CFC Special Section Submission Guidelines
Organizations that are a certified CFC agency and provide services in the Hampton Roads region may submit articles for the Military Newspapers of Virginia CFC Special Section.
Articles and photographs submitted should have a military tie. This meansthey should feature aservicemember and/or family member receiving your services, or military and/or family members volunteering their time through your agency.
(For agencies that have submitted articles previously: It is preferable that a new article is submitted each year so the special section’s content is different from year to year.)
Article format: Articles should be attached to an email in Word (or similarMicrosoft program) format. The title of the file should include your organization’s name.
Please include a headline and byline at the top. The byline should include the name, title and organization of the person who wrote the article. Conclude the article with the full name of the organization and the CFC number.
Do not use excessive formatting (such as bold, underline or italic text). Do not paste the text of the article into the body of the email.
Photo format: Photographs should be attached to the email as a separate file in JPEG (.jpg), Photoshop (.psd) or TIFF (.tif) format. Do not copy and paste the actual photograph into the body of the email or word document.Name photo files with your organization’s name or the name of a person in the photo.
Photographs should be 300 dpi (dots per inch) and should be at least 3” x 5”. If the file size is at least 500 to 700 kb, the photograph is probably usable, but photographs at least 1 MG are better. Uncropped and unedited photographs are preferred. If you are unsure as to whether a photo will work or not, please contact Rebecca Hastings (contact information below) PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE.
Photo credit and caption information (please identify persons in photo, if applicable)should be included in the body of the email or in “File Info” using image editing software i.e. Adobe Photoshop.
Submission Deadline: Please submit articles and photographs no later than Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015. Send submissions to Rebecca Hastings at .
The submission of an article or photograph does not guarantee it will appear in the special section. Articles and photographs will be used space permitting. Articles will be edited according to Associated Press guidelines and journalistic style, and the length may be edited due to space constraints.
Questions?Contact Rebecca Hastings via email or call (757) 322-2865 or Susie Meekins at (757)222-3986 if you have any questions.