Heritage Project – You will need to hand in this assignment sheet with your project

Due ______

Directions:Choose ONE of the following topics to research on immigration in the United States.(55 points)

Choice 1:

Part 1 -Trace your family tree back at least FOUR (4) generations and create a POSTER illustrating your family history.

  • Include names and relation of family members
  • Decorate the poster creatively with colors of the flags from the countries your family came from
  • If possible include details such as hometowns (or countries) and dates of family members to trace where your family originated

Part 2–Choose one of the following for Part 2

A -Bring in an “artifact” from your family’s heritage to share with the class (be prepared to explain and discuss for 2-3 minutes)


B -Bring in a HOME MADE example of your family’s ethnic cooking for the class (with recipe). Be prepared to tell us about your recipe and why you chose that one to make!

GRADING: 20 points for tracing generations and information about family; 10 points for neatness and creativity; 15 points for artifact/food and presentation.

Choice 2:

Part 1 -Research a nationality or ethnic group (preferably a group that you have ties to) that immigrated to the United States. Create a POSTER to illustrate/explain a brief history of the group answering the questions below:

  1. When did this group come to the US?
  2. Where did this group settle?
  3. What attracted these people to the US? (pull factors)
  4. What conditions existed in their countries that made them leave? (push factors)
  • Poster should include the information above as well as pictures/drawings to support the facts

Part 2–Choose one of the following for Part 2

A -You must also give a 3-5 minute Power Point presentation to explain the immigrant group you chose and discuss your information with the class.


B-You may bring in a HOME MADE example of your family’s ethnic cooking for the class (with recipe). Be prepared to tell us what your recipeis and why you chose that one.

GRADING: 20 points for poster with required information; 10 points for neatness and creativity; 15 points for presentation or food

Name ______Pd ______

Heritage Project RUBRIC


Neatness _____/5

Traced 4 generations

OR informational country poster ______/30

Poster is decorated creatively ______/5

2. Appropriate: food or artifactOR POWER POINT PRESENTATION

Student provided recipe for food OR explained artifact

OR Power Point presentation______/15

**Total points ______/55