1. A (an) ______is a tangible good, service, idea, or some combination of these that satisfies consumer or business customer needs through the exchange process.
  2. Attribute
  3. Value
  4. Good
  5. Product
  6. ______consists of all the benefits the product will provide for consumers or business customers.
  7. Core product
  8. Augmented Product
  9. Utility
  10. Satisfaction
  11. ______are consumer products that provide benefits over a period of months, years, or even decades.
  12. Durable Products
  13. Nondurable Products
  14. High Involvement
  15. Maximum Utility
  16. A consumer packaged good (CPG) or fast-moving consumer good (FMCG) includes all of the following except.
  17. Low-Cost
  18. More basic
  19. Quickly consumed
  20. Frequently replaced
  21. When you throw a copy of People magazine into your shopping cart because it has a cool photo Christina Aguilera and her baby with a screaming headline “NEW BABY, NEW LIFE” on the cover, is an example of.
  22. Impulse buying
  23. Staple product
  24. Impulse product
  25. Convenience product
  26. These products are goods and services for which consumers will spend time and effort to gather information on price, product attributes, and product quality.
  27. Shopping products
  28. Consumer packaged good
  29. Specialty products
  30. Unsought products
  31. These are goods that a business customer consumes in a relatively short time.
  32. Raw materials
  33. Maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) products
  34. Products
  35. Processed materials
  36. All of the following are given examples of maintenance products, except.
  37. Light bulbs
  38. Mops
  39. Cleaning supplies
  40. Washers
  41. ______are products of the fishing, lumber, agricultural, and mining industries that organizational customers purchase to use in their finished products.
  42. Primary materials
  43. Raw materials
  44. Processed materials
  45. Component parts
  46. ______are manufactured goods or subassemblies of finished items that organizations need to complete their own products.
  47. Component parts
  48. Specialized services
  49. Secondary materials
  50. Processed materials
  51. All of the following areconsumer classifications of products, except.
  52. Convenience products
  53. Processed materials and special services
  54. Shopping products
  55. Specialty products
  56. ______, such as milk, bread, and gasoline, are basic or necessary items that are available almost everywhere.
  57. Staple products
  58. Common needs products
  59. Emergency products
  60. Specialty products
  61. Anything that customers perceive as new and different is called.
  62. Creativity
  63. Improvements
  64. Innovation
  65. Change
  66. All of the following includes types of innovations, except.
  67. Dramatic innovation
  68. Discontinuous
  69. Continuous
  70. Dynamically continuous
  71. A (an) ______is a new product that copies, with slight modification, the design of an original product.
  72. Imitation
  73. Knockoff
  74. Duplicate
  75. Modification
  76. This phase in the “New Product Development” is the phase of product development, marketers use a variety of sources to come up with great new product ideas that provide customer benefits and that are compatible with the company mission
  77. Product Concept Development and Screening
  78. Idea Generation
  79. Marketing Strategy Development
  80. Business Analysis
  81. This is the step in the product development process in which marketers assess a product’s commercial viability.
  82. Business Analysis
  83. Marketing Strategy Development
  84. Test Marketing
  85. Commercialization
  86. Those who adopt an innovation early in the diffusion process but after innovators are called.
  87. Innovators
  88. Early Adopters
  89. Early Majority
  90. Laggards
  91. What is the 6th phase of the “New Product Development?”
  92. Technical Development
  93. Business Analysis
  94. Test Marketing
  95. Commercialization
  96. The process by which the use of a population spreads throughout a population is called.
  97. Adoption
  98. Diffusion
  99. Tipping point
  100. Adoption pyramid