45th Contingent of the “José Martí” European Brigade



The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples is inviting you to participate in the 45th Contingent of the “José Martí” European Brigade to take place on July 6-22, 2015.

This new edition will be dedicated to the celebration of the 45thContingent of the Brigade through the life and historical legacy of José Martí, our National Hero, on the 120th anniversary of his death.

Amongst the most important activities for the program are: the Special Cancellation of a Postage Stamp and an International Workshop on all the solidarity work developed throughout the 45 years of the volunteer work brigades, which have resulted in the strengthen of the Solidarity Movement with Cuba in Europe; another activity will be the European Night, an opportunity for all the participants to show the different cultural manifestations of their countries.

The Program also includes visits to places of historical, cultural and social interest in Havana, Artemisa, Villa Clara, and Matanzasprovinces. At the different lectures the participants will be acquainted with our reality at first hand. With the days of agricultural work the participants will put into practice the “Guevarian” experience of the volunteer work. The participants will also know about the historical legacy of José Martí and his solidarity spirit and will be able to share experiences, traditions, and realities of the represented countries at this 45th contingent.

The price of the package is 385.00 CUC (Cuban Convertible Pesos) per person. The price includes: lodging at rooms for 6 personsat the “Julio Antonio Mella” International Camp (CIJAM), located in Caimito, Artemisa Province -45 kilometers away from Havana-, food (full pension), transfer from and to the airport, transportation service for the activities included in the program, emergency medical services, and four nights at a hotel in the Zapata Swamp (Ciénaga de Zapata), a UNESCO’s biosphere reserve, a paradise of a diverse fauna and migratory and Cuban endemic birds, as well as hundreds of species of plants. This is the area where Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) is located, scene of the invasion to Cuba organized by mercenaries at the service of the US imperialism, in April of 1961.

The CIJAM offers the following services: coffee shop, bar, shop, national and international telephone service, e-mail service and safes for personal documents and other valuable belongings.

The payment is to be made by bank transfer or within the first 24 hours after the arrival to the Camp, for such reason it’s important to do the money exchange into national currency, that is into CUC (Cuban Convertible Pesos) at the money exchange offices (CADECA) at the “José Martí” International Airport at the moment of arrival to Cuba. The official languages will be Spanish, English and French.

We remind you, as a precaution measure, that under no circumstances should the payment be in US dollars. The currency exchange into CUC can be in Euros, Canadian Dollars, Pound Sterlings, and Swiss Francs, in accordance with the currency exchange rate of the day at airports, hotels, conference and business centers, and at the money exchange offices (CADECA).

The optional visits/activities organized by Amistur, our travel agency, are not included in the package of the Brigade. Each additional night not included in the program at the CIJAM cost 10.00 CUC.

Those interested in participating, please contact us before June 1st, 2015. Send your full names, date of birth, passport number, profession/job, and the flight information of the arrival to Havana and departure to each country.

Each brigade member should bring two ID photos for the 45th “José Martí” Contingent identification card to be provided. Also bring proper working clothing and shoes (long-sleeve shirts, long pants, gloves, working shoes, and hat/cap) suitable for agricultural activities.

It will be our pleasure to welcome you and share with you what has traditionally been a beautiful experience of friendship and solidarity among the peoples.

The program might have some last-hour slight changes.

Please, contact us at:

Agencia de Viajes AMISTUR CUBA S.A del ICAP

E-mail lf: (537)834-4544/833-2374/830-1220

ICAP’s Europe Division

e-mail: ; ; ; ;

Telf: (537) 838-24-07/ 838-24-03

Camp. Internacional Julio A. Mella (CIJAM)

Telf: 537- 047 31 9323.


