

CONTACT ADDRESS: Centre for Development Research (Zentrum fur Entwicklungsforschung), Walter Flex Strasse 3, D-53113 Bonn, Germany. Phone: 0049-28-734918; Fax: 0049-228-731972

Email: ;

I haveinternational qualifications in geographical science and planning from universities in India, United Kingdom and Australia. I specialize on integrated water management, new institutionalism, urban metabolism, spatial epidemiology, geo-statistical analysis, and socio-epidemiology to analysethe interface of water and human health in rapidly growing economies, in South and Central Asia.

Key Research Areas: irrigation management, spatial epidemiology, integrated water management, complex systems theory & modelling, institutional analysis, risk assessment


University of Queensland, 2003 –06Ph.D. (Geographical Sciences andPlanning).

University of Cambridge, UK 1997-98. M.Phil (Environment and Development).

University of Pune 1992-94 Dip. Development Planning & Mngt.

University of Madras 1989-91 M.Sc. Applied Geography

University of Madras 1986-89 B.Sc. Geography


2004. International Water Management Institutes- Doctoral Fellow 2004.

2003-2006.University of Queensland International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (UQIPRS) 2003-2006.

1997-98. Fellow, Cambridge Commonwealth Society, (1997-98), United Kingdom. Honorary title awarded for academic excellence (as in the Top 5) at M.Phil programme.

1997-98. Shared Scholarship Scheme of Association of Commonwealth Universities (1997-98).

1992-94. Centre for Development Studies Activities (CDSA) Scholar (1992-94), India.


Adjunct Faculty - Amrita University, Cochin, India

Adjunct Professor - the Indian Institute of Public Health-Gandhinagar, India

Associate Editor – Frontiers in Freshwater Science


Senior Researcher, Centre forDevelopment Research (ZEF), Bonn. 1st January 2007 –till date

Applicant & coordinator for ongoing projects: (i) urban water and health research in India, (ii) HEALTHCAP project

  • Lead Water and health Research initiatives at ZEF since 2007
  • Lead, ‘Metabolism of water and human health: Mobility, power and scale’ German Consortium of Researchers under the Water Science Alliance, Berlin

Senior Research Associate, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. 1st August 2002 – 5th March 2003.

Junior Economist & Consultant, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi.1st January 2000 – 30th July 2002.

Research Associate, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi. 1st Nov. 98-30 October 99

Project Planner, Centre for Development Studies and Activities (CDSA), University of Pune.1st Sep.1996

- 28th Sep 1997

Project Executive, Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN). Madurai, Tamil Nadu. 1stAugust. 1994- 30th August.1996.

Research Assistant, University of Madras.1st Oct. 1991- 31st May 1992.


‘Water Resource Institutions and Human Health in Ahmedabad, India’

Project Applicant/Coordinator: V.S.Saravanan,

Duration:4 Years (March 2011-December 2014)

Funding Body:German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forshungsgemeinschaft)


‘Health Research Capacity and Water-related Diseases: Improving Risk Assessment Strategies for Public Health Care in Uzbekistan’

Project Applicant/Coordinator: V.S.Saravanan,

Duration:3 Years (Jan 2014-December 2016)

Funding Body:Volkswagen Foundation


Completed Projects

‘Advancing Health Research Networks in Sub-Saharan Africa’’. Strategy document for the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany. (invited project)

Project coordinator: V.S.Saravanan,

Duration: January 2012- June 2012

Funding Body: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

‘Global Environmental Change and Water-Related Diseases: Improving Public Health Care in Uzbekistan’

Project applicant/oordinator: V.S.Saravanan,

Duration:one Year (January 2011-December 2011)

Funding Body:Volkswagen Foundation (Thematic Workshop for initiating a Collaborative


‘Ecological and Economic Restructuring of Land and Water in Khorezm in Uzbekistan’

Specific role: Lead on work package on Water management

Duration:Jan 2010- Dec 2010

Funding Body: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

‘Water Pollution and Human Health in South Asia - Exploring the Linkages.’

Project applicant/Coordinator: V.S.Saravanan,

Duration:6 Months (January 2009-July 2009)

Funding Body:UNESCO (Workshop funding resulting in a Special Issue).

Publication:Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution, Volume 7, Issue 1. 2010.

‘STRIVER - Strategy and methodology for improved IWRM - An integrated interdisciplinary assessment in four twinning river basins‘

Project Coordinator: Peter P Mollinga,

Duration:July 2006-June 2009

Funding Body:European Commission (SUSTDEV-2005-3.II.3.6: Twinning European/third countries river basins).

