been delivered during 4 months. The first of these events was the electoral campaign, in which a number of students and facilitators were involved from March to May. After GAMS’ on the spot review on the 6June, courses restarted on 8 June and lasted until the end of July. They were interrupted by the Ramadan.After the feast of Korite preparations had to be made for the agricultural season. Most women worked the fields so as to cover the basic needs of their families. In October 2012 classes were resumed.

4. Plan for the future

We will also seek for other funders to continue the program and to extend it to other villages as requested by the population.

Despite small budget, the project is well appreciated by the community in this area deprived of any humanitarian help, extra-funding will be necessary to sustain the project after the 2 years.