St. Michael Mass Schedule and Intentions
Sunday February 19, 2017 – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday / February 18 / 5:30 PM / Martha Jane WinglerSunday / February 19 / 8:00 AM / Holy Souls in Purgatory
11:00 AM / George & Theresa Fessel
Tuesday / February 21 / 6:00 PM / Jim Wise
Friday / February 24 / 9:00 AM / Mary Jo Elder
Saturday / February 25 / 5:30 PM / Melvin Gettelfinger
Sunday / February 26 / 8:00 AM / Parishioner’s Intentions
11:00 AM / Rita Brown
Inclimate Weather: There will be No Weekday Mass if North Harrison School is Canceled.
Tues: St. Michael 6 p.m. (Confession 5:30pm)
Thurs: Fr. Aaron’s Day Off
Fri: St. Michael 9 a.m. (Holy Hour on 1st Fridays)
Stanley Zollman, Sherry Fleck, Megan Faith Barr, Shirley Uhl, Jim Uhl, Gretchen Hammett, William Wright Fabyunkey,
Fr. J.R. Hadnagy, Troy Willoughby
Prayer List Update – Please call the office at 812-364-6646, drop a note in the collection basket, or e-mail us at:
Please remember in your prayers our Military Members and their Families.
CPO Johnathan Akers, Danny Baker, SRA Benjamin M. Fouts, Chris Ethridge, Bobby Ethridge, Tyler Hall, Lt. Col. Scott Schroeder, Zachary Shinkle, Matt Train, William Gilmer, LCpl Mark Snapp, Brad Missi
Soup Kitchen
If you would like to help feed the poor, we need your help to fix lunch and serve it on Monday February 27th, 2017. If you can go/help, please call Joanne Kochert at 812-267-5291 or 812-364-6623. We will leave around 7:45am and return about 2:30pm.
United Catholic Appeal Data
Parish Amount Pledged: $34,175
Total Money Received: $21,546
Parish Households Participating: 142
Parish Participation: 37%
Have you made your pledge?
Weekend of February 25 & 26, 2017
Sat. 5:30 PM
EM: Joanne Kochert, Donna Newton, Linda Smith, Jesse Waller, Carol Wise
L: Cherie Vickers
S: Robert & Vickie Fessel
SVRS: Isabelle & Olivia Abner
U: Joe Jacobi, Melvin Jacobi, Leo Kaelin, Syl Kaelin
M: Trio – Tim, Kathy, Susan
Sun. 8:00 AM
EM: Pam Waller, Katy Casper, Rose Nealy, Marlene Neumann, Tina Rouck
L: Pam Waller
S: Pam Waller
SVRS: Isabelle Nordhoff & Adriana Roll
U: Jeanne & Paul Schroeder, Kenneth Beach, David Buechler
M: Quartet
Sun. 11:00 AM
EM: Cheryl & Mark Davidson, Rick Elder, Jason Flock, Karen Harbeson
L: Pam Martin
S: Kim & Jerry Renneker
SVRS: Jake Book & Gillian Evans
U: Theresa Light, Aaron Smith, Ken Spencer, Bob Book
M: Children’s Choir
Weekly Collection
Sun. Collection 2/12/17: $ 8,569.00
Needed for Budget: $ 7,134.65
Difference: + $ 1,434.35
SUN: Faith Formation Classes 9:30 a.m.
- Men’s Group 7:00 p.m.
MON: Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
- Open Gym 9:30a.m. – 8:00p.m.
TUE: Quilting 8:30 – 2:00 p.m..
WED: RCIA Gathering 7:00 p.m.
FRI: Sr. High Lock-in
SAT: Sr. High Lock-in
Next SUN: Faith Formation Classes 9:30 a.m.
Cross Catholic Outreach
Fr. Bernard Olszewski visited our parish last weekend to speak at all the Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas in the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Please be generous in your response to Father’s appeal. Brochures are in the pews if you wish to support this worthy Catholic Ministry.
Aquinas Center News
12th Annual Spring Tea & Silent Auction
The Aquinas Center invites you to attend our annual event on Saturday, March 11th at 300 Spring in Jeffersonville. It has become a fun-filled tradition of the New Albany Deanery Aquinas Center and fills up quickly! We are celebrating 75 years of the Aquinas Center Library at the Tea with some historical facts and stories as well as special items in the auction & surprises for all! If you have not attended in the past, this is the year for you to come! Please call the Aquinas Center by Wednesday, March 1st for a reservation!