Specific role:Research coordination and member of the IWRM Committee



I teach the following courses(programs) at University of Bonn, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai India, and Amrita University India):

New institutionalism

  1. ‘Institutional Analysis: Application of New Institutionalism in Social and Ecological Science’,

Water Management

  1. Integrated Water Management- International Experiences in polarised discourses.
  2. Community-based approach to water resources management: Lessons from World Wide experiences.

Integrated Modelling

  1. Policy Networks and Modelling: Application of Integrated modelling for policy analysis
  2. ‘Modelling in Social Science: Application of Bayesian Network for combining qualitative and quantitative information

Public Health

  1. Water and health: Interface of Social Science for Public Health Research
  2. Urbanisation and Human Health
  3. Socio-epidemiology: Theories and methods for Medical anthropologist

Research Skills Training

  1. How to write research proposals?

7.LIST OF PUBLICATIONS(select Publications only)

aArticles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. ……….,. (2015). Agents of Institutional Change: Contribution of new institutionalism in understanding water governance in India. Environment Science and Policy.
  2. ……….,., Mavalankar, D., Kulkarni, S., Nussbaum, S., and Weigelt, M.(2015).Metabolized Water Breeding Diseases in Urban India: Socio-spatiality of Water Problems and Health Burden in Ahmedabad City.Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19(1): 93-103.
  3. ……….,and D Gondhalekar.2013.Water Supply and Sanitation as a 'preventive medicine': Challenges in rapidly growing economies.Water International, 38(7): 867-874.
  4. ……….,..2013.Urbanizing Diseases: Contested institutional terrain of water-and vector-borne diseases.Water International, 38(7): 875-886.
  5. Gondhalekar, D., Mollinga, P.P and ……….,.2013.Towards Systematic Comparative Water and Health Research.Water International, 38.7: 967-976.
  6. ……….,., P. Sakdapolrak and C. Butch. 2012. Urban Health in South Asia: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh. Internationales Asienforum, 43 (1-2): 7-11.
  7. Butch, C., P. Sakdapolrak and ……….,. 2012. Urban Health in India. International Asienforum, 43 (1-2): 13-32.
  8. ……….,, Mollinga, P P and Bogardi J.K.M. (2011) Global Change, Water and Health in Fast Growing Economies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 3(6): 461-466.
  9. ……….,, McDonald. G T., van Horen Basil, and David Ip (2010). ‘Integration of Policies in Framing Water Management Problem: Analysing Policy Processes using Bayesian Network, in Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 2(2): 117-136.
  10. ……….,. 2010. Negotiating participatory irrigation management in the Indian Himalayas. Agriculture Water Management, 97(5): 651-658.
  11. Saravanan.V.S., Peter.P. Mollinga and Shahbaz Khan. 2010. Guest Editorial: Water Pollution and Human Health in South Asia - Exploring the Linkages. Asian Journal of Water Environment and Pollution, 7(1): 1-4.
  12. ………., (2009) ‘Decentralisation and Water Resources Management’, in Conservation and Society. , 7 (3): 183-199.
  13. ………., McDonald, T Geoff, and Peter P Mollinga (2009) ‘A Critical Review of IWRM: Moving beyond Polarised Discourse’, Natural Resources Forum. 33(1): 76-86.
  14. ………., (2008) ‘A Systems Approach to Unravel Complex Water Management Institutions’, Ecological Complexity. 5(3): 202-215.
  15. ………., 2006 – Integrated Water Resources Management: A Response, in Economic and Political Weekly. XLI (38), September 23, 4086-4087.
  16. ………., 2003. ‘Uttaranchal - Opportunity for Cooperation:’ Economic and Political Weekly.38(1), January 4-10. Page 22-23.
  17. Joel Ruet, ………., and Marie-Helene Zerah.2002.Water and Sanitation Scenario in Indian Metropolitan Cities.Occasional Paper Series 6,Centre for Sciences and Humanise (CSH), French Institutes of India, French Embassy, New Delhi.
  18. ………., 2002. ‘Institutionalising community-based watershed management in India: elements of institutional sustainability’, Water Science & Technology, 45(11):113–124
  19. ………., 2002b. ‘Managing Tank Cascades in Southern India: Conditions for Collective Action’. Social Change,32(3&4): 126-137.

