This section much be completed in full by all participating organisations.

Entity to be assess: / Please enter name as you would like it to appear on certificates or any awards if applicable
Are you: / Please delete that which is not relevant:
·  National Sporting Organisation (NSO):
·  State Sporting Organisation (SSO)
If SSO, please identify the name of your National Sporting Organisation: ______
·  Professional Club
·  Amateur Club
·  University Sport
·  Other, If other, please state: ______
Organisation size (turnover): / Please delete that which is not relevant (for potential benchmarking):
·  Category 1: $0 - $1,000,000
·  Category 2: $1,000,001 - $5,000,00
·  Category 3: $5,000,001 - $25,000,000
·  Category 4: $25,000,000 +
State of Submitting body: / Please delete that which is not relevant (for potential benchmarking):
·  NSW
·  QLD
·  VIC
·  ACT
·  SA
·  WA
·  NT
·  TAS
Contact Person for the Index
(Index and benchmarking publication will be sent to this person) / Name:
Job Title:
Department / Division if applicable:
Postal Address:
Secondary Contact Person for the Index
(Index results will be copied to this person). / Name:
Job Title:
Department / Division if applicable:
Postal Address:
Sport / Please identify the sport/s covered by the submitting entity


Please place an X in the column to the left of the below statements to disclose any negative press or complaints received in terms of your LGBTI inclusivity throughout the submission year.

We have received negative press that has impacted our reputation as being LGBTI inclusive
We have had formal complaints lodged against us for LGBTI discrimination, bullying or harassment (Fair Work Ombudsman, Human Rights Commission, Sex Discrimination Act)

In relation to the above (maintaining required confidentiality), please broadly outline your course of action or response/outcomes of any complaints lodged:


We confirm that at the time of submission, details provided for all submissions identified within this document are true and accurate at the time of submission. We understand that should any claims be found to be false, points and rankings will be adjusted accordingly.

Name of person signing off accuracy:
Position within organisation:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:


All responses must relate to the 2017 calendar year.

This section of the PSI covers:

·  Strategic Commitment to LGBTI inclusion

·  Accountability & Resourcing

·  Staff Policies & Benefits

·  Policies addressing homophobia

·  Sanctions, Remediation & Reporting

PLEASE NOTE: NSO’s are required to have a Member Protection Policy (MPP), and this policy may detail information and procedures related to items within this section of the index. In some instances, it is fair to show relevant aspects of the MPP as evidence, but if you are referring to this, please be specific and detail how it has driven LGBTI specific policies, procedures and/or behaviours within your organisation in relation to the questions being asked.


This section is used to determine the existence of formalised diversity and inclusion goals at a strategic level. Please read through the questions carefully and limit your responses to the evidence required. Please do not include any extraneous information. Your responses should only be specific to a strategy current within the 2017 calendar year.

Strategic Commitment to LGBTI Inclusion / Evidence Required / Evidence provided
1.1(a) / Within 2017, we had a formal diversity or inclusion strategy which clearly identifies LGBTI inclusion as an area of focus. / To obtain points, please send a copy of your strategy (or component of it) that clearly articulates LGBTI inclusion as an area covered within a formal Diversity & Inclusion strategy. This must be more than the acronym being listed as an area of diversity, it should be clear that this is an area of activity that your diversity & inclusion plan focuses on (doesn’t need to be the primary focus, just a focus). / Please provide evidence here. If you attaching as a separate file, please name the file Question 1.1(a) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.
1.1(b) / The LGBTI component of our diversity or inclusion strategy has clearly articulated goals, plans, actions lists or documented outcomes. / Please provide a copy of any clearly defined goals/outcomes or detailed action plans to support the work undertaken throughout the 2017 calendar year on the LGBTI component of your strategy. / Please provide evidence here. If you attaching as a separate file, please name the file Question 1.1(b) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.
1.1(c) / The fact that LGBTI inclusion is incorporated within our diversity and/or inclusion strategy has been clearly communicated across our organisation within the 2017 calendar year. / Please provide as evidence a copy of one piece of communication that has spanned your organisation communicating a message around the LGBTI component of your diversity and inclusion strategy. As points will depend on the content of this message, please include the most comprehensive communication sent. / Please name the file Question 1.1(c) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.


This section is used to determine the extent of accountability against LGBTI inclusion targets along with any resources or support that you have put in place to assist with your diversity and inclusion initiatives. Please read through the questions carefully and limit your responses to the evidence required. Please do not include any extraneous information. Your responses should only be specific to targets established for the 2017 calendar year.

Accountability & Resourcing / Evidence Required / Evidence provided
1.2(a) / We report against LGBTI outcomes/indicators/goals or targets. / In the Evidence Provided column to the right, briefly outline:
1.  Your reporting process
2.  Who you report progress to
3.  How often you report on progress / Address all three points in the space below:
1.2(b) / We have a staff member or official who has LGBTI inclusion as part of their formal role or accountability. / Please provide evidence to support that a staff member has formal accountability for LGBTI inclusion. / Please provide evidence here. If you attaching as a separate file, please name the file Question 1.2(b) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.
1.2(c) / We have access to an LGBTI advisory group or external LGBTI inclusion expertise to assist with, or provide advice on our LGBTI inclusion initiatives. / If you have access to an advisory group, please provide evidence of support received throughout the 2017 calendar year. If you have access external expertise (may include, but is not limited to Pride in Diversity or Pride in Sport), please identify the group providing the expertise and provide evidence of engagement. / Please provide evidence here. If you attaching as a separate file, please name the file Question 1.2(c) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.
Evidence is not required if you are a Pride in Diversity, or Pride in Sport member, simply state that you had membership within 2017.


