Name : ______Per. ____ Date: ______

Chapter 9 Lesson 3 – The First Political Parties (pg. 256-261)

Essential Question: How do governments change?

Our nation’s two - party political system developed from Americans taking opposite sides on political issues.

Opposing Parties

True or False (circle one) Many people thought political parties were harmful to a good government.

1.  Why didn’t the Constitution mention political parties in the document? (pg. 256) Answer: The Constitution made no mention of political parties because the men who wrote the document (authors) saw no good use for them.

2.  What does the word partisan mean? Answer: firmly favoring one party or faction(group).

3.  If something is distinct it is said to be…

a.  Different b. Powerful c. of the law d. none of these

4.  Compare the Federalist Party with the Democratic-Republican Party: (list 2 items for each party)

Federalist Party / Issue / Democratic-Republican Party
-lead by Alexander Hamilton (John Adams supported this party)
-favored a strong federal government
-believed in “implied powers”
-supported the idea of a national bank
-believed the wealthy, well-educated people should hold public office / Differences of how they viewed the role of the federal government / -lead by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
-favored states’ rights
-against the idea of “implied powers”
-against the idea of a national bank
Believed that ordinary people should participate fully in the government

The Role of the People (pg. 257)

5.  How did the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Repuplican Party differ in the role they felt the people living in the nation should play?

Answer: The two parties disagreed because the Federalist Party believed in representative government by the wealthy and well-educated while the Republican Party feared a strong central government and felt that ordinary/common people needed to take part fully in the government

6.  True or False (circle one) The relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson became so bad that Thomas Jefferson left the cabinet and his job as Secretary of State.

The Presidential Election of 1796

7.  What is a caucus? Answer: A caucus is a meeting of members of a political party to choose candidates for upcoming elections

8.  Who won the election of 1796? Answer: John Adams

9.  Why was Thomas Jefferson chosen as vice-president? Answer: Jefferson was chosen as vice-president because he finished 2nd in the election with 68 electoral votes.

10.  Is the system for electing a vice-president the same today [2014]? (in other words, could Mitt Romney have been elected as Barack Obama’s vice-president?) How does it work today? Explain.

Answer: No, the system electing the vice-president is not the same today as it was in 1796. The way it works today is a presidential candidate chooses a “running mate” (vice-president) to run with them on the “ticket”. The two people run together as a team or “ticket”.

John Adams as President (pg. 259)

11.  Discuss the incident known as the XYZ Affair.

A.  Name the two countries involved: United States and France

B.  What did the French do to punish the United States? Answer: The French stopped (seized) American ships on the ocean waters and took American trade goods

C.  What did the French agents want from the United States? Answer: a bribe ($) and a loan

D.  How did John Adams react to this demand from the French? Answer: John Adams refused to by the bribe, referred to the French agents as X, Y, and Z, and asked the Congress to prepare for war.

E.  The Alien and Sedition Acts

What is an alien? Answer: a person living in a country who is not a citizen of that country

What does the word sedition mean? Answer: activities aimed at weakening the government by inciting resistance or rebellion to authority

Why do you think the Alien and Sedition Acts (Laws) were passed by President John Adams? Answer: To protect the United States.

I believe that the Alien and Sedition Acts were passed by President John Adams because… President Adams wanted to protect the United States from harm. He wanted to protect our country from people coming in to our country who might want to do harm to the United States. The president was questioning aliens loyalty to the United States.

Domestic and Foreign Affairs (pg. 260)

Which political party viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts as tyranny? Answer: Democratic-Republican Party

What did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison say needed to be protected as a response to the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts? (pg. 260) Answer: Jefferson and Madison felt that people’s liberties needed to be protected.

To nullify something means… Answer: to legally overturn.

What does the principle of states’ rights say? Answer: States’ rights said that the power of the federal government was limited to what was given to it by the Constitution. The states should have all the power not given to the federal government (this would prevent the federal government from becoming too powerful).

Which amendment in the Bill of Rights (first 10) addresses states’ rights?

Answer: 10th Amendment (X)

In the year 1800, the French agreed to a treaty with the United States and stopped their attacks on American ships.

Did President John Adams go to war with France over the issue of the French attacking American ships for trading with the British? Answer: No

How did President John Adams respond the French attacking American ships and stealing our cargo?

Answer: John sent a team of negotiators to Paris, France to resolve the dispute. He further negotiated until the French stopped attacking American ships.

Do you think President John Adams handled the situation with the French correctly? (please explain) Answer: Accept all responses that demonstrate an understanding of the question.

Diplomacy (negotiate peacefully) or Go to War

Do you believe nation’s should always try to seek out a peaceful answer/solution to a problem before going to war? (please give your honest opinion).

Answer: Look for responses that demonstrate logic, reasoning, and follow a logical thought process.