bBooks/ Chapters in Books

  1. ……….., Hassan, M and Schraven, B. (2014) Irrigation water management in Uzbekistan: Analyzing the capacity of households to improve water use profitability. In: Lamers, J.P.A., Khamzina, A., Rudenko, I. and Vlek, P.L.G. (eds.) Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains: Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V&R Uni Press, Bonn University Press. 253-274
  2. Prakash, Anjal, ……….and Chourey, J. (2012) (editors) Water and Health in South Asia – A Reader, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  3. ……….. 2010. Movers, Shakers and Power Brokers: Agents in Negotiated Water Management in the Indian Himalayas. In: Peter P. Mollinga, Anjali Bhat and Saravanan V.S. (eds.): WHEN POLICY MEETS REALITY: Political Dynamics and the Practice of Integration in Water Resources Management Reform. LIT Verlag, 27-60
  4. Peter P. Mollinga, Anjali Bhat and ………. (eds.) (2010) WHEN POLICY MEETS REALITY: Political Dynamics and the Practice of Integration in Water Resources Management Reform. LIT Verlag.
  5. ………., (2008) ‘Top-down or Bottom-up? Negotiating Water Management at the Local Level in South Asia’ in K. Lahiri-Dutt and R. Wasson (ed.) Water First: Issues and Challenges for Nations and Communities, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pg. 224-242. (a draft copy)
  6. ………., 2007. ‘Integrated Water Resource Management: Stakeholders, their Dynamics and Institutions’ a chapter in Kumar, P and Reddy, S (eds) Ecology and Human Well-Beingin India. Sage Publication, New Delhi, pg. 352-380.
  7. ………., and Saleth, Maria (2005). ‘Integrated Watershed Management: Examining What, Where and How’. in Sharma, Bharat., Samra, J S., Scott, Chris and Wani, P Suhas. (Eds.) Watershed Management Challenges: Improved Productivity, Resources and Livelihoods. Page 217-244. IWMI, Sri Lanka,

cMedia Publication

……….,. 2014. Sustainable or 'sustaining' development goals: the role of international agencies, Governance Now: of Policies and Politics. Oct 15, 2014

……….,. 2014. How rotting water infrastructure pipes breeds diseases in our cities, Governance Now: of Policies and Politics. Aug 15, 2014

……….,. 2002.Establishing River Basin Organisations: Holds Little Water’.Business Line, Publication from The Hindu,August 19.

dInternational Policy Briefs

……….,and D. Gondhalekar.2014.Can water supply and sanitation be a 'preventive medicine’? Water International Policy Briefing. March 2014.


2015 Key note speaker “Towards Sustainable and Smart Cities: Envisioning Cochin’ -7thMarch 2015, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Cochin.

2015Indian Institute of Technology –Chennai, 4-5th March 2015 – Urbanization and human health: A Spatial temporal approach.

2015 India WASH Summit 2015, 16-17th February, New Delhi. Invited Speaker at the Session on ‘Learning & Research: The missing levers to make SBM happen’

2013 Indian Institute of Technology- Chennai, 3-5th March on ‘Urban Water Infrastructure and Health’

2012 Tata Institute of Social Science, 23 July 2011

2008 London Water Research Group, London School of Economics and Political Sciences to be held between June 2008.

2008 Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge on 30th May 2008.

2006 Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. Canberra, 23 August

2006 School of Social Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane 18 August.

2003 School of Natural Resource Management. University of Queensland, Brisbane (17 and 28 July).

2001 Department of Social Statistics, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, June 22nd, 2001.


(i) Member of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR)

(ii) Life Member of Indian Geographical Society, Pune.

(iii) ECOHEALTH (2013-)

(iv) European Association for South Asian Studies (ECSAS) (2013-)

10. Referee for International Journals and Funding agency

a. The Journals - European Journal of Development Research (2007/08), Journal Desalinisation, Ecological Modelling (2008), Environmental Modelling and Software, International Journal of River Basin Modelling. Water Alternatives, Agriculture Water Management, Social Science and Medicine, Policy Research, Water Resources Research.

b. Funding Agencies -National Research Foundation, International Science Cooperation Grant, South Africa (2008), Netherlands Organizations for Scientific Research (NWO) (2011), German Research Foundation (DFG) (2014)


Completed 5 Phds (on topic of water management, political ecology, socio-epidemiology)

Ongoing: 4 PhDs (integrated water management, political ecology, institutional analysis, gender)

12. External examination and doctoral supervisions

a. External examiner: University of Madras (2012 and 2015), University of Queensland, (2012).

b. External Doctoral supervision:

(i) ‘Socio-epidemiology of water-borne diseases in Tashkent’, Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

(ii) ‘Socio-Institutional Analysis of water-borne Diseases in Tashkent’ at Research Institute of Sanitation, Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.