This section is used to determine the LGBTI inclusivity of your policies and benefits as they relate to administration i.e. Employees/staff and volunteers completing work for the NSO or SSO. Please read through the questions carefully and limit your responses to the evidence required. Please do not include any extraneous information. Your responses should be specific to policies current within the 2017 calendar year.

Staff Policies & Benefits / Evidence Required / Evidence provided
1.3(a) / We clearly communicate within our policies that the words Partner, Family, Parent/Carer (or similar terminology) are inclusive of same sex relationship/families. / In the column to the right, please identify :
1.  Which terms that you use for Partner, Family, Parent/Carer (if different).
2.  For each of the three above terms, copy/paste the paragraph within your policy that clearly indicates the inclusivity of LGBTI partners/families.
Please copy only the relevant paragraphs. Please do not include extraneous information. / We use the following terms:
·  Partner (change if different, delete this italics text if this same term is used)
·  Family (as above)
·  Parent/Carer (as above)
The wording within our policy that clearly states the inclusivity of LGBTI people/families for EACH of these terms (or a collective definition within the policy itself) has been copied below:
[paste here]
1.3(b) / We have within our policies and/or benefits documentation clearly articulated support for, and inclusion of, transgender people completing work for the NSO/SSO. / Please provide a copy of the paragraph/s that clearly articulate this. Please DO NOT include extraneous information or attach the entire policy. / Please copy/paste only the relevant paragraphs here:
1.3(c) / We have within our policies and/or benefits documentation clearly articulated support for, and inclusion of, intersex people completing work for the NSO/SSO. / Please provide a copy of the paragraph/s that clearly articulate this. Please DO NOT include extraneous information or attach the entire policy. / Please copy/paste only the relevant paragraphs here:


This section is used to determine the extent and communication of any policies that very specifically address homophobia and transphobia within your sport. Please do not include any extraneous information. Your responses should be specific to policies current within the 2017 calendar year.

Policies: Homophobia/Transphobia / Evidence Required / Evidence provided
1.4(a) / We have a policy that specifically addresses homophobia/transphobia in our sport. / Copy and paste only the portion of your policies that specifically addresses homophobia/transphobia within your sport. If you address only one of these, please include. If you address both, please include both for additional points. / Please do not include entire policy documentation, only the portion that relates to (a) homophobia (b) transphobia. If you have a full policy document on this alone, please name the file Question 1.4(a) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.
1.4(b) / Our stand against homophobia and/or transphobia has been the topic of a dedicated communication within the 2017 year. / Please select your most comprehensive communication (if multiple) and answer the questions in the column to the right. Please also attach a copy of this communication naming it Question 1.4(b). / Please answer the following questions:
1.  The attached communication was sent on this date: xx/xx/xxxx
2.  The communication was sent to: (identify target groups)
3.  The communication was sent via: (identify how this was sent ie.intranet page, formal comms, all staff comms):
4.  Approximate reach of this communication: [identify]
5.  We confirm attachment of the communication, named Question 1.4(b): Yes/No
1.4(c) / We have taken active steps to ensure ongoing visibility and implementation of our policy on homophobia/transphobia within the 2017 year. / In the column to the right, please describe any work or activity undertaken (excluding the communication in 1.4(b)), to ensure the ongoing visibility or implementation of your policy on homophobia/transphobia within the 2017 year (please do not include the policy itself). / Please describe active steps taken throughout the 2017 calendar year below:
1.4(d) / Our stand on homophobia/transphobia has been communicated within induction or within our orientation packs. / Please provide a screen capture or copy of the materials included and indicate the date in the column to the right. / Date of one orientation program if face-to-face sessions delivered: xx/xx/xxxx
Copy of material specifically covering homophobia/transphobia within the orientation program or induction packs pasted below or attached in a separate file named Question 1.4(d). Please indicate if you have attached a separate file.
1.4(e) / Our zero tolerance of homophobic/transphobic bullying, harassment and/or abusive language towards LGBTI people has been built into a formal code of conduct. / If this is one or two paragraphs, please copy just the relevant paragraphs into the column to the right. If you need to send a significant portion of a document, please attach a separate file according to the instructions in the column to the right. / Please do not include the entire code of conduct, only the portion that relates to zero tolerance of homophobia/transphobic bullying/harassment and/or abusive language towards LGBTI people. You may copy the relevant information below or attach a file containing the relevant portion of the code of conduct. If you are attaching a file please name the file Question 1.4(e) and indicate in the space below that you have attached your response in this file. We cannot take any responsibility for attachments that have not been (a) named accordingly, (b) identified as being included within the space below.


This section is used to determine the extent and communication of any sanctions, remediation and reporting processes specific to homophobia, LGBTI harassment or discrimination with your sport. Please do not include any extraneous information. Your responses should be specific to any work or processes current within the 2017 calendar year.