Julia Cabrera Reymont


European Brigade



6 – 22 July 2015

Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5

Arrival of delegations. Transfer to “Julio Antonio Mella” International Camp (CIJAM). Optional activities offered by AMISTUR

Monday, 6 July

07:00 hrs.Wake up call and breakfast

09:30 hrs.Laying of flower wreath at Julio Antonio Mella monument. Planting of a


10:00 hrs. Official welcoming activity. General information meeting. Cultural


11:30 hrs. Lunch

13:15 hrs.Departure to Havana

14:00 hrs.Laying of flower wreath at Jose Marti’s Monument in the Revolution


15:30 hrs.Special Postal Stamp release dedicated to the 45th Anniversary of the


16:00 -19:00 hrs.Visit to the historical CityCenter. Free time

19:15 hrs.Departure to the Camp from the Museum of the Revolution

20:00 hrs.Dinner

20:30 hrs.Cultural event at the Camp to welcome the Brigade

Tuesday, 7 July

05:45 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

06:45 hrs.Morning meeting.

07:00 hrs.Departure towork.

11:30 hrs. Return to the camp.

12:00 hrs. Lunch.

14:30 hrs.Conference: “Cuban Economy. Updating of the Cuban economic model

As a strategy to strengthen socialism”

17:00 hrs.Free time for sports and recreational activities

19:00 hrs.Dinner.

20.00 hrs.1st meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee for Heads of delegations. 21:00 hrs. Presentation of a local cultural proyect

Wednesday, 8 July

05:45 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

06:45 hrs.Morning meeting.

07:00 hrs.Departure towork

11:30 hrs. Return to the camp.

12:00 hrs. Lunch.

14:30 hrs.Conference: “Relations between Cuba and the European Union”

17:00 hrs.Setting up of the Exhibition dedicated to the Cuban Five

19:00 hrs.Dinner

20:30 hrs.Screening of the documentary “Revolutionary Medicine”

Thursday,9 July

07:30 hrsWake up call and breakfast

09:00 hrs.Opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Cuban Five

10.00 hrs.Presentation of the documentary “Justice in London”

Meeting with families of the Five

12:30 hrs. Lunch.

14:30 hrs.Presentation of the Children Cultural Proyect “Soñarte”, from Cotorro

16:00 hrs.Free time

18:00 hrs.2nd meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee for Heads of delegations

19:00 hrs. Dinner.

20:30 hrs.Dance lessons.

Friday, 10 July

05:45 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

06:45 hrs.Morning meeting.

07:00 hrs.Departure for work.

11:30 hrs. Return to the camp.

12:00 hrs. Lunch.

13:30 hrs.Departure to Havana

14:30 hrs.Group visits to:

-Cultural and Social Proyect “Cabildo Quisiguaba” in Centro Habana

-Proyect “Alas de Mariposa” in Habana Vieja

Alter the visits Fre time in Old Havana

19:00 hrs.Departure from the Museum of the Revolution to the Friendship House

19:30 hrs. Evening for European Solidarity at the Friendship House (Paseo

Avenue between 17 and 19th Streets, Vedado) Dinner and cultural


23:00 hrsreturn to the Camp from the Friendship House

Saturday, 11 July

07:00 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

08:30 hrsDeparture to the Municipality of Artemisa

09:00 hrsVisit to the Memorial to the Martyrs and Heroes of Artemisa

10:30 hrsVisit to the Provincial Assembly of Artemisa. Exchange with Assembly

Members. Tour of a local council

12:00 hrsReturn to the Camp

12:30 hrs. Lunch.

14:30 hrs.Meeting with representayives of a union and self employed workers of a non agricultural Coop from Artemisa.

19:00 hrs.Dinner.

21:00 hrs.Bonfire of Friendship. Presentation of Folk Dances

Sunday, 12 July

07:00 hrs. Wake up call and Breakfast.

08:10 hrs. Registration for the Friendship Race

08:30 hrs Start of the Friendship Race

11:30 hrs Meeting with Cuban Star Athletes

12:30 hrs. Lunch

16:00 hrs Free time for sports and recreational activities

20:30 hrsCuban evening

Monday, 13 July

05:45 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

06:45 hrs.Morning meeting.