Adult Confirmation Program
beginning in February, 2017
This is a 7 session program designed for many of our Adult Catholics who still have not been confirmed and is free to all registered parishioners of the New Albany Deanery. The classes will be held at the Aquinas Center from 6:30-8:30 on the following dates:2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/22 Adult Confirmation is Pentecost Sunday, June 4that the Cathedral in Indianapolis. Please call Christina Flum at 812-246-5044 or go to the Website for more information. Pre-registration is requested.
Monday Movie Night – March 6th
Free State of Jones.
Matthew McConaughey stars in this epic, based on an untold true story of defiant Southern farmer, Newt Knight and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the Confederacy during the Civil War. Despite overwhelming odds, Knight banded together with other small farmers and local slaves and launched an uprising that led Jones County, Mississippi to secede from the Confederacy, creating a Free State of Jones
Please call by noon Monday, March 6thto reserve a space and tell us your pizza choice – 812-246-5044. There is no charge for the movie, donations accepted for the cost of pizza and yearly license. Pizza arrives at 6:15 and movie starts at 6:30.
Our Lady of Providence Jr.-Sr. High School’s Providence Players will present the beloved musical “Les Miserables” in the Sam and Paula Robinson Performing Arts Center at Providence the first two weekends in March. Based on the novel by Victor Hugo, the operetta-style musical is set in early 19th-century France and follows the story of French peasant Jean Valjean and his quest for redemption after serving nearly 20 years in jail for having stolen a loaf of bread for his sister's starving child.
Show dates and times are Saturday, March 4, at 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, March 5, at 2:00 p.m.; Friday, March 10, at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 12, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $15. Tickets may be purchased at the door, online at by clicking on the Buy Tickets Now button, or by calling (812) 945-2538 ext. 301.
Faith Formation Office Hours are: St. Michael Church - Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fridays 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and St. Bernard Church – Fridays 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Faith Formation News:
Upcoming Faith Formation Classes:
February 19 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12
February 26 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12
March 5 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12
March 12 Grades Pre-School – Grade 12
Rosary Club - The Len Fagan Memorial Rosary Club meets each Sunday that we have Faith Formation classes 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. We invite children and youth 2nd grade and up to join us in making rosaries for the missions. Join us for this fun time as we help others to pray.
Bible Timeline Study – The Bible Timeline study meets each Sunday in which we have faith formation classes, 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. in the Faith Formation Center. All adults are welcome to join us. Come to the sessions that you are able to attend. The study will include a series of videos presented by Jeff Cavins. Each video will be preceded by a lively group discussion. Our next session will be on Sunday, February 19th when will discuss “Messianic Fulfillment (Luke 9-17).”
Open Gym – Our Parish Center will be open on Monday, February 13th for anyone who would like to walk, play basketball, etc. The gym will be open 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday Morning Bible Study – Our Monday Morning Bible Study will meet on Monday, February 19th, at 9:30 a.m. when we continue our study of “Beautiful Mercy.” All adults are welcome to join us anytime!
Men’s Group – We will have Men’s Group on Sunday, February 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Formation Center when we will continue our study of the Gospel of John. All men in the parish are invited to join us!
Senior Gathering – All are invited to join us for our next Senior Gathering on Wednesday, February 22nd. We will gather in the parish center at noon for mid-day prayer and then everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch. Our featured item this month will be Baked Pasta. Join us!
Pivotal Players – All are invited to join us this Lent as we study Bishop Robert Baron’s “Pivotal Players” on Monday evenings at St. Bernard beginning on February 27th or Tuesday evenings at St. Michael beginning on February 28th, all at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players showcases a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of western civilization. ST. FRANCIS of ASSISI, the Reformer, radically and literally lived as Jesus commanded to transform the Church. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, the Theologian, demonstrated that faith and reason at not at odds, as they come from the same source. ST. CATHERINE of SIENA, the Mystic, gave testimony to the reality of the spiritual dimension here and beyond. BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, the Convert, left a prestigious career to seek and preach the apostolic faith. G.K. CHESTERTON, the Evangelist, publicly, humbly, and humorously announced the paradoxes and truth of Christianity. MICHELANGELO, the Artist, dramatically demonstrated that beauty and creativity are a primary route of access to God. Sign the sheet in the narthex to sign up to attend. A study guide is available for $20.00 if you would like one.
Men’s Lenten Breakfast – All men of the parish are invited to join us for breakfast on Saturday, March 19th at 9:00 a.m. in the lower level of the church. We will share breakfast and then Fr. John Baaman, OFM. Conv. Will lead us through a reflection on the role of mercy in the Christian Life as told through the genocide in Rowanda. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex of the church or call the Faith Formation Office if you would like to attend so we know how many to plan for breakfast.
