Vascular Plant List

Dolphin Place

Dolphin Place Kitsap County, WA. List covers plants found in Dolphin Place, property of Al Philips, on Bainbridge Island. List by Al Philips, 2003. 103 spp.

These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years.

Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society.

We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.

* - Introduced
Scientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Abies grandis / Grand fir / Pinaceae
Acer circinatum / Vine maple / Aceraceae
Acer glabrum / Douglas maple / Aceraceae
Acer macrophyllum / Big-leaf maple / Aceraceae
Achlys triphylla / Vanilla leaf / Berberidaceae
Adiantum pedatum / Maidenhair fern / Polypodiaceae
Alnus rubra / Red alder / Betulaceae
Arbutus menziesii / Pacific madrone / Ericaceae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi / Bearberry / Ericaceae
Asarum caudatum / Wild ginger / Aristolochiaceae
Athyrium filix-femina / Lady fern / Polypodiaceae
Berberis aquifolium / Tall Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Berberis nervosa / Cascade Oregongrape / Berberidaceae
Betula papyrifera / Paper birch / Betulaceae
Blechnum spicant / Deer fern / Polypodiaceae
Calypso bulbosa / Fairy slipper / Orchidaceae
Camassia quamash / Common camas / Liliaceae
Cardamine oligosperma / Little Western bittercress / Brassicaceae
Carex sp. / Sedge / Cyperaceae
Circaea alpina / Enchanter's nightshade / Onagraceae
Cornus canadensis / Bunchberry / Cornaceae
Cornus nuttallii / Pacific dogwood / Cornaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Corylus cornuta / Hazelnut / Betulaceae
Crataegus douglasii / Black hawthorn / Rosaceae
Dicentra formosa / Bleeding heart / Fumariaceae
Dryopteris carthusiana / Wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Dryopteris expansa / Spreading wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Epilobium angustifolium / Fireweed / Onagraceae
Equisetum arvense / Common horsetail / Equisetaceae
Equisetum hyemale / Scouring rush / Equisetaceae
Fragaria chiloensis / Coastal strawberry / Rosaceae
Fragaria vesca / Wild strawberry / Rosaceae
Fraxinus latifolia / Oregon ash / Oleaceae
Gaultheria shallon / Salal / Ericaceae
Geum macrophyllum / Large-leaved avens / Rosaceae
Heuchera sp. / Alumroot / Saxifragaceae
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Juncus ensifolius / Daggerleaf rush / Juncaceae
Juniperus communis / Mountain juniper / Cupressaceae
Ledum groenlandicum / Labrador tea / Ericaceae
Linnaea borealis / Twinflower / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera ciliosa / Orange honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera hispidula / California honeysuckle / Caprifoliaceae
Lonicera involucrata / Black twinberry / Caprifoliaceae
Lysichiton americanus / Skunk cabbage / Araceae
Maianthemum dilatatum / False lily-of-the-valley / Liliaceae
Montia perfoliata / Miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Montia sibirica / Candyflower / Portulacaceae
Oemleria cerasiformus / Indian plum / Rosaceae
Oplopanax horridum / Devil's club / Araliaceae
Oxalis suksdorfii / Western yellow oxalis / Oxalidaceae
Philadelphus lewisii / Mock-orange / Hydrangeaceae
Physocarpus capitatus / Pacific ninebark / Rosaceae
Picea sitchensis / Sitka spruce / Pinaceae
Pinus contorta / Lodgepole pine / Pinaceae
Pinus monticola / Western white pine / Pinaceae
Polypodium glycyrrhiza / Licorice fern / Polypodiaceae
Polypodium scouleri / Leathery polypody / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum andersonii / Anderson's sword-fern / Polypodiaceae
Polystichum munitum / Sword fern / Polypodiaceae
Populus tremuloides / Quaking aspen / Salicaceae
Populus trichocarpa / Black cottonwood / Salicaceae
Prunus emarginata / Bitter cherry / Rosaceae
Prunus virginiana / Chokecherry / Rosaceae
Pseudotsuga menziesii / Douglas fir / Pinaceae
Pyrus malus* / Apple / Rosaceae
Quercus garryana / Oregon white oak / Fagaceae
Rhamnus purshiana / Cascara / Rhamnaceae
Rhododendron macrophyllum / Western rhododendron / Ericaceae
Ribes sanguineum / Red-flowered currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa nutkana / Nootka rose / Rosaceae
Rosa pisocarpa / Clustered wild rose / Rosaceae
Rubus parviflorus / Thimbleberry / Rosaceae
Rubus spectabilis / Salmonberry / Rosaceae
Rubus ursinus / Wild blackberry / Rosaceae
Salix lasiandra / Pacific willow / Salicaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Salix sitchensis / Sitka willow / Salicaceae
Sambucus cerulea / Blue elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Sambucus racemosa / Red elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Scirpus microcarpus / Small-flowered bulrush / Cyperaceae
Smilacina racemosa / False Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Spiraea douglasii / Hardhack / Rosaceae
Streptopus amplexifolius / Clasping-leaved twisted-stalk / Liliaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Synthyris reniformis / Snow-queen / Scrophulariaceae
Taxus brevifolia / Western yew / Taxaceae
Tellima grandiflora / Fringecup / Saxifragaceae
Thelypteris nevadensis / Sierra wood-fern / Polypodiaceae
Thuja plicata / Western red cedar / Cupressaceae
Tiarella trifoliata / Foamflower / Saxifragaceae
Tolmiea menziesii / Youth-on-age / Saxifragaceae
Trientalis latifolia / Broadleaved starflower / Primulaceae
Trillium ovatum / White trillium / Liliaceae
Typha latifolia / Common cattail / Typhaceae
Vaccinium ovatum / Evergreen huckleberry / Ericaceae
Vaccinium parvifolium / Red huckleberry / Ericaceae
Veronica americana / American brooklime / Scrophulariaceae
Vicia sp. / Vetch / Fabaceae
Viola adunca / Early blue violet / Violaceae
Viola sempervirens / Evergreen violet / Violaceae
Woodwardia fimbriata / Chain fern / Polypodiaceae

WNPS Plant Lists

Dolphin Place, Kitsap County, Washington

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