07:00 hrs.Departure for work.

11:30 hrs. Return to the camp.

12:00 hrs. Lunch.

14:00 hrs.Workshop “45th Anniversary of the Jose Marti Brigade: One of the ways to

Spread Cuba’s reality and strengthen the solidarity movement in Europe.

Exchange with founders of the Brigade

16:00 hrsFree time to prepare the European Evening

19:00 hrs.Dinner.

21:00 hrsEuropean cultural evening

Tuesday, 14 July

05:45 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

06:45 hrs.Morning meeting.

07:00 hrs.Departure for work.

11:30 hrs. Return to the camp.

12:00 hrs. Lunch.

14:30 hrs.Conference: “Media war on Cuba”

19:00 hrsDinner

20:30 hrsMeeting to inform about the visit to the Province

21:00 hrsScreening of a Cuban film

Wednesday, 15 July

05:45 hrsWake up call and breakfast

07:00 hrsDeparture to Santa Clara

11:30 hrsWelcome by provincial authorities and ICAP’s delegation. Visit to Che Guevara’s Monument and the Armored Train

13:00 hrsLunch in Santa Clara

15:00 hrsDeparture to Playa Giron

17:00 hrsAccomodation at Playa Giron Hotel.

Dinner and welcome activity. Free evening

Thursday, 16 July

09:00 hrs. Group visits to:

-Fisheries enterprise and a policlinic

-Forestry enterprise and a primary school

12:00 hrs. Lunch at the Hotel.

. Free afternoon. Beach

19:00 hrs. Dinner at the hotel.

21:00 hrsMeeting with the CDRs and FMC representatives in the Community of Giron

Friday, 17 July

09:00 hrs. Visit to a crocodile breeding farm

Visit Guama and Laguna del Tesoro

11:00 hrsVisit to a memorial dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Fidel´s dinner with

Charcoal workers

12:00 hrs. Lunch at the Hotel.

14:30 hrsDeparture to the Museum of Playa Giron

15:00 hrsVisit to the Museum of Playa Giron

16:30 hrsReturn to the Hotel. Free time

19:00 hrs. Dinner and free evening.

Saturday 18 July

08:30 hrs. Departure to the town of Palpite

09:00 hrsVisit to the Korimakao Community Cultural Proyect. Exchange with young artists. Cultural performance

11:30 hrsLunch at the hotel

14:00 hrsVisit to Playa Caleta

17:00 hrsreturn to the hotel

20:00 hrs. Dinner at the Hotel

21:00 hrs. Farewell at theHotel

Sunday 19 July

07:00 hrs.Breakfast.

Free morning at the beach

10:30 – 11:30 Check out

11:30 hrs. Lunch at theHotel

13:30 hrs.Departure from the Hotel

20:00 hrs.Dinner at the Camp

Free evening.

Monday 20 July

07:00 hrs.Wake up call and Breakfast.

10:00 hrsVisit to El SaladoBeach. Optional visits by AMISTUR

12:30 hrsReturn to the Camp

13:00 hrs. Lunch

17:00 hrsFinal group evaluation meetings

18:00 hrsLast meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee for Heads of delegations

19:30 hrs.Dinner.

21:00 hrs.Collective Birthday party

Tuesday 21 July

06:45 hrsWake up call and breakfast.

08:00 hrs.Departure to Havana

09:00 hrs.Visit to the Museum of the Revolution

10:30 hrsVisit to Nicolas Guillen Community Proyect in el Vedado

12:00 hrsReturn to the Camp

13:00 hrsLunch

15:00 hrs.Official Farewell event. Reading of the Final Declaration.


19:00 hrs. Dinner.

21:00 hrs.Cultural farewell event.

Wednesday 22 July

09:00 hrs.Breakfast.

10:00hrs.Departure of buses to Havana for those who will stay in Cuba on their


Afternoon/Night: Departures for the airport.

NOTE: This programme is subject to changes due to reasons beyond the organizer’s control.