Baptismal Prep Class – We ask that all parents who would like to have their child baptized at St. Michael Church attend a Baptismal Prep Class before the Sacrament is celebrated. We will have a session on Saturday, April 1st, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at St. Bernard Church in Frenchtown. You may attend the class before your child is born. For more information and to register please call the Faith Formation Office to sign up. The next opportunity will be on August 12th at St. Michael.
Youth Ministry News: for prayer and rest. Pilgrims will arrive at the Archabbey Church at Saint Meinrad for Vespers at 5:00 (CDT), followed by a cookout with members of both men’s and women’s monastic communities.
Mission Trip, Faith in Action, OBOC, and NCYC – We invite our current 8th Graders - high school youth to consider attending the Faith in Action Service Week (for current grades 8-12) this summer, The Mission Trip (for current grades 9-12), the One Bread, One Cup Liturgical Conference (for current grades 9-12), or the National Catholic Youth Conference (for current grades 8-11) this fall. For more information please contact the Faith Formation Office.
High School Co-ed Volleyball Team – come out and enjoy the games! Upcoming games:
February 19 Vs Holy Family Blue at St. Michael Bradford at 2:00 p.m.
February 19 Vs St. John Starlight/St. Mary Navilleton at St. Michael Bradford at 4:00 p.m.
February 26 Vs St. Anthony at St. Mary Navilleton at 5:00 p.m.
Sr. High Lock-In – All Youth in grades 9-12 are invited to join us for our Sr. High Lock-In on February 24-25. We will gather at St. Michael at 6:00 p.m. on the 24th and should finish up by 10:00 a.m. on the 25th. We will go play lazer tag in French Lick. When we arrive back at St. Michael we will eat a bunch of pizza and play games. We will finish up with breakfast the next morning. The cost of this overnight, which includes lazer tag, pizza, and soft drinks is $25.00. The deadline to sign up is February 19th. We won’t be eating till late in the evening so be sure to eat supper before you come.
Deanery Youth Mass – All High School youth are invited to come to St Mary Navilleton Church on Sunday, Feb. 26th for an evening of fun and fellowship. Mass begins at 6:00pm and Dodge Ball and Pizza to follow in the Gym.
Jr. High Jamboree – How’s your game? Looking for all middle school youth in grades 6-8 to play! You are invited to the Catholic Youth Ministries Jamboree 2017 – Heavenly Pursuit – A fun, faith-filled day to explore and celebrate your Catholic faith. The day will include breakout sessions, pizza, mass, and dance on Saturday, Mar. 4th from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m. right here at St. Michael. The cost is $20.00. Permission forms are available in the Faith Formation Office. The deadline to sign up is March 1st.
Question of the Week for the 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time:
Question for Children: What can you do at home or at school to show that you follow Jesus’ Commandments?
Question for Youth: Do you think Jesus was serious when he said to love your enemies? Why or why not?
Question for Adults: Have you ever told someone to do something for his/her own well being? Do you accept God’s laws in the same spirit of love and concern?
March for Life Trip
Two of our youth (one from St. Michael and one from St. Bernard) attended the March for Life in Washington, DC, January 23 – 26. Please read about their reflections on the trip below.
Hey everybody I am Abigail Nordhoff and I am a Sophomore at North Harrison High and member of St. Michael Church. This last month I got a chance to travel to Washington D.C. with the New Albany Deanary and my friend Marie Meyer. We went for the March for Life and let's say it was a great weekend full of prayer, reconciliation, adoration and spreading the news of how life is VERY good. We started with a long van ride to D.C. where Marie and I got a chance to make a new friend from our Deanery and become closer to each other because there were points where it was just us awake. I also got a chance to eat at Shonney's( I think I spelled that right)for the first time and get to know father Adam Ahern from our Deanery. Once we got to D.C. we got the opportunity to go to the Life is VERY Good evening of prayer. We jammed to some awesome/prayerful songs by The Afters band and then got to listen to one of my favorite bible geeks, Mark Hart. He talked about love and what makes life precise. We prayed that the next day we will have some success in changing hearts of others in, this country. The next morning was the Life is VERY Good Morning Rally and Mass. I got a chance to go to confession with a really nice priest and to have mass with LOTS of other Catholics. During the Mass you could just feel the arena lift up to heaven as everybody came together and prayed the Our Father. It's a feeling you really only get at events like this. After the rally and Mass we made our way to the Washington Monument to start the March. There were a lot of people there that you could just feel the strength of everybody coming together for one cause and that cause being LIFE. It was uplifting and comforting to see so many people on the same side as you. After the March we did a lot of D.C. stuff like see some buildings and visit some museums but we also went to mass in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was a beautiful church and Mass was so powerful and prayerful. The March for life was a life-changing trip that will never leave my mind.